The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,444 Radiation Arc Plane

Lu Lianman has always been very kind to Thain, and Thain repays Lu Lianman with sincerity.

There are six golden apple potions nearby, which is enough.

Even Cuilis, who was on the front line of the battlefield in the underworld star field, only had three golden apple potions on hand at this time.

And based on the relationship between Thain and Lulianman, if Thain consumes all the golden apple potion on hand, he will ask Lulianman for it.

There is no need to be so clear-cut between master and disciple.

"Okay, the remaining golden apple potion will be stored with me temporarily. If you need it, just come to me directly."

"Your master and uncle should not be able to use it for the time being. Their golden apple potions are still there, and I haven't heard of any dangerous combat missions they have received recently," Lu Lianman said.

Thain's master Cuili‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Si is currently on the frontline of the battlefield in the underworld star field. Masters Bo Jiagaru and Penas have also received alliance combat orders, each with their own own tasks.

In the Jade Burning Fire Master's Gate, after Thain also received the combat order, only Lu Lianman and Elide were left in the holy tower, and there was no action for the time being.

Lu Lianman has not been idle these years. She has produced a large number of restorative potions suitable for creatures above level four, including her world laboratory, and is also cultivating as many green source seeds and other rare plant materials as possible.

When she heard that Thain was about to leave for the radiation arc plane, Lu Lianman asked if Thain's slave biological army was enough, and whether she needed to support a group of plant giants spawned from the green source seeds. Legion.

Lulianman's plant monster army should be the characteristic of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

Thain has no shortage of slaves now, and he mentioned that he would definitely ask his mentor if necessary.

"Ever since you brought back another golden apple, I've guessed that you must have experienced a lot over the years."

"I believe in your strength, but you should also be careful on the battlefield." Lu Lianman warned.

"Don't worry, mentor."

"There is also Tourmaline. I will definitely not be able to take her to the front line of the war this time, so I will leave her under your care for a while." Thain said to Lu Lianman.

"Okay." Lu Lianman nodded.

After watching Thain leave, Lu Lianman couldn't help clenching her fists and cheering herself up as she saw her apprentice getting stronger day by day, and even now he was probably already surpassing her.

"What's left over from the last time I made the golden apple potion?

A fruit core, as expected, the cultivation failed, it seems that there is a lack of some special rules..."

"Try again this time!"

"By the way, integrate this into the world laboratory." Lu Lianman opened her hand, glanced at an oval-shaped bright star core in her hand, and said to herself.

The star core in Lu Lianman's hand was given by Thain. It is a star core from the water micro-plane.

Lulianman's world laboratory still has a lot of room for improvement. The emergence of this star core will undoubtedly make up for some of the shortcomings of Lulianman's world laboratory and make it much more complete!

Outside the wizarding world, leading thousands of combat magicians from the Holy Tower of Ashes, as well as an army of more than two million low-level slave creatures that were coordinated and deployed, Thain ordered the Ashes Fortress to start remote jumping.

At this time, there are many space fortresses and combat legions that are frequently deployed outside the wizarding world.

More so than when Thane first returned to the Wizarding World.

Thain's Ash Fortress is just an inconspicuous part of it.

Since the Ash Fortress usually docks at the starport set up by the Titans outside the Wizarding World, Thain was able to notice that the starport belonging to the Titans seemed very empty at the moment.

Including the "golden" luxury space fortress located next to the Ash Fortress and belonging to the Titan god Thor, there is no trace at this moment.

"It is estimated that most of the Titan gods, including Thor, have already rushed to the front line of the civilized battlefield." Thain sighed.

The main combat areas of the Titans are around the Thanoras star field and the underworld star field. The radiation arc plane that Thain needs to go to during this trip is located in the star field where the Beholder World is located. This is where Thain actively applied to go. frontline theater.

At least in the short term, Thane should not be able to see this Titan god with whom he has a good relationship.

"Let's go!" At Thain's order, the Ashes Fortress instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the starry sky.

With full power and fully loaded space jump enabled, it won't take long for Thane to reach the radiation arc world.

Thain had just left the wizarding world and took a nap on the other side. Bixi, who had just woken up, asked Lu Lianman with a sad face: "Why did Thain disappear when I closed my eyes for a moment?"

"Why didn't he take me with him?" Bixi asked, grabbing Lu Lianman's magic robe.

Thane went to the front lines of the civilized battlefield, of course not

I can take Tourmaline with me casually.

The degree of danger in the war of civilization is not comparable to the several plane wars that Bixi has experienced before.

Before getting the permission from Bixi's other elders, Thain would not be able to take her into danger.

"He will return to rest after a while. Can I ask him to take you with him next time?" Lu Lianman said in relief with a headache.

Thain took advantage of Bi Xi's nap and led the legion to leave the wizarding world without saying a word, apparently leaving the trouble to Lu Lianman.

"Hmph, I'm going to find my sister, Xiaoqi, Luo, let's go!" Bixi, wearing a blue ribbon on her body, called to her friends.

When Thane left the wizarding world, he left her with a few playmates.

The owl Xiao Qi and the half-undead girl Luo have done very little to help Thane with his current strength. They are just left to accompany Tourmaline.

Although Bixi is young, she is not stupid and knows why Thain didn't take her with him.

If Bixi wants to leave the wizarding world to join the war, the main thing to see is not whether Thain will take her with him, but whether her sister Bai Xing will agree, which really has nothing to do with Lu Lianman.

Bixi is begging her sister.

Radiation arc plane.

This is a low-level plane full of radiation power factors.

During the past time when he joined the Wizards Alliance, the Radiation Arc Plane has always been famous for its abundant reserves of radiation stones and the three star rings surrounding the plane.

The Radiant Arc World is considered a more important dimensional battlefield in the star field where the Beholder World is located.

Although the radiation arc world is only a low-level plane, the radiation stones produced in this plane are the favorite food and source of power for the native beholder creatures in the beholder world.

Therefore, in addition to the native radiation creatures, there are also many rebellious beholders stationed in the radiation arc world.

These guys are all betrayers of the Wizards Alliance!

The three star rings located around the radiation arc plane have always been the natural defense barrier of this low-level plane.

Under the crazy counterattack and revenge of the wizard civilization, one and a half of the three star rings have been lost.

The wizard civilization army is attacking the second and deepest star ring.

In addition, wars also broke out inside the radiation arc world.

Many wizarding world combat troops bypassed the three outer star rings and entered the radiation arc world!

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