The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,443: Improving the Magic Wand

"Mage Thain, the Wizards Alliance will carefully consider your personal opinions and hope that you will be ready to fight within two hundred years." said the fifth-level magician of Sky City.

Subsequently, the remote projection conversation between the two ended.

Because Thain gave up his rest period and took the initiative to apply to play.

Coupled with the infiltration mission he completed previously, he has contributed to the alliance.

Therefore, the Wizards Alliance will not randomly assign Thane to any combat plane, but will take his own wishes into consideration before sending Thain to a suitable battlefield.

After submitting the application to the Wizards Alliance for submission, Thane has not conducted any large-scale experiments. He usually mainly completes some small and medium-sized research.

Everything is preparation for war.

It is worth mentioning that in the years since Thane returned to the Wizarding World‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏‏, he has uploaded the mysteries of "decomposing blue fire" he discovered to the Mathematical Olympiad. Light.

Decomposing blue fire is not a high-end fire magic secret. This special flame was discovered by Thain in the wild orangutan world. At the beginning, it was just used for daily alchemy experiments.

The blue fire mysteries that Thane uploaded to the Arcane Light did not involve his core Ashes Law, but only the most basic blue fire properties and decomposition principles.

Despite this, the Light of the Mathematical Olympiad also gave Thain a large number of Mathematical Olympiad points.

As the civilized war begins, any special magical truth that is beneficial to the Gallente Federation will receive strong support and feedback from the wizarding civilization.

Thain is not the only fourth-level magician who has received generous rewards from the light of the arcana.

I heard that far away in the Western Islands, there was a magician who was good at the mysteries of the sonic system, and he created a special magic lineage.

Raising the power of sound waves to a certain threshold, supplemented by the increase in elemental power, can even resonate with the metal shells of Gallente Federation warships on the battlefield, causing these metal shells to collapse and decompose.

In addition, Thain once saw the electromagnetic magic created by the wizarding world mechanics in the Black Tide Plane.

The wizarding civilization is indeed rich in talents, and there are endless ways to restrain the Gallente Federation fleet and legions.

Of course, the Gallente Federation also has its usual methods of war against the wizarding civilization, which are targeted.

For example, the Gallente Federation seems to have developed high-power magic shields that are often used by wizard civilization.

Develop means of fixed-point blasting.

On this day, Thane was tinkering with his magic wand in the laboratory.

Thain's strength has been continuously improving in recent years, and the truths and mysteries he explores have become more and more high-end. Some of the magic wands that once gave people an extremely luxurious feeling can no longer keep up with Thain's pace.

Thain has currently removed all his equipment, and relying only on his personal laws and elemental mysteries strength, he is almost at the late level four level.

Because it involves body refining, Thain's fighting style is also different from that of most magicians. At least he does not have the obvious physical weakness of other magicians of the same level. Therefore, after turning on the Devil's Law, Thain can face the peak of level four. biology.

However, with the Formless Mask and the blessing of the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube that he had just received, Thain was able to cross a stage and directly challenge the fifth-level creatures head-on.

Which fourth-level creature can possess two world-class secret treasures?

Some fifth-level creatures would be extremely happy to possess a world-class secret treasure.

There are also some sixth-level creatures that don’t even have a world-class secret treasure...

A large part of Thain's strength comes from the blessing of equipment.

The magic wand is an important part of a magician's strength. The magic wand that Thain has has not yet been completely replaced, but Thain plans to fine-tune it.

In addition to using my advanced knowledge of formations in recent years to redraw and improve the elemental patterns on the surface of the magic wand.

Another important step for Thane is to replace one of the two heads of this magic wand.

The godhead of the Fire Cricket God, a god with weak divine power, can no longer match Thane's current strength.

After prying off the Fire Cricket Godhead, Thain reinstalled it with a low-level fire-type star core that he was finally assigned on the battlefield of Noqi Planet.

The bright and hot fire star core can undoubtedly bring greater blessings to Thane with the power of the fire element.

It's a pity that Thain was unable to find another light-based godhead that could rival the star core in a short period of time.

So much so that Thane's magic wand, from its original balance of light and fire, now seems a little "scientific".

Thain didn't care about this bias.

In the war against the Gallente Federation, the power of the fire element itself was more useful than the light element.

Including Thain has always been

The path of the original law that he has taken since then is also based on the law of flame.

Thain, who was ready for battle in the Holy Tower of Ashes, did not wait long.

Almost the 21st year after he applied to Sky City to fight, the Wizards Alliance gave him precise combat instructions.

——Capture the radiation arc plane and cleanse all the traitors of wizard civilization!

"I thought I would have to wait for more than a hundred years, but I didn't expect that in just twenty years, I would have a combat mission belonging to me." Thane said, clenching the magic wand in his hand.

Twenty years is just a blink of an eye for a fourth-level magician.

Thain has just completed the transformation and upgrade of his magic wand, and has also made some other magic tools.

After receiving the combat order, Se‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏en ordered all the combat magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes who had been waiting for war to gather at the Ashes Fortress outside the plane, including all The slave biological army also began to dispatch.

Thain himself went to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin again. In addition to saying goodbye to his mentor, he also wanted to get the golden apple potion that his mentor had made not long ago from Lu Lianman.

Lu Lianman's potion production level is indeed constantly improving.

Last time, with one golden apple, Lu Lianman made a total of 11 golden apple potions.

This time, she once again obtained such top-notch materials from Thain. Lu Lianman, who had production experience, reduced a lot of experimental losses this time and produced a total of 13 golden apple potions!

Thain took six of them.

This time, Thain got back the golden apple by himself, so there was no need to share it with others. He could keep half of it himself.

The reason why half of it was left to the mentor was because these potions were made by Lulianman, and Lulianman should share half of Thain's results.

The extra potion was the one used by Lu Lianman for Nataya.

"Why did you leave so many for me?" Lu Lianman looked at the remaining seven golden potions in a row and asked with a slight frown.

"If I were to make potions by myself, I might not even be able to make three potions from one golden apple. This is what you deserve, mentor."

"Even if you don't use the extra potions, you can trade them to others, or keep them as spares for Master and the others to use." Thain said to Lu Lianman.

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