The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,442 Requesting to Fight (Additional Update)

Visiting and helping these intelligent robots is also a process for Thain to deepen the cooperative relationship with these intelligent robots.

In the next civilized war, in addition to the power of the Jade Fire Master Sect, Thane will also have to develop his own power.

Before bidding farewell to Optimus Prime and others, Thane mentioned that he had captured a group of Gallente Federation scientists who were good at robotics on the planet Nochi.

If Optimus Prime and others need it, he can send those scientists over.

Although the intelligent robot family has awakened to wisdom, relatively high-end fields such as "innovation" and "creation" are not yet within their reach.

What these robots are better at is "copying".

The vast majority of intelligent robots have no ill feelings towards federal scientists.

What they hate is their enslaved status quo, and they are unwilling to just follow instructions.

Megatron and others readily agreed to Thane's kindness.

With the addition of federal scientists, their robot clan may have new models of clan members.

When talking about that group of federal scientists, we have to mention another ethnic group in the Wizards Alliance that is closely related to Thane - the Huya people.

Taking advantage of this trip, Thain also planned to visit the Huya clan's residence.

The strength of the Huyans is far less powerful than that of intelligent robots such as Megatron, but they are undoubtedly a group that is closely tied to Thane personally.

When Thane was reminiscing with Optimus Prime and Megatron, the two robot leaders, the Level 4 intelligent robot Human Torch looked extremely curiously at the Flame golem that was following closely behind Thane.

To a certain extent, Lieyan, who has awakened his own wisdom, can also be regarded as the "people" of these intelligent robots. They have too many things in common.

But the difference is that there is also a constructor driver Yuli inside the Lieyan.

The combination of the Constructor and the Constructing Golem, their explosive combat power exceeds that of ordinary level four intelligent robots.

The six-level robots Optimus Prime and Megatron, while communicating with Thane, frequently looked at the Flame golem behind him.

The two robot leaders also felt that the other was like their tribe, but they didn't seem to be alike.

The technology of constructing golems and the technology of manufacturing smart robots of the Gallente Federation are completely different things, not to mention that they are also mixed with the magical alchemy of the wizarding world.

Seeing the eyes of the two robot leaders, they kept looking at the Flame behind him, just when Thane smiled and planned to introduce his proud help.

An urgent alliance

The news, however, interrupted Thain's conversation with the two leaders.

The wizard civilization's frontline army officially launched a fierce attack on the underworld star field, and the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet also actively fought against it. I heard that a large number of federal fleets had already crossed the border and arrived in the underworld star field.

At the same time, fierce conflicts occurred between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation in other warring areas of the star field.

The second wave of fierce battle between the two top civilizations is about to take place again!

Under this situation, Thane could no longer take his time leisurely. He must return to the wizarding world as soon as possible.

Including these intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, they must also prepare for war in the future.

The wizarding civilization connected them to its own star field and allocated a large amount of resources and wealth, but it was not for them to provide for their old age.

"It seems that we have to part ways for the time being. Maybe the next time we meet, we will be fighting side by side on the front line of a civilized battlefield." Thane said to Megatron.

The two robot leaders nodded slowly.

Before returning to the wizarding world, Thain took the time to visit the plane where the Huya clan was.

Thain stayed in the Huya plane for a short time. He almost just looked at them for a while and then left.

After the Huya people joined the wizard civilization on the battlefield, they also received a certain amount of resource support from the Wizard Alliance, but they were certainly not as many as the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Nowadays, the Hu Yaren clan has one fifth-level strongman and five fourth-level strongmen.

There were originally six level four Huyans, but one of them died in the world of Feramo, which was a big trauma to the Huyan clan.

After joining the Wizards Alliance, the performance of the Huya clan was quite positive.

Especially the king of the fifth-level Huyans, even his daughter and almost all his wealth and life were placed on the wizarding civilization.

Several other level four Huyans who had no prior knowledge, even if they had resentment in their hearts, could only bite the bullet and fight the King of Huyans to the end.

One of the great benefits of the Huyan King joining the wizard civilization is that its authority within the clan has been comprehensively enhanced.

The wizard civilization only recognizes the leadership of the Huyan king within the ethnic group. If other level four Huyans want to separate or secede, it depends on whether the wizard civilization agrees.

When Thain left the Huya camp and returned to the wizarding world.

The king of the Huyans almost forced his two daughters to Thain and asked him to take them back.

In this regard, Thain could only accept it speechlessly.

It is estimated that for the King of Huyans, only two daughters can stay with Thain, and his heart can be settled.


"There are new variables on the frontline battlefield. It won't be long before I lead my legion to go on an expedition."

"When the time comes, I will apply to the Wizards Alliance and try my best to involve you in the war zone near where I am." Thain said to the King of Huya before leaving.

Compared to fighting with some powerful men in the wizarding world that he didn't know, the King of Huyans would certainly prefer to fight with his uncle.

At least Thain would not consume the Huya clan as ordinary cannon fodder. This was also the foresight of the King of Huya who insisted on marrying his two daughters to Thain.

In response to Thain's suggestion, the Huyan King hurriedly responded.

He pointed out that at present, the Huya clan can field at least four combatants with level 4 or above, and a combat legion numbering about three million.

After returning to the wizarding world, I haven't had time to settle down with Gamora and Gamora.

Thain first learned from his mentor Lu Lianman that his other master, Penas, had also received a formal combat order from the Wizards Alliance and was currently reorganizing the Holy Tower Legion under his command and was about to set off.

The civilized war involves every knight and magician in the wizarding world.

Changes on the front line will indeed affect everyone in the rear.

Almost all holy towers and knight halls began to reorganize their legions during this period, ready to accept orders from the Wizards Alliance.

The fierce attack launched by the main army on the front line of wizard civilization against the underworld star field made everyone realize that the next stage of the war has arrived!

At this juncture, after finishing all the work at hand and recent experimental arrangements, Thane took the initiative to apply to the Wizards Alliance, hoping to lead the Ashes Holy Tower Army to fight on the front lines.

"Mage Thain, considering that you have just completed the secret combat mission assigned by the alliance, normally you still have at least a nine-hundred-year mission window. Do you want to end your rest now?" A level 5 representative from the Wizards Alliance The magician, using remote projection, asked curiously.

"Yes, my personal condition has been fully restored in recent years."

"Including my previous mission, which is also a personal mission, the strength of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion has not been affected, so I asked to fight on the front line." Thain said.

"So Master Thain, which war zone do you want to go to?" The fifth-level magician of Sky City, who represents the Wizards Alliance's war decision-making, asked curiously.

"The battlefields around the Beholder World!" Thain replied without hesitation.

[The current monthly ticket is 8374, and 87 more chapters need to be added~

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