The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,441 The Transformed Rubik’s Cube (Additional update)

Holding the Rubik's Cube and led by Megatron and others, Thane came to a large robot storage area in the center of the demiplane.

In order to save energy, Optimus Prime ordered all ordinary robots that have completed factory settings to be in standby mode.

Only those intelligent robots that have awakened to wisdom can walk at will and experience freedom like real life.

The robots in front of them are the highest-standard robots produced by Optimus Prime and others after arriving in the wizarding civilization.

The vast majority of them have level one or above combat power, and a very few robots have powerful firepower as high as level three.

In the past, the Rubik's Cube had great uncertainty and randomness in the field of stimulating wisdom.

Now, with the help of wizard civilization, it has reached the level of world-class secret treasures, and the various abilities of the Rubik's Cube have also been greatly improved.

Under the eager expectations of Megatron, Optimus Prime and others, Thane began to activate the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

The Rubik's Cube continued to rotate, and finally reached directly above countless ordinary robots, and began to emit light.

The success rate of awakening wisdom from the Rubik's Cube has indeed been greatly improved, but the energy contained in the Rubik's Cube is not endless.

After helping Optimus Prime and others inspire about 50,000 intelligent robots, Thane's Rubik's Cube completely ran out of energy and flew back to Thain's hands.

At this time, the appearance color of the Rubik's Cube is white, which is a sign of energy exhaustion.

"The higher the combat power level and the more complex the technology of the robot, the more power of the Rubik's Cube it will take to awaken its wisdom."

"This time I can only help this part of the robots awaken to their wisdom." Thane turned to Optimus Prime and others.

Compared with the total number of robot legions under Optimus Prime and his subordinates, 50,000 newly awakened tribesmen are indeed insignificant.

But Optimus Prime and others are already very satisfied!

Because after arriving at the Wizarding Civilization, the total number of their intelligent robot family was only a mere hundred thousand.

This is equivalent to increasing the population by half!

"When will the Rubik's Cube be replenished with energy?" Megatron asked impatiently.

Thain looked at the white cube in his hand and replied: "Basic energy is easier to say, and energy crystals can complete the replenishment."

"But it is more troublesome to restore the power of the original law of the Rubik's Cube. Now we can only rely on it to recover on its own." Thain replied.

It wasn't long before Thain obtained the upgraded Rubik's Cube, and he is still in the exploratory stage regarding the various abilities of the Rubik's Cube.

For example, when they arrived at Megatron and other intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron this time, Thane developed a new ability of the Rubik's Cube.

It turns out that in addition to giving robots intelligence, the Rubik's Cube also has the ability to analyze the body structure of all robots.

Even control them to a certain extent!

The 50,000 newly awakened intelligent robots undergoing transformation at this time, their design drawings, production principles and other detailed information have all been recorded by the Rubik's Cube.

If Thain is willing, he can even use the Rubik's Cube in his hand and a large amount of resources to directly set up several robot production lines and create a massive army of cannon fodder.

A qualified cannon fodder slave army has always been a major issue that Thain considered.

Yan‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏The legions in the Worm World seem to be enough for now, but when the civilized war continues to advance in the future, Thane will definitely have to plan and prepare new cannon fodder units.

Thain's background in establishing the Holy Tower is still shallow, and he does not have a sufficient number of slave planes to harvest cannon fodder. Now these robots are undoubtedly a good substitute.

Since the Rubik's Cube can collect and analyze the principles and structures of ordinary low-level robots, then higher-level intelligent robots above level four... should be feasible in theory.

Thain said to Megatron and others: "When the energy of the Rubik's Cube is restored, I will take time to help you again."

"By the way, there should be many injuries among your advanced robots that have not yet healed."

"This is the time of civilized war. The sooner you can regain your strength, it will be beneficial to you and the wizard civilization."

"The Rubik's Cube is just unable to impart intelligence to new robots now, but it still has the ability to analyze your injury status."

"It just so happens that I'm here, let me help you deal with it and analyze it together." Thain said.

After looking at the Rubik's Cube in Thane's hand, Megatron replied: "Okay."

Later, Megatron took Thane to contact other advanced intelligent robots, while Optimus Prime led a small number of intelligent robots to take care of those "people" who had just awakened to wisdom.

A newly awakened intelligent robot will face many problems such as confused thinking, ineffective control, and even direct downtime in the early stages of awakening.

It's like when a newborn baby arrives and doesn't understand anything.

These smart robots also need a period of growth and learning.

Learning and progress.

The process of understanding the world is also the value for robots to feel the meaning of life.

In this process, they can realize that they are "alive".

Because Thain is in charge of the Rubik's Cube, and it is also because the Rubik's Cube gives wisdom to those intelligent robots, the 50,000 low-level intelligent robots that have just been born have a good impression of Thain.

This is an experience that is beyond control and comes completely from the emotions of the soul.

It's like...the Rubik's Cube is their mother and Thane is their father.

In the subsequent process of helping other advanced robots check their bodies, Thain's Rubik's Cube collected a large number of advanced robot drawings.

However, it is obviously not possible to design and manufacture advanced robots above level four.

The Rubik's Cube's abilities are far from exaggerated, including some rare metal materials, and it does not mean that they can appear out of thin air.

The role of the Rubik's Cube at this stage is more to help Megatron and other advanced robots repair damage, rather than copy them.

And it was also in this process that Thain came to a result that made him slightly regretful, but also reasonable.

It is true that Thain can use the Rubik's Cube to control ordinary low-level robots that have just been born with intelligence to a certain extent, but for level four and above intelligent robots such as Megatron, the Rubik's Cube does not have the ability to directly change their control permissions.

Thain's current dealings with these smart robots are mostly based on friendship.

After all, he had already established a good relationship with these intelligent robots in advance, so there was no need to break up with these advanced robots because of the control problems of the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube is still growing and improving, and Thain can see this from the Rubik's Cube's initiative to absorb the secrets of Cybertron's robot design.

In addition to technological factors, Thain is also trying to upgrade his Rubik's Cube using alchemy methods from the wizarding world.

At this time, the fine and complex magic array patterns on the surface of the Rubik's Cube are extremely advanced energy-gathering arrays.

In fact, when it comes to Thane's Rubik's Cube giving intelligence to ordinary robots, it won't take long to replenish the energy.

But Thain knows very well that benefits cannot be given too much at once.

Since he needs the power of these intelligent robots, he must let them ask for his help.

It's not that Thane has become evil, but that he is a relatively rational magician to begin with.

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