The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,440 A family of intelligent robots

The threat index ranking created by the Gallente Federation almost includes all the biological information collected by the wizarding civilization level 4 and above.

Including Thain is also on the list!

Among the nearly 100,000 level 4 and above knights and magicians owned by the Wizarding Civilization, and the hundreds of thousands of alien gods from the Wizarding Alliance, Thane is ranked 23,107th!

This ranking is very high. The powerful men in the wizarding world and the alien gods of the alliance who are not much different from Thain's ranking are almost all fifth-level creatures.

Thane's ranking stems from the commotion he made in the Gallente Federation star field before.

And his appearance in the Black Tide Plane and the Noki Planet signified that Thain had successfully broken out of the Gallente Federation star field, and not that he had "killed" all infiltration intruders as advertised by the Federation.

If it weren't for ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ to cover up shame and conceal certain mistakes, Thain's threat index ranking might be a little higher.

These threat indexes also represent individual achievements and mission rewards.

If the commanders of the Gallente Federation military want to transform and upgrade, command a stronger fleet, and have higher status and authority in the Gallente Federation, these wizarding world creatures on the list are their best steps. stone.

The list of threats to wizard civilization is in a state of constant change.

Some powerful wizards and civilizations are constantly being killed, and new powerful ones are gradually emerging.

Since the war with the wizarding civilization, at least the Gallente Federation has not lost anything.

In terms of the overall battle situation, the Gallente Federation generally maintains its active position due to the gains made by the Underworld Star Territory and the Beholder World.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation collected and harvested many cutting-edge resources including star cores from the wizarding civilization.

In particular, the star cores mined from the medium-sized planes have already been sent to the heavy arsenal behind the federation to build dominator-class ships with impressive power.

In the Gallente Federation, a single Dominator-class ship cannot represent level 7 combat power. Only when they gather into a certain number and form an entire fleet can they have the combat power to threaten and directly confront creatures above level 7.

In terms of war potential, the Gallente Federation's controlled star territory is indeed not as vast as the wizarding civilization.

But with its advanced productivity and mechanized manufacturing system, the Federation is really not inferior to the wizarding civilization.

Even their bottom-level robots and drones cannon fodder are better than the slave biological army of the wizard civilization.


The planes where Optimus Prime, Megatron and others are located are several resource demi-planes with relatively peaceful environments.

The resources produced by these demiplanes are mainly metal resources.

The alliance also considered that these robots do not need a good living environment, what they need most is just metal.

There are magic coins and other attribute resources that the wizard civilization is constantly tilting and allocating.

From when it first arrived, it only had two or three damaged robot production lines, to now it has replicated more than a dozen extremely complete robot production lines.

These intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron are building their new homes full of hope and vitality.

"I thought you would name this place 'Planet Cybertron'." After Thain arrived, he smiled at Megatron and other intelligent robots.

"There is only one planet Cybertron. Even if we have to rebuild it, it is time for us to fight back to the Gallente Federation star field." Megatron said in a calm tone.

These intelligent robots are very capable of recognizing reality. After coming to the wizarding civilization, it is impossible to escape from the incident. They will definitely have to participate in the civilized war, but sooner or later.

The wizarding civilization is currently quite kind to them, giving them money and resources, and not mentioning when they want them to go to war.

But Megatron is ready to fight, and it even wants to fight back to the Cybertron star field and rebuild their true home there.

"You will make it happen, I have no doubts about it," Thane said to Megatron.

After Thain came to the territory of these intelligent robots, his popularity was still very high.

They have been recuperating for some time after arriving in the star field where the wizard civilization is located. These intelligent robots are no longer as embarrassed and dusty as they were at the beginning.

With relatively intact "black boxes", many smart robots have been successfully "resurrected".

The supplement of advanced robots above level 4 is a problem.

Because these robot production lines brought by Optimus Prime, including other production lines copied and constructed, do not have the ability to manufacture level four robots.

In fact, in the Gallente Federation, level four and above robots are not something you can just build if you want to.

The destroyed planet Cybertron does have the equipment foundation to produce level four robots, but that also requires the efforts and resources of a large number of federal scientists.

Currently, Optimus Prime and Megatron are as tall as

Intelligent robots such as these only have the ability to replenish the underlying robot army in large numbers.

As for advanced intelligent robots above level four, there are currently only thirty-two.

And for a long time in the future, there will only be thirty-two!

This number will even continue to decrease with war losses.

In the eyes of Optimus Prime and Megatron, there is not much difference between advanced intelligent robots above level four and ordinary intelligent robots below level four.

This new group of robots has not developed a strict concept of superiority and inferiority.

As long as they awaken from their own wisdom, whether they are level four or level one, their status is equal!

There is no discrimination among robots.

This concept of development is also based on the fact that intelligent robots have just gained freedom.

Sean‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏En feels that this concept of equality is very good.

He came here this time to increase the "population" of these intelligent robots.

"After the Rubik's Cube has been upgraded by our wizard civilization, it has reached the level of a complete world-class secret treasure."

"With the Rubik's Cube giving ordinary robots wisdom, efficiency and controllability, they should be higher than before." Sion said to Optimus Prime, Megatron and others in front of him, holding the Rubik's Cube slowly rotating in his hand.

At this time, these advanced intelligent robots looked at the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand with great excitement.

As Megatron said before, it is willing to use the world-class secret treasure "High Frequency Shock Wave Blade" awarded to it by the alliance in exchange for the Rubik's Cube in Thane's hand.

Of course Thain won’t change!

After experiencing the breakout battle in the Gallente Federation star field, the advanced intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron who survived and arrived in the wizard civilization star field are among the elite.

Thain saw a lot of familiar guys.

Shockwave, Starscream, Skywalker, Human Torch, Vanguard, etc.

In fact, the fact that these advanced intelligent robots serve as powerful assistants to Optimus Prime and Megatron proves that they were the best among advanced robots on the planet Cybertron.

Being able to break out alive is also a testament to their strength.

Oh, by the way, Thane also saw the Golden Iron Beast.

It also followed Optimus Prime and successfully reached the wizarding civilization.

[Currently, there are 8283 chapters in monthly votes. Thanks to the leader of "Odun" for the reward, and thanks to all readers for their voting support!

Need to add chapter 88...]

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