The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,428 Proceeds arrive

When leaving the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Thane not only took away Natalya's crystal coffin, but also took away many potions from his mentor Lu Lianman.

Most of these potions are for Natalya.

According to Lu Lianman, these magic potions have a certain effect on nourishing the soul.

Every once in a while, Thane can inject these potions directly into the crystal coffin.

Maybe it can play a role.

There are also some potions prepared for Sean and Xia Ya.

I won’t go into detail about the injuries on Thain’s body. If Lu Lianman doesn’t take care of her disciple, who else can she take care of.

The medicines prepared for Xia Ya are some medicines that are applied to the surface of her skin and specially used to resist radiation.

Not long ago, Xia Ya also participated in the war near the Filan demiplane.

In the war with those beholders, the body also suffered severe trauma, and it has not fully recovered yet.

These medicines can help relieve her injuries.

Xia Ya and Hong Lin were not the only ones who returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes with Thane, including Tourmaline who also went back together after transforming.

Compared to Lulianman, Bixi is closer to Thane.

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane placed Natalya in his residence on the top floor of the Holy Tower.

In addition to the potions given to him by his mentor Lu Lianman, Thain himself was also thinking about ways to treat Natalya.

A strong man who is good at soul science... Thain's first thought was of the group of black magicians in the black realm, followed by the necromancers of the wizarding world, and finally the alien gods with outstanding methods in the field of soul energy.

In fact, those who play with souls are not "good people".

Including the wizarding world, under the values ​​of justice and freedom, the soul slave army vigorously promoted by the wizarding world is obviously not so friendly to alien creatures.

Thane has a lot of connections in the Black Territory. After joining the Spider Queen Rose, the secret trade channel between the Land of Ashes and the Western Islands gradually got on the right track. Thain is now almost able to compete with many level 4 and above black people in the Black Territory. The magician handed over the words.

But Thane is still hesitant about whether to seek help from these black magicians.

Thane is still very afraid of the black magician group.

It is foreseeable that if he seeks help from black magicians, he will definitely be threatened by black magicians.

What's more, maybe those guys who have no bottom line,

He will also do some tricks on Natalya to threaten Natalya and hold Thain hostage.

Thain is by nature not a man willing to compromise.

In the past, when I was weak, I had to bow my head. There was no other way.

Now that he has almost grown up, he will not do the stupid thing of taking the initiative to hand over the handle to outsiders.

The black magician group's priority for asking for help is not high here in Thane.

It is a necromancer in the wizarding world. Thain might be able to find a way to get in touch with him.

Necromancers also don't have a good reputation in the wizarding world. These elemental users who frequently deal with dead bodies and souls are often surrounded by a strong aura of death and have extremely weird personalities.

Some ignorant alliance creatures who don't understand the system of the wizarding world will confuse necromancers and black magicians together.

However, compared to the black magicians who violate the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall, most of the necromancers still "observe the rules".

The largest gathering of necromancers in the wizarding civilization is the Mamet United Alliance.

Because it is said that there is a true spirit level necromancer sitting there.

Including the large alliance plane - the world of the dead, it is also mainly dependent on the top force of the Mamet United Alliance.

Somewhat ironically, the Mamet Alliance is also the place where the most light elemental masters gather in the wizarding world.

Necromancers and light elementalists are mostly sworn enemies, with completely opposite personalities and habits.

I don’t know how the Mamet Alliance maintains peace and stability with so many necromancers and light magicians gathering together.

Thain once visited the Mamet United Alliance. That place gave Thain a good feeling, including that its development power was much higher than that of places such as the Flame Conclave and the Ely Knights Alliance.

In addition to magicians, the Wizards Alliance is full of talents, and there are also many alien creatures who are good at soul methods.

For example, the King of Ghost Crows, who is relatively close to Thane, has the power of laws involving the soul.

However, what the Ghost Crow Clan is really good at is devouring souls, how to repair the soul, and awaken the sinking consciousness... This is probably not within the scope of the Ghost Crow King's abilities.

Thinking of this, Thane couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows with a headache.

"Anyway, let's contact the King of Ghost Crows first."

"Then in the Mamet United Alliance, we will hire undead magicians who are above level 4 in the form of announcements.

Help with treatment. "

"In this world, as long as there are enough resources and wealth, there is almost nothing that is impossible." In the laboratory, Thane sighed and placed his hand on the surface of the crystal coffin.

At this time, Natalya in the crystal coffin was still lying there wearing a white dress, as if she was asleep.

In addition to the above two solutions, Thane may consider asking the Spider Queen for a solution.

The Spider Queen probably won't trick him...

Thain, who returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes, did not wait for a reply from the King of Ghost Crows. Including the employment commission from the Mamet United Alliance, no one took it yet, but he waited for a while. The profits from the recent war were settled.

These war gains refer to his war gains in the Black Tide Plane and the Noqi Planet.

Even ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Because of Thain’s meritorious service in instigating the rebellion against the Huya clan, the Wizards Alliance also counted a small share of Thain’s war interests in the world of Feramo.

At the Feramo World Battlefield at that time, the more than two million low-level legions of the Huya clan and the defection of three fourth-level creatures were of some help to the wizard world army on that battlefield.

However, I heard that in the world of Feramo, the Huya also lost a fourth-level creature.

The person who came to present the proceeds of the war to Thain was a fourth-level knight wearing brown armor who claimed to be from the Western Islands and was named Suo Li.

He also seemed to know the situation on the front line relatively well, and Thain learned a lot of useful information from him.

Most of the war profits distributed to Thane by the Wizards Alliance were directly cashed in the form of magic coins.

After all, there are so many Gallente Federation energy blocks captured in the Black Tide Plane and Noki Planet, and it is unlikely that the Wizards Alliance will make a special trip to transport them back to him.

The total amount of magic coins is as high as 20 million, which is enough to show how much Thain earned in the previous war.

He discovered that civilized wars seemed to be more profitable than ordinary plane wars!

Thain judged that in addition to the extreme wealth of the Gallente Federation, part of the reason was the deliberate stimulation of the wizarding civilization.

This will inspire the local strong men and the alien gods of the alliance to fight hard.

High risk, high reward.

Thain's current net worth is quite large, and those magic currency gains have not made Thain's mood too ups and downs.

However, the five star cores and the remains of half a giant mecha that were sent at the same time made Thain's melancholy and dull mood during this period a little better.

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