The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,429 Increase investment in the Holy Tower

Among the five star cores sent, two star cores were produced in low-level planes and were of the highest value.

The other three were produced in the ordinary micro-plane.

It seems that the knights of the Kingdom of Jahana who also participated in the attack on the Noqi planet are quite loyal.

It's not because Thain left the front lines of the civilized battlefield early that he squandered his profits.

The five star cores emitting bright light are filled with the brilliance of elements and laws of different attributes.

This should be the top treasure in the star realm, suitable for creatures above level four, the essence of a plane.

Thain looked at one of the bright star cores from the low-level fire plane, and had already conceived in his mind how to use it to upgrade his magic wand.

The role of the star core is not limited to this.

Including Thane's ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ Ashes Holy Tower can also rely on the power of these star cores to gain overall growth.

For the plane will of the wizarding world, the star core from the alien plane can be regarded as a "big supplement" to her.

Thane can put these star cores into plane nodes and let them be digested by the will of the wizarding world.

In return, the power of the plane node laws of Thain's holy tower will become more intense in the future.

It had only been half a year since he returned to the wizarding world, and Thain didn't use any particularly precious medicine, but his injuries had already recovered to some extent during this period.

This is actually the power of the plane nodes and the blessing of the holy tower at work.

Including within the radiation range of the Ashes Holy Tower, Thain's personal strength will also increase by nearly 30% compared to usual.

It's just that in the past 100,000 years, there have been almost no battles between creatures above level four in the wizarding world.

The Holy Tower's power-blessing effect on the user has no chance to be reflected for the time being.

Through the knight sent by the Wizards Alliance, Thain also got a rough idea of ​​the situation of the Huya people on the front line.

As a foreign ethnic group that had just joined the Wizards' Alliance, the Huyans were joined by Thain as a guarantee. The two Huyan princesses also had a contractual marriage relationship with them, so Thain certainly had to take care of them.

Maybe when the Wizards Alliance assigns Thain to perform tasks on the front lines of civilized battlefields, he can still use the power of these Huyans.

This knight didn't know much about the Huya family, but he told Thain that the Huya had been placed in a low-level plane in the middle of the Wizards Alliance for rest.

Although the civilized war is only in its early stages, there are indeed many members of the Wizards Alliance that have been destroyed and perished.

In particular, the underworld star field was defeated, hundreds of millions of alliance legions were destroyed, and thousands of alliance member planes were affected.

The decline and weakening of these alliance planes is unstoppable.

On the premise that the Wizards Alliance will give them some resource subsidies, there is nothing wrong with placing some Huya people here to recuperate.

The world is cruel.

No matter how noble the Wizarding World promotes itself in the alliance, in fact, what the Wizarding World values ​​is those who are truly useful to them.

Waste that has no use value...does not deserve sympathy.

By giving away a little magic coin subsidy, the Wizarding World is already fulfilling its obligations under the alliance rules.

Most of the remaining high-level creatures in the Alliance Plane also know this.

Being able to receive resource subsidies from the Wizards Alliance is enough for them to be grateful, otherwise what else can they do.

"Since you, Knight Soli, are from the Western Islands, you should know about Mane, right? As for Knight Mane, I haven't seen him for a while, including this time when I returned to the wizarding world, and I can't contact him for the time being." Thain Suo Li asked casually when bidding farewell.

"Haha, Master Thain, it's normal that you can't contact the Knight of Mane. A few years ago, the Knight of Mane went into seclusion and started to attack the fifth level."

"Knight Manet belongs to the group of young talents with the highest qualifications in our Western Islands. I have also worked with Knight Manet for a period of time." Suoli said with a smile.

"So that's it, did Knight Manet start to hit the fifth level so soon?" Thain sighed.

After sending away Suoli, the knight of the Western Islands, Thane called Meili over and ordered: "In the name of the Ashes Holy Tower, you have previously signed a contract with the Mamet Alliance to hire a level 4 or above necromancer. , you can add the star core."

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward, and there will be a star core as a reward. It is more likely to stimulate and attract those strong people who are good at the mysteries of soul science to take action.

"Yes." Merry replied.

Thain continued: "The Wizards Alliance just sent me another batch of magic coins. Coupled with the operating income of the goddess of wealth Wojin over the years, you can take part of it and devote all your efforts to the construction of the Holy Tower."

"The duration of the Civilization War is likely to be tens of thousands of years. Our Holy Tower of Ashes must ensure the on-duty rate of formal and above magicians.

It can supply the consumption of civilized war. "

"Okay." Merry replied.

The biggest headache in developing the Holy Tower is lack of money.

Thain now has a lot of money. With sufficient resources, the current number of apprentices in the Holy Tower of Ashes can be expanded tenfold!

Now the Ashes Holy Tower has established friendly exchange student channels with more than a dozen public magic academies in the Magic Empire.

As long as Thane is willing to allocate money, Meili can contact more Magic Empire colleges.

The problem of student sources can be almost satisfied even without smuggling apprentices.

At present, another regional Holy Tower Academy War is about to begin. According to past experience and scientific calculations, after this Academy War ends, the Ashes Holy Tower will gradually add nearly a hundred official magicians above the first level in a few years.

Today, the number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes is 3,215. This is the number that Meili just reported to him not long ago.

Compared with the time of the Flame Insect World War, the number of magicians in the Ashes Holy Tower has nearly tripled. This is the result of just a few hundred years!

Such brilliant results are due to Thain's unremitting efforts to invest money in the development of the Holy Tower.

And seeing that the size of the apprenticeship is about to expand again, the number of registered magicians in Thain Holy Tower will always be in a state of high growth in the future.

After talking about business matters, Thain told Meili some personal matters.

"Don't stop on your path of cultivation and truth exploration. I also think that you can go further in the future, and we will be together for a longer time."

"If old friends and close people pass away one after another, it is also a kind of pain and regret." Thain said with a sigh.

A trace of emotion appeared on Meili's face.

Since Natalya's accident, Thain has obviously paid more attention to the people around him during this period.

In the past two days, he also took time to answer Selina and Irene's confusion about the truth exploration. Meili also came to listen, bringing her junior sister with her.

"You draw another 30,000 magic coins from the Holy Tower's funds. That is my personal support for you. It can also be regarded as a reward for your contribution to the Holy Tower of Ashes over the years."

"In addition, there are some experimental materials that I collected in my early years and will be sent to you as well."

"Don't disappoint me." Thain looked at Meili expectantly.

Faced with Thain's kindness, Meili's cheeks turned red, she lowered her head and replied, "Yes."

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