The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,427 The Current Situation of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect

Thain asked the teacher if there was any way to help Natalya wake up.

Lu Lianman mentioned that strong external stimulation may revive Natalya's consciousness.

Whether it is external physical stimulation or internal mental stimulation.

But the intensity of this stimulus must be kept within a safe range.

Because Natalya's soul is still too weak, if the timing is not right, it may break the soul fragments that were finally gathered together and accelerate her death.

"Bixi sent me a large piece of ice crystal some time ago, called the 'Ice Spirit Stone'. It is not a product of our wizarding world. It seems to come from another world's civilization and has the function of warming and nourishing the soul."

"I made it into a crystal coffin to repair Natalya's injuries." Lu Lianman sighed.

The golden apple potion that Thain bought back then belonged to his share, and he had already used it by himself.

The potion used on Natalya was obviously the one from Lu Lianman.

Although Lu Lianman gave some advice on how to wake up Natalya, it was not easy to implement.

Lu Lianman was not a master in the field of soul science. She worked hard to save Natalya's life, but to stimulate the soul and accelerate Natalya's awakening... Lu Lianman was not willing to take action rashly.

This matter still has to be left to Thain to handle and decide.

Because Natalya is his wife.

Not long after, the little girl in the form of Dragon Turtle Tourmaline appeared in Lu Lianman's laboratory.

Also appearing here at the same time were Thane's mother-in-law, Xia Ya, and another second-level female knight named Red Scale.

Thane didn't see Lenna.

Xia Ya is undoubtedly the most miserable person.

In a very short period of time, she not only lost her husband, but also her daughter.

It's not quite right to say husband, because Wilson is considered her ex-husband.

Since Wilson and Chara separated, he lived with another woman, so that Chara later left the Ernst family angrily.

The only person who left with her at that time was Hong Lin, a junior.

Wilson was truly dead, not even the remains of his body were left.

According to the news from some surviving knights in the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall, Wilson was directly penetrated and evaporated by a level four beholder at a relatively close distance.

The rebellion in the world of beholder caught people off guard.

If it were a head-on battle, it would be impossible for the legions deployed around the beholder world with wizard civilization to suffer such heavy losses.

When I meet Thain, he always gives me a strong impression.

Xia Ya couldn't help but began to wipe her tears.

When she left the Ernst family, she didn't even cry.

Instead, I heard that Wilson and the female knight were beaten.

But at this moment, with her daughter lying unconscious in the crystal coffin, Xia Ya, who had never had anyone to rely on, finally shed her strong appearance.

After all, she is a woman.

Hong Lin was beside her and kept whispering to comfort Xia Ya. Because of a certain blood relationship, Hong Lin looked a bit like Natalya.

During this period of time, if Red Scales hadn't been by Xia Ya's side, and Natalya still had a chance to wake up, I'm afraid Xia Ya would have been unable to hold on.

This female knight, who has reached the level of demigod strength, is not as strong as outsiders imagine.

"Let's go home, I will find a way to revive Natalya." Thain stepped forward, picked up the crystal coffin and sank it.

With the current situation, it doesn't make much sense for Natalya to continue to stay in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Lu Lianman has done everything she can, but Thain might be able to find a way to contact some powerful people with in-depth research in the field of soul science to help.

A strong person who is good at soul science... I guess Lu Lianman doesn't know him, otherwise she would have found someone long ago.

Grandmaster Cuilis may have acquaintances in this area, but as the war of civilization begins, the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, as one of the top holy towers under the Flame Conclave, must be in the first echelon of the civilized war.

In the follow-up exchange with Lu Lianman, Thane learned that his master Cuilis had already led his legion to the front line of the civilized battlefield. It was said that it was a place called the Void Star Territory, which is far away from Sano. The Las star field is very close and belongs to the second front of wizard civilization.

The main thing to deal with is the main force of the Gallente Federation from the underworld star field.

Now let alone Thain, even Lulianman has a hard time contacting Trilis.

The situation on the front lines of the civilized battlefield is too complicated, and the Gallente Federation also has the means to block remote communications in the wizarding world.

Usually, you have to wait for Cuilis to take the initiative to contact Lu Lianman and others. Lu Lianman, Thain and other disciples, it is best not to disturb Cuilis on the front line and distract her.

Among the Jade Fire Masters, in addition to Cuilis, Thain's master Bogagaru also heard that not long ago, he also led his Flame Sighing Holy Tower Legion to dispatch.

However, Gargaru did not go to the front line of the civilized battlefield, but to a star field located in the center of the wizard civilization, responsible for the transfer and mobilization of supplies and alliance legions.

In addition to the two of them, other level 4 or above magicians from the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect are still on standby.

Lu Lianman has not been busy recently. Her main focus is on the cultivation of the world laboratory and the batch production of magical potions.

The eleven golden apple potions previously made from one golden apple were all distributed to other members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

Thain's heavy heart when he picked up the crystal coffin, and Xia Ya's sobs next to him, also affected Lu Lianman.

This fourth-level magician who taught Thain magic and truth and provided great help in Thain's growth could not help but feel a little sore at this moment.

Tourmaline, who looks like a little girl, is not as heavy-hearted as the others.

She didn't play much with Natalya, mainly because Thain was full of sadness at this time, and even Tourmaline didn't show much joy in being reunited with Thain.

In fact, Bixi also experienced a lot of things after the Wizards Alliance Conference, and she wanted to share it with Thane.

But now is obviously not the time.

"Why do you have so many wounds on your body? Let me help you deal with the injuries first." Lu Lianman couldn't help but said when she noticed the many scars on Thain's strong body under the magic robe.

Xia Ya's sobs and Red Scale's comforting sounds became much lower at this time. They were also concerned about Thain's injury at this time.

After all, they all rely on Thain now. Whether Natalya can wake up depends on the abilities and connections of Thain, a fourth-level magician.

Although he is a knight, he still needs a man to rely on.

They are going through huge changes, and they especially need a backbone like Thain.

"They are all minor injuries, nothing serious. I still have a few potions left for me by your mentor." Thain shook his head and said.

Having said this, Thane thought of the mission he had just completed.

So he continued: "After a while, the alliance will reward me with a golden apple."

"At that time, I will send it to you, mentor, and you will make it into a golden apple potion." Thain said.



Lu Lianman was first immersed in Thain's sad emotions and concern for Thain's body, and for a while she didn't understand what Thain was saying.

When she looked up at Thain again with shocked eyes, she was sure that what her precious apprentice said was true.

[Xiaodou will update five chapters from tomorrow. Normally, three chapters will be updated around 12 noon, and two chapters will be updated around 7 pm.

I'm very sorry that I didn't save the manuscript, so I can only make up for it in the fifth update.

It’s still 100 monthly votes plus one more chapter. The more you vote for double monthly votes tomorrow, the longer it will take for Xiaodou to have five updates. I don’t know if it will be the same as before, five updates for one or two months. 】

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