The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,426 Consciousness sinks

The demiplane of Filan, Thain had never heard of this plane before.

On the way to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, through the crystal ball inquiry, Thain quickly learned that the blue demiplane is located in the star field surrounding the beholder world.

No wonder!

There are too many joining planes in the Wizarding Alliance, hundreds of thousands of planes with complete rules, not counting those half planes and broken planes.

Thain is not a major in starry sky science, so of course there is no need to know too much about planes that have little to do with him.

The Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist was severely damaged, and many knights of the Ernst family fell. Even Thain's wife Natalya was seriously injured and on the verge of death. This must be related to the rebellion of the Beholder World.

Thane, who has just returned from the frontline of the civilized battlefield, knows that this is the beginning of the civilized war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation. At least the wizard civilization is currently involved in the civil war. Those who come to the front line of the battlefield are all their most elite combat forces, that is, the legions under the major top forces and the Tower of True Spirit and the Hall of Dominance.

Among the tens of thousands of knights' halls in the wizarding world, the Knights' Hall of Steel Wall Fist is not considered an elite.

Even its specific combat power may have to be ranked in the middle or lower. After all, the founder of the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall is only at the fourth level of strength, and is not affiliated with any top power, so its resources are limited.

It is impossible for such a knight's palace to appear at the forefront of the civilized battlefield now.

At best, it is just performing some daily garrison or transportation tasks in the star field in the middle and rear, or in the star field slightly closer to the front line!

The location of the Beholder World is not in the direct direction of the battle between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, so the sudden jump of this large plane was beyond the expectations of many powerful people in the Wizarding World.

Thane has long heard that millions of knights and magician legions in the Wizarding World were wiped out due to the rebellion of the Beholder World.

It even involved the death of several level six experts in the wizarding world.

But he really didn't expect that among the millions of fallen knights, there would be people close to him.

The only good news now is that Natalya was only seriously injured and on the verge of death, she is not dead yet!

And it seems that the fourth-level Knight Steel Wall Fist has not fallen either.

This proves one thing, the Feilan demiplane where the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall is stationed is not an important plane deep in the star field where the Beholder World is located.

Although the entire Knights Hall suffered heavy losses, at least it was not destroyed.

Thain's flying speed was very fast. Almost in a moment, Thain had arrived at the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

Because the two holy towers are relatively close, flying is more convenient for fourth-level magicians than taking the teleportation array.

The Dragon Turtle Tourmaline is also here!

With some kind of special induction, Thain felt that Tourmaline was sleeping in the sea of ​​gems outside the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

It seems that during the years when Thane was away from the wizarding world, Tourmaline came to find Lu Lianman.

Because of Thain's approaching arrival, Tourmaline gradually woke up from the dormant state at this moment, but Thain didn't have time to say hello to Bixi, and flew straight towards the top of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Thane’s mentor Lulian Manguo‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ is here.

Seeing her apprentice flying over in a hurry, Lu Lianman naturally knew why.

Under the leadership of Lu Lianman, Thain soon saw Nataya lying in a crystal coffin in a completely sealed special laboratory.

At this time, due to the isolation of the crystal coffin, Thane could not feel Natalya's breathing.

But the prompt from the Maskless Mask told Thain that Nataya's vital signs were almost 0. Only her brain and heart area still had some cell activity. It seemed that some kind of special power protected Nataya. Ya's soul and the last bit of life origin.

"How is she doing now?" Thain asked in a deep voice.

Some things cannot be rushed.

After the initial period of nervousness and anxiety, Thain's mood gradually stabilized.

Lu Lianman is a master of pharmacy, and she is much more authoritative than Thain in the field of treating injuries.

"The situation was very bad. When it was delivered to me, it was already a little late."

"I used a golden apple potion to preserve her life source."

"But her soul is too weak, her consciousness is always in a sinking state, and she can't wake up no matter what."

"He hasn't fallen yet, but the power of the golden apple potion is still working." Lu Lianman shook her head and said.

Golden apples have the miraculous effect of restoring a severely injured person to full health. Thain himself has experienced the effectiveness of golden apple potions twice, so he naturally knows how exaggerated the effect of this potion made by his mentor.

However, the golden apple can save the living, but it cannot save the dead.

What Melly didn't know was that when Natalya was brought back to the wizarding world, she was brought back as a corpse...

It was Lu Lianman who personally went to see her apprentice's wife and thought she could still be saved, so she took Natalya back to the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan.

When she first came back, Natalya's body was mutilated. The squinting beams from the Beholder World could melt metal plates into thin threads, let alone flesh and blood.

At this time, Nataya, who was lying in the crystal coffin, was all white and flawless, and she was wearing a white dress. This was all because of the golden apple potion that later repaired her body.

In Thain's impression, Nataya, who looks like a tomboy, has never worn a skirt. She usually wears armor, and she wears it during training. Tights.

Similar to the pure white dress in front of him, it seemed that only on the day of his wedding to Natalya, Natalya wore it so pure and refined.

Thinking of this, Thain's heart hurt even more.

Some things can only be cherished if they are lost.

Thain used to think that Natalya often interrupted his experiments, which was quite "annoying" at ordinary times, but now she was lying almost lifeless in front of Thain, which caused Thain to be reluctant to let go.

"Can it still be awakened?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Thain also understands pharmacy and is familiar with the human body structure in the wizarding world. Through Lu Lianman's introduction, Thain knows that Natalya's body has almost recovered with the help of the golden apple potion, mainly the soul...

Soul science has always been a high-end subject in the magic world of the wizarding world.

Especially when it comes to the supreme mysteries of life and death.

According to the common concept in the wizarding world, real death is not only the dissolution of the body, but also accompanied by a process of soul decomposition.

Only when the soul is completely annihilated can a living body be truly dead.

What makes the golden apple potion superior to other potions is that it can even repair the soul, and can even work on the injuries of level six or even level seven masters.

But Natalya's soul, according to Lu Lianman's introduction, seemed to be incomplete due to excessive dissolution.

Even if the consciousness regains consciousness from the sinking state, there may still be partial memory loss.

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