The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,425 Wife is Dying

Thane's entry into the wizarding world was smooth.

Unlike the Gallente Federation, which may have a lot of security checks or identity verification at the border and outside the home planet.

After returning to the wizarding civilization, Thain's fourth-level magician life level is the most eye-catching symbol.

The wizarding world will easily distinguish the authenticity of Thane's identity.

In fact, most of the creatures above level four born in the wizarding world will receive extra attention from the will of the mother plane.

For the will of the wizarding world, these outstanding and powerful individuals are her most outstanding children.

This is a kind of touch that cannot be experienced in the generally cold world view of the world of science and technology.

After returning to the wizarding world, Thane felt relaxed.

After passing through the plane barrier, Thain flew directly in the direction of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In fact, Thain has not been away from the wizarding world for a long time, but this time he left too far, and he experienced a lot of dangers and battles on the way, so Thain felt like he was returning after an absence.

The Holy Tower of Ashes has not changed much compared to before Thane left.

Because before Thane left, the Holy Tower of Ashes was already on the right track of development.

After experiencing several plane wars, the number and quality of registered magicians in the Ashes Holy Tower have greatly improved compared to the time when the Holy Tower was first built before the Wizards Alliance Conference.

When Thane returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes, the regional Holy Tower Academy War was about to begin.

The battle between the wizard civilization and the top civilization of the Gallente Federation affects all areas.

Not only every alliance member plane has been affected, but the wizarding world has also undergone certain changes.

For example, just after returning to the Holy Tower, Thain learned that the regional Holy Tower Academy War, which occurs once every fifty years, had been changed to once every twenty years under the influence of the rules of the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall.

The interval between apprenticeship enrollment periods has also been shortened.

Naturally, shortening the war period of the regional Holy Tower Academy and increasing the frequency of enrollment are to cultivate a new generation of magician talents more quickly.

Protected by the rules of the wizarding world, magic apprentices below the first level will not participate in plane wars. Only magicians above the first level will enter the major holy towers and accept recruitment from the wizarding civilization.

The Regional Holy Tower Academy War is how magicians are trained.

The screening mechanism for knights has also undergone great changes in recent years.

Between many low-level countries in the wizarding world

The frequency of wars has increased a lot in the past hundred years.

These secular wars implicitly reflect the "Kingdom War Plan" that cultivates knights above the first level.

Almost the entire wizarding world's political system is dominated by holy towers and knights' halls.

Many lower creatures or human civilians have never heard of the Holy Tower or the Knights Hall, and only know about their own kingdoms and noble territories.

It can only mean that his level is not high enough and he has not yet come into contact with the essential core of this world.

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane did not rush back to his laboratory. Instead, he called Dean Meili over at the top of the Holy Tower.

As the regional Holy Tower Academy war is about to begin, Meili has been quite busy recently.

The news of Thain's departure from the wizarding world was not told to anyone else, including his family, and he only mentioned that he would go out for a while.

However, as someone who is relatively close to Thain, Meili knew that Thain must have been busy with something important recently.

Because a big thing happened in the Holy Tower of Ashes, or rather in Thain's home, not long ago, but Thain didn't show up during the period.

In the tower master's office on the top floor of the Holy Tower, Thane sat calmly on the magic chair, listening to Meili's report on the recent affairs of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Thain now has two butlers.

The one on the bright side is naturally Meili.

She was responsible for all expenditures and college operations of the Ashes of Thain Holy Tower, including the construction and development of the outside of the Holy Tower. Meili also played a big role.

The secret one is Wojin, the goddess of wealth.

Wo'jin is mainly responsible for those properties that Thane rarely sees in the light, including Thain's previously rich private property, which Wo'jin has been responsible for taking care of.

Thane owes the Wizards Alliance a holy tower foundation loan and other debts that have not yet been repaid. He just followed Wo'jin's advice and invested all the money instead of rushing to pay off the debt.

Meili's reporting process on Santa's work was very detailed.

But during this time, she stared at Thane from time to time.

In the end, Thain looked a little strange when Merry looked at him, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Meili's face also showed some surprise at this time. She stopped introducing the things about the Holy Tower, and then said: "Don't you know?"

"What do I know?" Thain asked suspiciously.

Seeing that Thain also showed doubts, Meili said: "Not long ago, the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist accepted the alliance's assignment and went to perform garrison near the Felan demiplane.

Task. "

"Soon after, the underworld star domain rebellion and the beholder world rebellion occurred that shocked the entire alliance."

"The Knights Palace of Steel Wall Fist was severely damaged, and a large number of members of the Ernst family died, including your father-in-law Wilson."

"Later, after your wife Nataya heard about this, she also participated in the support and suppression war around the Feilan demiplane, but she was also seriously injured in the end and is still in a coma on the verge of death..." Meili's voice became more and more intense. Say the smaller.

"What?!" Thain no longer had the calm demeanor before, and almost jumped up from the magic chair.

In fact, Thain still has some injuries on his body. After finishing the battle in the Black Tide plane, he fought again on the Noqi planet, and then hurriedly went to the Liuyun world to meet the dominant knight Klopp. Naturally, Thain didn't have anything. Take time to recuperate your body.

However, the injuries on his body are minor injuries and are not a problem.

There are many women in Thane. This has to be admitted. This time, during a mission from the Gallente Federation, two more Huyan princesses were brought back.

But the only one who has the status of a nominal wife is Natalya.

In the eyes of many people, this is the product of the marriage between the Grant family and the Ernst family when Thain was weak.

His feelings for Natalya cannot be said to be deep, and they are certainly not as good as his friendship with Lina.

But after being together for so many years, even a stone can be melted.

Natalya is not a bad woman in nature, she is just a lot more carefree.

Also, when I met Thain in the early years, he always did bad things and stupid things with good intentions.

However, this female man's heart has always been towards Thain.

Last time, I even took my best friend Lenna to seduce Thain, which made Thain feel very comfortable before leaving the wizarding world.

Now that I have just returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes, I haven't seen her yet, and I heard the bad news first.

And Thane noticed that Tourmaline was not in the bay outside the Holy Tower of Ashes at the moment, which made him feel a little heavier inexplicably.

"Where is she now?" Thain asked immediately, not caring about dealing with the affairs of the Holy Tower over the years.

"After Natalya was sent back to the wizarding world, she was sent directly to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, and your mentor was responsible for the treatment."

"Where have you been all these years? I have been unable to contact you using the crystal ball mark you left for me." Meili couldn't help but ask.

Thain shook his head and did not explain anything on this topic. After informing Meili, Thain said: "I will go to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade first!"

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