The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,419 Federal Support Fleet

The process of test driving Liba Tian was not smooth.

Federal scientist Joseph's control and transformation technology for the intelligent robot family has not reached maturity.

It can be said that he has just found a seemingly feasible direction.

As for whether he will eventually reach the other side of success, Joseph can't guarantee it. He can only say that the "prospects" are promising.

Intelligent robots are independent individuals, and Yuli is also a constructor with self-thinking.

If Li Batian's consciousness was not blocked, Yuli would have had thoughts that were contrary to Li Batian's thoughts while driving.

This will undoubtedly significantly reduce the combat effectiveness of both parties.

Moreover, Yuri had been driving a constructed golem in the past, which was fundamentally different from the internal structure of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

In the eyes of Sean and Youli, this was a failed experiment.

Because the combat power shown in the end was not as good as Li Batian's own fighting performance.

But federal scientist Joseph was quite surprised and excited by the experimental results.

Compared with his previous driving performance, it is obvious that Yuli's operating skills and development of the combat power of the intelligent robot family are much stronger.

And this short experiment was not all in vain.

Yuli's constructor ability can indeed increase Li Batian's combat effectiveness.

Thain considered whether if he made a smart robot suitable for Yuri's control habits and let her drive it, the combat power would be significantly improved compared to the past.

It just so happened that Yuri's silver-clad golem had suffered too much damage in the previous battle. When she returned to the wizarding world, Thain would definitely build a new golem for her.

Thinking of this, Thain couldn't help but think of the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

It stands to reason that the Rubik's Cube has the ability to give robots wisdom and awaken their own thoughts.

I don’t know if there will be any new changes if it is applied to Yuri’s constructed golem.

It's just the working principle of the Rubik's Cube that Thain hasn't fully understood yet.

Including how it gives intelligence to robots, Thain has never personally operated it.

These ideas and experimental concepts will have to be considered after returning to the wizarding world.

For now... Thain glanced at the surrounding experimental area and said to Joseph and other federal scientists who had gathered: "Inventory everything that can be used as soon as possible, and finally move all the experimental equipment you need out of here."

land! "

These federal scientists have all had their souls controlled by Thane.

They are also wealth, and if they are used well, the benefits they bring to Thane will be greater than the mountains of supplies on Planet Noqi.

Since his trip to the Gallente Federation, Thane found that his understanding of technological civilization and his views on federal scientists have changed a lot.

Thain informed the scientists and slaves in the experimental area to pack their things as soon as possible.

"Boom!" A loud noise, accompanied by more intense fighting, appeared outside the experimental area.

In Thane's crystal ball, messages came from the mechanics Vel'Koz and Clint and other powerful people in the wizarding world.

After their warning, Thane learned that several federal fleets had arrived outside the planet Nochi, apparently to rescue this material transit planet‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

Unsure of how many federal reinforcements there were, Thane immediately flew out of the experimental area, intending to fight alongside Clint and others.

The fourth-level intelligent robot Li Batian also stood up from his squatting state. He waved his bucket-like metal claw and said, "I'll help you too."

Li Batian is honest and honest, but he also knows who is good to him and who is his enemy.

Since the Gallente Federation military destroyed the planet Cybertron and killed a large number of fellow intelligent robots, these living intelligent robots have become incompatible with the Gallente Federation.

Just now, Thain also asked Li Batian if he knew about the situation of other intelligent robots.

I don’t know if any smart robots have successfully broken out, or if all smart robots have fallen.

It's a pity that Li Batian doesn't know the situation of other companions.

In the final battle in the Alpha-007 star field, Li Batian was hit by a secret weapon of the Gallente Federation and lost most of his combat capabilities. After falling into a small wormhole, he failed to resist and was killed by the Gallente Federation legions. Captured and eventually sent here.

Regarding the situation of other intelligent robots, Li Batian's thirst for knowledge is even stronger than Thain's.

Li Batian asked for a fight. Thain raised his eyebrows and agreed without much hesitation.

On the plane battlefield, it is always good to have an extra level four combat power.

After being sent to Planet Nuoqi for research, the only benefit Li Batian received was that most of his physical condition was restored.

Li Batian successfully asked for a fight. After seeing this, Yuli also wanted to fight.


In fact, she wanted to fight side by side with Thane. Since the destruction of the Silver Golem, Yuri's role beside Thain was indeed not that big.

"In your current state..." Thain looked at Yuri and said.

"I'm driving Li Batian out. It was my first time driving and controlling it, so I'm a bit unwieldy."

"My performance will definitely be even better than before when I resume control this time!" Yuli said confidently.

"Okay." Thain nodded and did not refuse Yuli.

The process of Yuli's driving power is not only a battle training for her, but also a valuable information collection process.

The data presented in actual combat is much more objective and effective than testing in the laboratory.

When Thain flew out of the experimental area, the battle on the planet Nuoqi had reached quite an intensity.

‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏The sky had been covered by the power of Machinist Vel’Koz’s domain. At this time, many gaps had appeared, and a huge number of Federation ships were coming from welling up from these gaps.

Dense energy rays are constantly attacking the wizard world army that has invaded the planet Nuoqi.

A space fortress brought by Clint Knight, because the target was too big, has been beaten by the Gallente Federation support fleet, and the whole body is covered in thick smoke.

Including the main body of the space fortress, it was also pouring at this time, barely suspended in the sky.

The counterattack force of the Wizarding World Legion is actually not bad, but the problem now is that it is unclear how much support the federation has.

Clint Knight and others have already sent a request for help message to the rear.

Considering the advantage of the Wizarding World in the local battlefield across the Star Territory, as long as they persist here for a while, they will surely be able to wait for the Wizarding World's army to come to their aid.

The fifth-level King of the Huyans is a level-4 or above strongman of his own who is closest to Thain's location.

Thain originally thought that the main targets of the federal support fleet were probably Joseph and other scientists who had not yet evacuated the planet Nochi.

Because scientists in certain cutting-edge fields have great significance and value in the Gallente Federation.

Or Li Batian, a level four intelligent robot, might attract the attention of the federation.

But what surprised Thain was that the federal fleet that supported the planet Nochi did not fly directly towards the experimental area where Thain was located.

After they arrived on the planet Nuoqi, their main attack direction was to the west of the experimental area where Thain was located.

There is a heavy material distribution center.

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