The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,420 Star Core

The astonishing roar of the Level 5 bio-molten Steel Tyrannosaurus resounded across the sky of Planet Nochi.

Against the backdrop of this gigantic metal beast, which was nearly a kilometer in size, the black smoke rising into the sky and the scorching sea of ​​​​fire that continued to explode formed a doomsday landscape on Planet Nuoqi.

The Gallente Federation's support fleet still achieved certain combat goals.

They destroyed nearly one-third of the material reserves of Planet Nuoqi.

I would rather not get it myself than let the wizarding world get it. This is the idea of ​​the Gallente Federation.

It was also thanks to the introduction of the fifth-level peak mechanic Velikoz this time, otherwise the destruction of Planet Nuoqi would not only be as simple as one-third of the material reserves.

Instead, the entire planet may be forced to initiate a self-destruction program by the Federation fleet.

Master Vel'Koz blocked the Gallente Federation's attempt to destroy the planet Nochi, and the Wizarding World Legion who arrived in time followed up and forced the federation to support The fleet evacuates the planet Nochi.

With the loss of Planet Notch, the entire battlefield across the Star Territory was almost abandoned by the Gallente Federation.

Even the material transit planet behind is occupied, how can the federal combat corps on the front line fight?

Many established federal legions have recently begun to evacuate from the Hengjuan Star Territory in an orderly manner.

For these federal combat troops, the Wizarding World Legion will not let them go easily!

Perhaps some federal legions can survive and successfully escape from the encirclement and interception of the wizarding world army.

But I believe that the vast majority of the Federation’s combat troops in the Transverse Star Territory will be cannibalized by the Wizard Civilized Legion due to lack of supplies and follow-up support!

This is war, and the victor will not show any mercy to the loser.

Just like the wizarding world combat troops who were besieged in the dominant areas of the Gallente Federation, the knights and magicians of the wizarding world basically fought until the last moment and shed the last drop of blood.

The Gallente Federation's support fleet for the planet Nochi completed a certain combat plan, but they did not fully complete their mission objectives.

After repelling the federal support fleet, Clint Knight and others discovered a batch of high-level cutting-edge materials from the area where the federal army was storming.

A total of twenty-seven star cores!

The so-called star core is actually the heart of the plane.

Generally speaking, only the plane with complete rules will produce the heart of the plane.

The probability of a demiplane producing a plane heart is less than 10%.

Broken Plane

The probability is even lower, less than 1%.

Although these star cores all come from low-level and micro-planes.

But considering that the value of the star core itself is no less than the "godhead", these twenty-seven star cores are undoubtedly a fortune from heaven!

"I knew there must be some reason why those federal fleets stormed this area!"

"Thanks to me for holding on to this place, even the space fortress was almost scrapped. Fortunately, the biggest benefit of our trip was not wasted!" Bondi, the fourth-level knight, trembled with excitement.

In the battle just now, half of this guy's arm was blown off by the federal fleet, but he still seemed to be in good spirits.

When twenty-seven star cores were pulled out from an extremely strong metal box, Knight Bondi's face glowed red.

"Star core is a cutting-edge resource that only the Gallente Federation will focus on developing and utilizing."

"Under normal circumstances, we in the wizarding world will not destroy and take out the heart of the plane." After arriving in this area, Thain couldn't help but sigh when he saw twenty-seven magnificent and bright star cores of different colors.

As the core of the original power of a plane, once the star core is destroyed or taken out, the entire plane will enter a death countdown.

Rules are broken, lives are in ruins, and resources are withered.

There are hundreds of thousands of slave planes and alliance planes under the wizarding world.

But it is rare to hear that the wizarding world will take out the hearts of their planes.

Unless that plane is damaged to the point of collapse, or the wizarding world is determined to completely wipe out the other party.

Rather than draining the value of the alliance plane all at once, wizard civilization values ​​sustainable development more.

There are even some alien gods from the alliance plane who, in order to seize more magic coin wealth, will tap into their own plane resources by overdrafting their potential.

At this time, the wizarding world will even take the initiative to persuade them not to do this.

If you are short of money, you can first seek a loan from the Wizarding Civilization.

It is wrong to overextend the potential of one's own home plane.

From this aspect, it is really difficult to evaluate whether the Wizarding World is good or bad.

At least the wizarding world cares more about their home plane than some greedy alien gods.

Different from the concept of wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation never cares about the "life or death" of the plane. This is also an important point in the wizarding world's criticism of the Gallente Federation in terms of justice.

The advanced science and technology of the Gallente Federation allows them to

After the death of the plane, the immigration work is still carried out.

Advanced protective shields and various biotechnologies allow the Gallente Federation to shape life planets one after another.

Under this premise, the life and death of the plane with complete rules is indeed not something they need to consider.

The heart of the plane, a cutting-edge resource comparable to "godhead", is the Gallente Federation's creation of an interstellar fortress with combat power of level four or above, or it is an important energy core for top space ships.

These 27 star cores should have been looted from the occupied planes by the Gallente Federation after invading the territory of the Wizards Alliance.

After all, including the Hengjuan Star Territory at this time, it also belonged to the wizard civilization camp hundreds of years ago. The wizard world is now equivalent to regaining lost ground.

It is said that in some local battlefields, the Wizarding World Legion has broken through the federal border, but I don’t know the specific situation of those battlefields.

Which alliance plane creatures the 27 star cores originally belonged to is not something that Thain and others need to consider now.

It is estimated that the indigenous creatures in those planes have long since become extinct.

Caught between two top civilizations, the situation is so sad.

These star cores are now undoubtedly the private wealth of Thain, Clint and others.

Because Planet Nuoqi was conquered by them, including other reserves of this resource transfer planet, they should also have a share!

This is a big meal. Judging from the profits of these powerful wizards in the Noqi planet, this time it is even more than what they captured in the Black Tide plane.

The Bondi Knights and others from the desert kingdom of Jahana have always been very tight on money. It is understandable that they are excited when they see so many star cores.

But when even the fifth-level peak magician Vel'Koz's face showed great shock and surprise, one can imagine how huge the value contained in these star cores is.

In fact, in terms of energy level, although the star core is equivalent to the godhead.

But in the trading market of wizard civilization, the value of the heart of the plane far exceeds the godhead!

Especially those plane hearts produced in low-level planes, with the power of their unique laws, are worth enough to be comparable to two to three fourth-level godheads.

Some plane hearts with extremely outstanding power of original laws can even be exchanged for fifth-level biological godhood!

No wonder those Gallente Federation fleets, knowing that the war across the star field was irreversible, would send support fleets to the Noqi planet.

It is estimated that their goal, as Bondi Knight said, is to take away these star cores.

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