The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1418 Driving

The giant mecha developed by the Gallente Federation requires two people to connect their brains in order to drive it.

Moreover, mecha pilots in the federal military must undergo rigorous training and undergo multiple physical strengthening exercises before they have the basic qualities to drive mechas in combat.

Although the federal scientist in a white coat in front of him seemed to have undergone limited genetic enhancement, he was obviously far behind the special soldiers of the military.

When will one person from the Gallente Federation be able to pilot a level four or higher mecha?

Oh, by the way, Li Batian and others are not mechas, they are intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron.

Although both are made of metal, there is still a big difference between the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron and the giant combat mechas developed by the Federation military.

They use different core technologies, but they just look similar in appearance.

The federal scientist in a white coat in front of him aroused Thain's great interest.

The exquisite flame micro-control ability allowed Thain to not hurt the opponent at all.

With the help of soul magic, Thain easily obtained all the information he wanted to know from this weak federal scientist.

The federal scientist named Joseph in front of him is also a talent!

Michael Bay created a family of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron in an attempt to achieve his supreme academic achievements.

The federal scientist named Joseph in front of him didn't think so much. This guy was more pragmatic and closer to reality.

After obtaining Libatian, a level four intelligent robot, and after a short period of research, Joseph first needed to consider how to deal with the rebellion of this intelligent robot, and secondly, how to enhance its strength.

Joseph is indeed an outstanding scientist of the Gallente Federation in the field of robotics. His talent may not be close to that of Michael Bay, but he has found a way to solve the rebellion of intelligent robots.

The Wizarding World has directly tampered with the core codes written by the Federation in the control centers of these robots through some means, but the physical structure of these robots is difficult to change.

An uncomplicated cockpit architecture and a series of code rewrites can allow the Gallente Federation to regain control of these intelligent robots through human control.

This way of controlling smart robots,

There is not much difference from the giant mecha troops that are already in service with the Gallente Federation.

What's even more commendable is that this intelligent robot control method pioneered by Joseph only requires one driver!

The giant mecha army promoted by the Gallente Federation requires two pilots to connect their brains to control it, which is a last resort manifestation of limited technology and capabilities.

The technology used by these giant mechas was derived from the technology that the Gallente Federation seized from the civilization of the Rose Dynasty.

But in the Rose Dynasty civilization, so-called mechas only need one person to control them.

However, the civilization of the Rose Dynasty allows one person to control a mecha. Originating from their race, the brains are naturally relatively open and developed, and the civilization itself also has a mind training system.

Gai‎‏‎‎‏​‎​​‎‎‏​‏‎‎The Lunt Federation has no so-called self-cultivation method. If they want to control the mecha, they can only let the genetically enhanced warriors perform brain connection.

Compared with single-player driving, brain-field connection definitely has certain shortcomings.

Even Iroh, one of the top federal scholars who introduced the brain-field connection theory, does not deny this.

Joseph believes that his latest research results can even greatly improve the Federation's academic field of robots and mecha manufacturing.

And he also proved the feasibility of this solution through his own actual driving operation.

In fact, given Joseph's status at the experimental base of Nochi Planet, he had the opportunity to escape from Nochi Planet in an emergency escape cabin before the arrival of Thane and other powerful wizards from the wizarding world.

But this guy was so obsessed with the experiment that he missed the best time to escape.

After receiving this result, Thain couldn't help but look at the dry Joseph, a federal scientist in front of him.

The Gallente Federation has a lot of talents, Thane had to admit.

Whether it is in the political world, the financial world, the military, or the scientific world, since the Gallente Federation can develop to the top level of civilization, there must be a reason for its existence.

The value of the Joseph in front of him in Thane's eyes is no less than that of any fourth- or fifth-level biological trophy.

What Than values ​​is not the value of his body materials, but the wisdom he possesses.

Wisdom and knowledge are priceless.

Couldn't get Michael Bay from off Cybertron

It was indeed a pity that the space station took him away, but Thain did not intend to let go of this guy in front of him.

Considering that Yuri's constructed golem was damaged and has not been repaired, Thain couldn't help but ask: "Can the cockpit be repaired again? Don't block Li Batian's self-thinking."

"The production of the cockpit is not very technical, but I need some materials and assistants." Joseph said.

Joseph is not difficult to control. He can control souls better than the few federal mecha pilots that Thain captured alive.

Thane has already branded himself as a slave deep in his soul.

"You can use any materials here. There should be some federal scientists who have not been evacuated. I allow you to recruit them again, and I will ensure their safety." Thain pointed to the surroundings and said.

Soul control is not equivalent to completely erasing Joseph's self-will. This guy still has some feelings for the Gallente Federation. Facing Thane's The order was given. Although Joseph had a complicated expression, he still obeyed the order.

His soul is controlled by Thane, and he can't make any waves.

In terms of individual strength, Joseph probably couldn't defeat even a first- or second-level creature.

After Joseph followed Thain's instructions and left, Thain looked at Li Batian in front of him.

Li Batian still looks relatively honest and upright.

It knew that Thain was here to save it, and it also knew that it had been forced to fight with Thain for a while.

The huge yellow shovel claw scratched its metal head. Li Batian didn't know how to talk to Thain. It wanted to thank Thain.

"Is your injury okay?" Thane asked proactively before Li Batian could speak.

Li Batian glanced at his hollow chest, shook his head, and replied, "It's nothing."

"I want to do an experiment later and let my friends try to drive and control you."

"Don't worry, your self-thinking and will will not be blocked." Thain said to Li Batian.

Li Batian didn't care about this, and replied: "Okay."

Yuri, at the same time, was released by Thane.

While discussing with Yuri about driving an intelligent robot, Thane noticed that the King of Huyans was still here.

"You can go out and help others. I have nothing to do here for the time being." Thain said to the King of the Huyans.

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