The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,417 Li Batian

After Master Nuoqi's domain power was completely arranged, and with the order of the fifth-level knight Clint, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus and the two space fortresses slowly headed towards the Nuoqi planet.

"It's been so long since I've released my realm, and I feel a little unfamiliar." Master Vel'Koz couldn't help but sigh after finishing casting the spell.

First, he released the forbidden curse in the Black Tide Plane, and then released a special area covering the entire planet on the Noqi Planet. This Master Vel'Koz's strength is really impressive.

"Master, your domain power will save us a lot of trouble. The capture of this planet may go more smoothly than expected," Clint said.

"Magic experiments are very expensive. Helping you is also helping myself."

"It seems that we have indeed gained a lot this time." Vel'Koz's mechanical eyes scanned the planet below and smiled.

"This is natural. I ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ will count you in the blame, Master Vel'Koz. You played a great role in both wars." Clint said seriously.

Paying attention to sharing is a virtue.

Master Vel'Koz knows that the benefits of profiting from the Federation's giant mecha are given to Thane. Of course, Clint Knight will not go it alone.

Without discussing too much on topics such as interests, Vel'Koz then asked casually: "Mage Thain, what are you doing?"

At this time, Thain did not immediately rush into the lower plane. He was now holding an extremely ordinary cube in his hand.

Usually it is for other people, but Thain can get some different information from it.

"Are you still on this planet?" Thain breathed a sigh of relief after receiving feedback from the Rubik's Cube.

Faced with Vel'Koz's inquiry, Thane replied: "Nothing, I need to go somewhere next, and I will meet you later."

After saying that, Thane flew straight towards a certain area in the center of Planet Nuoqi.

It's not a centralized place for supplies, it seems to be a control and experimental area set up here by the Gallente Federation.

After Thane left, Vel'Koz looked at Clint in confusion.

Clint coughed twice and said, "This mage Thain seems to have returned from a secret mission. It may be related to his mission."

Vel'Koz's mechanical eyes flashed, and he shook his head and said: "I don't know what the specific mission of this mage Thain is. I was just informed to help him get back safely."

"The resistance of this planet is not strong. We should seize the time to conquer this place and avoid unnecessary complications." Master Vel'Koz didn't want to discuss too much in this regard, so he changed the topic and said


"I think so too." Knight Clint agreed.

When Clint Knight and the two knights also stepped forward to participate in the battle, the Huyan King followed Thain early and arrived at the target area.

In recent times, Thain has felt more and more that he has some strange connection with the Rubik's Cube.

This connection may be traced back to the situation when Thane was threatened by the federal secret weapon particle concussion bomb and the Rubik's Cube ran out of energy at that time.

After that, it was Thain who used his alchemy and formation skills to help the Rubik's Cube slowly replenish its energy.

The Gallente Federation's garrison strength on the Noqi planet is, at best, comparable to two level four creatures.

The two fourth-level knights brought by Clint were enough to solve all the troubles, not to mention the fifth-level combat powers such as the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus.

Almost all the forces have been mobilized to resist the Wizarding World's attacking army. When Thain invaded the central experimental area of ​​​​the Federation, he did not expend much effort. .

At this time, there are very few federal creatures in this area, and the limited resistance is mostly made up of robots and automatic attack weapons.

Thain didn't know exactly how to access the safe passage set up by the federation in the experimental area.

After using the Rubik's Cube to obtain information about the fourth-level intelligent robot on the planet Cybertron, Thain basically hit the wall and found a way.

Heading to the target in a straight line is faster than those federal people usually go to the depths of the experimental base.

Thain finally arrived at a white, empty experimental area underground.

It seems that most federal scientists like to decorate their laboratories in white, but Thain finds it a lot drab.

This underground laboratory is obviously mainly used to study robots. On the way here, Thain noticed many parts and structural models of robots.

A huge metal door stood at the deepest part of the experimental area. The prompt from the Rubik's Cube told Thain that the target he was looking for was behind this metal door.

Blue flames ignited from the palms of Thane's hands.

Relying on the decomposition properties of flame, the hard metal door gradually melted away like a candle.

But before the metal door could be fully opened, a yellow shadow suddenly flashed in front of Thain.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Thane, who had activated his elemental body, dodged this tool, and a huge pit appeared at his original location.

Huge yellow shadows follow closely, each blow can cause great damage to the ground and surrounding environment.


But its speed is still much slower, including its physical coordination.

The metal claw, which resembles a bucket, carries unparalleled power.

The black crawler legs give it good load-bearing capacity.

The robot that appeared in front of him was Li Batian, a level four intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron who had had contact with Thane.

Thain even saved it.

"Li Batian, what are you doing?" Facing this level four intelligent robot that was constantly attacking him, Thain couldn't help but frown and asked.

On the other side, the King of Huya appeared here with Thain and wanted to help, but Thain refused.

At this time, Li Batian not only failed to answer Thain's question, but also attacked more frequently.

Thane didn't care about Li Batian's hostility.

‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Let alone whether it can beat Thain. Based on its current state alone, Thain can judge the current strength of this guy. It might as well be Before.

The relatively slow speed and extremely uncoordinated body coordination greatly reduced Li Batian's threat.

Rather than saying that Thain was fighting Li Batian, it was better to say that he was observing what was going on with Li Batian.

Sure enough, as Thain examined it, he gradually discovered a clue.

The super data analysis ability of Wuxiang Mask allowed Thain to find signs of life activity on Li Batian's chest.

Feedback from the Rubik's Cube also informed Thain that Li Batian is currently in a "driven state."

what's the situation? !

With a slight snort, Thane rushed forward again, his demonic claws condensing a large area of ​​blazing flame elements.

Under Thain's extremely precise control, the devil's claw directly penetrated Li Batian's chest, but did not cause damage to other parts of his body.

When Thain retracted his right hand, a large piece of khaki metal plate was still burning slowly, but a federal scientist with a frightened and fearful look on his face gradually emerged.

This is a specially made cockpit. Just now, it was this federal scientist who was driving the Tyrant and fighting Thane.

After the cockpit was detached, Li Batian immediately stopped.

After a moment, Li Batian's eyes lit up again, and it seemed that he had regained control of his body this time.

"Well..." Li Batian looked down at his chest that had been pierced.

For robots, this injury is nothing, they have no pain.

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