The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,416 Domain

When Thane and his team left the Black Tide Plane, the war on this low-level battlefield was still raging.

The Wizarding World has invested a total of nine space fortresses in this low-level plane.

Although in terms of the number and scale of the overall war platform, the Wizarding Civilization cannot yet compare with the Gallente Federation, the top technological civilization.

But the nine space fortresses, combined with dozens of light prism fortresses and nearly a thousand war airships, are still impressive.

When heading to the planet Nochi, Thain and others brought two space fortresses and about 300,000 knights and magician legions, and nearly 2 million spare slave biological legions were loaded.

The total number of legions is indeed a bit small, but it should be enough to deal with an artificial planet deployed by the Gallente Federation.

And most of these combat troops came from the Kingdom of Jahana.

Most of the abundant war wealth contained in the planet Nuo‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ will eventually flow into the Kingdom of Jahana.

It is true that the Gallente Federation has a lot of legions stranded in the starry sky.

As soon as they left the Black Tide plane, Thain and others suffered a barrage of firepower from the federal direction.

It has been at war with the Gallente Federation for a while, and the wizard civilization has almost figured out many of the federation's attack methods.

For example, the Gallente Federation likes to transform the numerous void meteorite belts, demiplanes and broken planes in the star realm.

The originally unpretentious astral meteorites, under the transformation of the Gallente Federation, became platforms for carrying their combat weapons.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation does not invest much manpower in these combat platforms, and most of them attack on their own or are remotely controlled.

The Gallente Federation used their unique method to create the "cannon fodder" that belongs to technological civilization.

However, this time the attack on the Noqi planet was carried out, a total of seven level 4 and 5 experts from the Wizarding World were dispatched, including Thane.

King of the Huyans, Clint Knight, Master Vel'Koz, and Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus are all genuine level five creatures.

These defensive fronts placed in the starry sky by the Gallente Federation may be useful against ordinary legions, but they are not enough in the face of creatures above level four.

Nowadays, the main army of the Federation is trapped in several warring planes, and there is no extra strength to snipe them.

Led by the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus, and with two peak level five powerhouses, Clint and Vel'Koz, in charge, Thane and others rushed towards the planet Notch very quickly.

Although the Huyan King was the more seriously injured among them, he was the most active one among the group.

Considering that this guy even gave his daughter to him for marriage, he will be considered one of his own from now on.

Thain stepped forward to relieve a lot of pressure on the Huyan King, and threw two potions to the opponent to recover his injuries.

There is still some potion in Thain's hand, which was given to him by Lu Lianman when he left the wizarding world.

I don’t know whether Thain was too diligent and frugal, or Lu Lianman gave him too much, but there were still a few bottles of the recovery potion made from the purple crystal insect royal jelly.

Planet Nuoqi is not far from the Transverse Star Territory.

This is not a naturally formed planet, but an artificial planet created by the Gallente Federation. Its predecessor seems to be a large meteorite block.

The Ga‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Lunt Federation is good at expanding and building its own artificial planet based on giant meteorites or demiplanes.

Even if there is no basic template, creating a mechanical planet out of nothing is nothing.

Of course, the cost of an artificial mechanical planet manufactured in that way will also increase significantly.

When Thane and others arrived outside the planet Notch, the Federation's garrison forces on this artificial planet were in the process of being urgently transferred.

They should also have received the message that Thain and others were approaching the planet Nochi.

Although a garrison fleet was dispatched to intercept, the interception power of the Federation was far behind the offensive power of Thain and others.

The extremely short retreat time made it impossible for the Gallente Federation to transfer all the resources of the Noqi planet.

When Thane and others arrived, the Federation had only evacuated a very small number of important people from the planet and some Federation scientists.

"This transit planet has so many resource reserves!" A fourth-level knight looked down with a little greed in his eyes.

This fourth-level knight is named Bondi and comes from the Kingdom of Jahana.

The Kingdom of Jahana is one of the top forces in the wizarding world, and it is also a holy land for knights. It has dominator-level knights. However, looking at all the top forces in the wizarding world, the Kingdom of Jahana is relatively "poor".

The Kingdom of Jahana is also known as the "Kingdom of Mercenaries". The knights who grew up in that desert area used to have a common occupation as mercenaries.

Planet Notch is a resource transit planet, not an ecological immigrant planet, so the Gallente Federation does not

Too much greening has been done to this artificial planet.

The entire planet is a scene of dust.

Countless large-scale take-off and landing platforms are distributed in various areas of the Nuoqi planet, and mountains of containers and supplies can be found everywhere.

The energy block manufacturing technology developed by the Gallente Federation has been praised and recognized even by the wizarding world.

Their low cost and wide application efficiency surpass the wizard civilization's method of condensing energy crystals through element pools.

Those non-attributed energy blocks are just "money" in the eyes of many knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

Since the beginning of the war, many federal resources have been seized, whether it is energy blocks or rare metals. The Wizarding World has properly developed and utilized them, and has clearly marked prices on such resources, which have great circulation value.

"In order to prevent these Federation creatures from jumping over the wall and destroying this planet, let me use my domain power first." Master Vel'Koz, who has extremely rich combat experience said.

Most of the artificial planets in the Gallente Federation have a self-destruction process. This is one of the biggest differences between artificial planets and naturally formed planes with complete rules.

The fifth-level magician Vel'Koz led the way. When he reached a certain height outside the planet Nuoqi, a layer of light gray power of domain law centered on him and expanded in all directions.

Master Vel'Koz's domain power has a certain ability to interfere with federal electromagnetic equipment.

This kind of domain power is also called "god domain" by creatures above level four in certain planes.

After Thane was promoted to level four, he has explored the power of the law to a very deep level, but he has not yet delved into the power of his own domain.

The so-called field is when the power of elements and laws are excessively combined to create a battlefield environment that is extremely beneficial to oneself in an infinitely expanding manner.

This kind of domain method is the power that many level four and above creatures who believe in the god plane are most keen to explore and use.

As a magician, Thain has too many directions and spaces for improvement, and there is no need to stick to one field.

Planet Nuoqi is very small. In terms of plane layout, it may not even be comparable to a miniature plane.

Under the pouring out of Master Vel'Koz's domain power, the entire Noki planet was finally wrapped in a light gray domain light curtain.

During this period, the garrison force of Planet Nochi also rushed out in an attempt to interrupt Master Vel'Koz, but they were all ruthlessly wiped out by Thane and others.

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