The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,411 Take action!

As expected, Gamora listened to her father's words, and then came to Thane.

Thain has no intention of conducting magic experiments during this period, and is basically preparing for the next battle.

In a war of this magnitude, Gamora can only play a limited role.

In addition, Thain wanted to lead a team to attack the planet Nuoqi, and his arrangement for Gamora was to give her a lot of magic tools that he had refined during this period.

"When the war starts, don't take action hastily. You should focus on protecting yourself."

"Over the Wizarding World Legion, a ball of my sand element will come to you. You stay with it for the time being."

"If necessary, we can also coordinate and apply for help from some of the Wizarding World Legion. I think they will take action." Thain said to Gamora.

Originally, Thane wanted to keep the constructor Yuri as well. However, since Yuri’s silver golem was scrapped in the Gallente Federation, she had no intention of leaving Thane. of little help.

However, Yuli insisted on acting together with his master.

Thain noticed that after Yuli's continuous battles and life-and-death crises, it seemed that her life energy level was about to break through level four.

After thinking about it, he agreed to Yuli's application.

Anyway, Yuri can be put into a space prop by Thain. If the battlefield situation is always dangerous, Thain will not let her out at will.

The day of action finally came.

It seems that in response to the Gallente Federation's continuous increase of troops to the Transverse Star Territory, the Wizard Civilization also mobilized a large number of legions to arrive at this frontline battlefield during this period.

A new wizard world combat legion has also arrived in the Black Tide plane, which is a powerful mechanical legion led by a fifth-level mechanic.

In addition to nearly 60,000 first-level and above mechanics, there are also more than five million mechanical slave legions.

The so-called "Mechanical Slave Legion" is a unique combat unit specially developed by the mechanics of the City of Steel for the war of civilization.

The predecessors of these mechanical slave legions are still wizard civilization slave creatures, but they are species that have been strictly selected and are extremely suitable for mechanical transformation.

After being blessed and transformed by the mounted mechanical creations, these mechanical slave biological legions have undergone great changes compared with their original appearance.

They have stronger protection, more outstanding combat effectiveness, and are not afraid of death. The mechanics of the wizard civilization can also remotely control them to initiate self-destruction of flesh and blood.

This kind of combat unit can be regarded as the elite force of the Steel City Mechanics.

Affected by the increase in troops from the wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation once again continued to increase troops to the transverse star field including the Black Tide Plane.

This is a process of mutual influence. In fact, the total strength of the Federation gathered in the Black Tide Plane and the Transverse Star Territory at the end has exceeded the prior expectations of Thain and other powerful people in the wizarding world.

But war is like this, with great variables.

In any case, Thain and others must take action.

The ones who took the lead in launching the first attack were not the mechanic army that had just arrived in the Black Tide plane, nor the Huya people who were in a state of readiness, but the cannon fodder army of slave creatures and the alliance gods belonging to the wizard civilization.

At this time, there are five alliance level four and above creatures appearing in the Black Tide plane, and one of them even has a level five life level.

But the wizard civilization's assignment cannot be rejected.

Under the command of the high-ranking knights and magicians of the wizarding world, these fourth-level creatures of the Alliance could only bite the bullet and rush forward against the dense energy rays of the Gallente Federation.

The molten steel tyrannosaurus with a five-level life level is undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence among these attacking legions!

Because it has a certain dragon bloodline, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus is considered the best among the fifth-level creatures in the alliance.

The King of the Huyans also fought against this alliance creature after arriving in the Black Tide Plane to join the war.

He is no match for the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus.

If it weren't for the focused firepower of the Gallente Federation's fleet hovering in the sky, this nearly 1,000-meter-long tyrannosaurus with steel skin and scales would be able to overturn the metal front line deployed by the Gallente Federation on its own.

The dense rain of energy rays poured onto the surface of the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus, making a "ding-ding-ding-ding" sound.

The defensive power of this molten steel tyrannosaurus is really exaggerated. In recent years, it has been on the front line of the war with the Gallente Federation for a long time. This fifth-level creature that has embarked on the path of passive evolution seems to have completed some adaptive changes. .

The layer of silver scale skin on its body does not entirely rely on its thickness to block the federal firepower, but seems to have a certain ability to refract or even reflect the Gallente Federation energy rays!

Don’t underestimate the mystery of the evolution of living organisms!

This kind of passive evolution sometimes involves more mysteries and particularities, which are more amazing than some active evolutions.

At this time, the fifth-level pinnacle machine that had just arrived in this low-level battlefield was

Mechanic Vel'Koz, with one of his mechanical eyes, stared admiringly at the rampaging Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus in front of the battlefield.

The tyrannical passive evolution level possessed by Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus was not the main goal that attracted Vel'Koz.

The true value of this Alliance Level 5 creature lies in its physical constitution that is extremely suitable for mechanized transformation!

If this molten steel tyrannosaurus were allowed to undergo the deep mechanization transformation of the Wizarding World's Iron City, I really don't know how terrifying and exaggerated its destructive power would be.

Thinking of this, the fifth-level mechanic Vel'Koz turned and asked Clint: "Knight Clint, this molten steel tyrannosaurus should be a fifth-level Alliance creature attached to your Kingdom of Jahana, right?"

"Can you give it to our City of Steel? We will pay a sufficient price or an equal amount of alliance combat power to compensate you." Level 5 ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ asked.

In response to Vel'Koz's request during the war, Clint, a fifth-level knight of the Kingdom of Jahana, shook his head and said, "I can't make the decision on this matter. Master Vel'Koz, you can pass the Steel City to formally note way to consult with our Kingdom of Jahana.”

"Right now, our main task is still the battlefield in front of us." Clint reminded.

As both level five peak experts, Vel'Koz's status and voice in the wizarding world must be slightly higher than Clint's.

And Clint Knight, who is relatively well-informed, also found out that this fifth-level peak magician has a good background, and seems to have a certain relationship with the true spirit-level mechanic in the City of Steel.

Sending him here this time also shows that wizard civilization attaches great importance to this war zone.

Clint's answer made Vel'Koz nod. After returning his gaze to the battlefield, the fifth-level peak magician said casually: "I will."

Led by the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus, after the legions of slave creatures in the Wizarding World gradually broke up the Gallente Federation's defense front, hundreds of thousands of knights and magician legions on the Black Tide plane battlefield also moved.

This battle is definitely no longer the petty fight that happened some time ago.

When the Jahana Kingdom's proud Earth Lizard Knights were dispatched on this battlefield, the Gallente Federation also smelled something unusual.

All mobilizable forces were brought to the frontline battlefield by the Gallente Federation at this moment, including the Huya Legion, which also entered the waiting area.

"It seems that we can take action." Velikos, the fifth-level peak mechanic, smiled upon seeing this.

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