The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1412: White-hot

Vel'Koz, the fifth-level pinnacle mechanic, can do nothing if he doesn't take action, but once he takes action, he becomes a blockbuster!

Forbidden spell - Heavenly Magnetic Megawave!

When the tones of forbidden spell-level magic resounded through this low-level battlefield, every low-level creature on both sides felt heartfelt fear and panic.

This is a terrifying force that can destroy everything.

The instinct of survival makes all creatures want to escape from here immediately.

But the orders from the commanders of the main battle legions on both sides forced these tens of millions of lower creatures to continue fighting here.

What the fifth-level magician Vel'Koz released was not a single-type forbidden spell.

When the nearly 60,000 mechanics below him have all completed the magic alliance and joined in the process of creating the forbidden curse, one can imagine how exaggerated power this forbidden curse will have after it is completed!

Is it possible that these wizard world legions want to destroy the world?

No, the Wizarding World also has a large number of combat troops and local strong men appearing here. If the Black Tide Plane is directly destroyed by the terrifying power of the forbidden curse, these Wizarding World legions will not be happy.

Unless this magnetic system‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏forbidden spell, the main function is not to kill, but to be functional.

The Gallente Federation's understanding of mechanics in the wizarding world is still too shallow.

When the Wizarding World destroyed the Nessir civilization and ushered in a major leap forward in the mechanic system, it happened to be a period when the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Alliance severed diplomatic relations, and the relationship between the two world civilizations entered a freezing point.

In addition, the wizarding world later received many technical mysteries from the Rose Dynasty civilization that had escaped, and the development of mechanics went further.

The Rose Dynasty can't live without civilization. They are still counting on the wizarding world to avenge them and take back their mother plane.

The civilization of the Rose Dynasty was a matrilineal social civilization that respected women.

It is rumored that Her Majesty, the current Queen of the Rose Dynasty Civilization, has taken refuge in the Wizarding Civilization and accepted the protection of the Wizarding Civilization.

Hundreds of years ago, Thain participated in the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference, and the dominant powerhouse of the Rose Dynasty civilization showed up to express his stance.

The hostility and anger of the Rose Dynasty civilization towards the Gallente Federation far exceeded that of the Wizarding World, which was at war with the other side.

The preparation for the Forbidden Curse-level magic magnetic megawave takes a long time. The Gallente Federation has been fighting wizard civilization for many years, and it is considered to be experienced. It knows that magicians above level 4 in the Wizarding World are the most vulnerable when releasing the Forbidden Curse.

Moreover, the more powerful the forbidden spell is, the more severe the backlash will be if the magician is interrupted from casting a spell.

Some impatient magicians were interrupted by their opponents before they finished casting the forbidden spell, resulting in their own death. This situation is not unique in the history of foreign wars of wizard civilization.

So the Gallente Federation stepped up its attack on the Wizarding World Legion.

Dozens of federal main ships and many giant mechas with combat power comparable to level four or above were approaching Velikoz's position.

At the same time, outside the Black Tide plane, the long-range turrets and combat satellites urgently repaired and transformed by the Gallente Federation also opened fire on the Wizarding World Legion.

The war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is a trinity war.

The battle not only took place in the plane, but also in the star realm, and the fighting almost never stopped.

The wizarding world has sent out elite legions more than once to destroy the technological weapons deployed by the Gallente Federation outside the plane.


On the transverse star field battlefield, the Gallente side is on the defensive and the wizard civilization is on the offensive. An important sign is that the Federation has lost a lot of control over the outer space of this star field plane.

When the Gallente Federation, under the inexplicable pressure brought by the forbidden curse, forced its way into the Wizarding World Legion, the knights and magicians of Level 4 and above in the Wizarding World, represented by Clint, also moved.

Clint, the fifth-level peak knight, took the lead.

Before the arrival of the mechanic Vel'Koz, Clint was the well-deserved strongest man in the Black Tide Plane!

Whether it is the Alliance's fifth-level creature Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus or another fifth-level magician Smak, in fact, neither can reach the height of Clint in the field of specific combat power.

The powerful power of earth law makes Knight Clint feel as heavy as a mountain after flying into the sky.

His weapon was a pair of two-handed swords. After slashing a Federation ship with one blow, Clint Knight faced the explosion flames and faced a Federation giant mecha with the greatest fluctuation in power response.

Behind Knight Clint, other knights and magicians from the wizarding world also showed their methods.

There is a fourth-level knight who rushes faster than ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏. He doesn’t even bother to greet the knights under his command. In terms of his fierceness, he is second only to Clint Knight himself.

The large-scale movements of the Wizard Civilized Legion caused the commanders of the Gallente Federation in the Black Tide Plane to think that a general attack on the Wizard World had been launched.

Sure enough, after asking about the situation of battlefields in other planes, I learned that the Wizarding World was not only attacking the Black Tide plane, but also the other five battlefields across the Star Territory. The offensive intensity was far greater than before.

The fierce battle began again at this moment.

Because there were so many creatures of level four and above involved in the war, and the number of the underlying legions was in the tens of millions, the will of the Kuroshio plane, which was already weak, could not help but groan again at this moment.

The earth was shaking, and countless cracks were torn out on the black surface.

The originally dim and dark sky was now illuminated by dense energy rays.

Tens of thousands of tons of viscous blood are poured all over the Kuroshio plane.

No matter which world civilization wins in the end, the overall feeling is that doomsday is coming!

At this critical and intense moment of the melee in the plane, a thick electromagnetic lightning with a diameter of several hundred meters suddenly flashed in the center of the battlefield in the Kuroshio plane.

This electromagnetic lightning chain seemed to be an omen. After it was sent out, not only a large number of federal ships and drones fell from the sky, but even the cannon fodder army of federal robots below fell into a state of shutdown for a moment.

The Forbidden Curse-level Magic Heavenly Magnetic Megawave is not a destructive Forbidden Curse at all!

Its greatest function is to interfere with the Gallente Federation's electronic equipment and focus on destroying some targets.

This is a special forbidden spell developed by the mechanics of the wizarding civilization specifically for the Gallente Federation.

These forbidden spells have limited effect on creatures from other planes, but they are suitable for targeting the Gallente Federation Legion.

Thane's blue fire is also a unique elemental flame that is relatively restrained by the Gallente Federation.

Therefore, do not underestimate the wisdom of the spellcasters of wizard civilization.

Although the forbidden spell-level magic magnetic megawave greatly interfered with the communication between the Gallente Federation Legion, after a period of chaos, the Federation Legion quickly regained its footing.

Federation ships have their own operating system, and they also have corresponding emergency solutions when they encounter special situations.

For example, those large pieces of the federal fleet that fell from the sky, except for many low-level drones, did crash in the end, and most of the other federal ships stabilized before they were about to fall to the surface.

Including the cannon fodder army of bottom-level robots that had become unresponsive, they were also restarted at this moment.

In view of the interference in the command orders of these robot legions by the federal command, most of these robot cannon fodder have entered "automatic combat status."

The Gallente Federation should not be underestimated either!

The sudden display of forbidden spells by the wizard civilization on this battlefield did indeed make them confused, but it was not yet a final decision.

However, what happened next made the Gallente Federation even more unexpected: a large-scale rebellion by the Huyan Legion!

The opponent was like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the heart of the federal army on the battlefield of the Black Tide Plane.

The top federal officials were frightened and angry, and wanted to activate back-up measures to control these alien mercenaries. However, the main direction of the magnetic megawave just now was towards these involuntary ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎ ‏‏‏Huyan Legion.

Almost all the back-up tools used to control the Huya Legion lost their effect at this moment, including the federal combat forces surrounding the Huya Legion. They were also unable to respond in a very short time due to the focus of the forbidden curse.

This is a long-planned action! This combination of punches from the wizard civilization caught the Gallente Federation by surprise!

What makes the Gallente Federation even more strange is that the Huya people are just rebelling, but how come there is also a fourth-level life form with an amazing energy level in the wizarding world appearing in their hinterland!

When did he infiltrate?

The real combat power shown by Thain, whose life energy level is level 4, is not much different from that of level 5 creatures.

A series of dense elemental beams shot out from the mask on Thane's face.

Including Thane himself, he also turned on the elemental demon transformation form at this time.

The powerful true form of the law supported Thain to stand firm in the rear of the federal army in a short period of time!

In terms of difficulty, he was actually better than the rebellious King of Huya.

At this time, Level 4 Knight Bondi was not far behind Clint.

Seeing Thain waving his demonic arm and crashing a federal attack ship that couldn't react, Bundy couldn't help but swallowed and said, "Is this guy really a magician?"

"Didn't you say he was an elementalist? He certainly doesn't look like a bloodline magician. Why is his physique so exaggerated?"

Bundy, who had previously criticized Thain for being "too much" for the two Huyan princesses in front of everyone, now stopped talking nonsense.

At least if you put yourself in his shoes, Bundy will definitely not be able to reach the state that Thain broke out at this time.

"Stop talking nonsense and immediately respond to Master Thain and those Huya people."

"While those federal legions are still in a state of chaos, order all legions on the entire battlefield to charge me!" Level 5 Knight Clint ordered.

Naturally, the Gallente Federation Legion did not sit back and watch Thain and the Huyans continue to wreak havoc in their rear.

In addition to the return of a group of ships and the surrounding self-propelled artillery firing at them, two other giant mechas with combat power of level four or above also returned.

At this moment, the war has reached a fever pitch!

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