The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,410 Ignorance

Although the cooperation has been confirmed, the preparation time for both parties is not short.

There are some things that Thain can't rush.

We can only hope that the level 4 intelligent robot on Planet Notch can last longer and not be killed by the Gallente Federation or transferred.

In addition to the war on the planet Bethula slowing down a lot, the war between the Black Tide plane and the world of Feramo also slightly decreased in intensity during this period.

The decline here is compared with the intensity of previous civilized wars.

For those low-level creatures with little experience, the war here is still exaggerated and frightening to them.

For example, Nokeda, a level four creature that has just arrived in the Black Tide Plane.

Nokeda is a strange creature born in the star world. According to the cognitive genealogy of the wizarding world, this guy is an earth elemental creature.

From the outside, Nokta is basically a large astral meteorite.

And it is true that before he was discovered by the Gallente Federation, this guy was just a special meteorite that only awakened lower intelligence.

It was the Gallente Federation that specially sent a scientific research ship to discover it, transform it, and prompt it to complete its transition and evolution to the fourth level of life.

Many plane civilizations call these special species that live and inhabit the star realm "star beasts".

As a Gallente Federation camp creature, Nokeda is not an individual with outstanding intelligence and vision, but it is not stupid either.

The terrifying power gathered by the wizard civilization army in the Black Tide Plane made Nokda, a meteorite-like creature that never breathed, feel suffocated.

Not to mention other federal creatures!

Not only Nokta, many fourth-level creatures and affiliated legions in the Gallente Federation camp felt such great pressure after arriving at the battlefield of the Transverse Star Territory.

Only the Gallente Federation's own elite fleet and mecha units seemed unaffected.

They are also the hardest bones for wizard civilization to crack in this star field battlefield.

However, judging from the Gallente Federation's continued increase in troops to the Transverse Star Territory, it seems that the other side is not willing to give up this star territory position in the short term.

This may also be due to the wizard civilization's recent slowdown in attacks, which has slightly paralyzed the Gallente Federation.

The preparation before a big event is the most nerve-wracking time.

Not only was Thain a little worried, the Huya people who were burdened with "big events" and "the fate of the ethnic group" were definitely under a lot of pressure.

In order to prevent the information from being exposed, the King of the Huyans did not reveal all his plans to defect to the wizard civilization to other level four Huyans before the incident.

Apart from Hu Yaren himself, the only person who knows the news is another fourth-level old Hu Yaren. The other person is a loyal supporter of the King of Hu Ya people and the most trustworthy person in the royal family.

As for the other fourth-level Huya people, the King of Huya people test

Considering that after the royal family stirs up the banner of rebellion, they will most likely follow suit.

Because the King of the Huyans is still the spiritual leader of all the Huyans.

When he personally announced that he would join the Wizards Alliance camp, other level four Huya people would also bite the bullet and follow in order to avoid being liquidated by the Gallente Federation.

On the eve of the incident, Gemora, the daughter of the Huyan King, found her father and couldn't help but ask: "Father, did you choose to join the Wizards Alliance because of me?"

From Gamora's question, it can be seen that although this pink girl has good fighting talent, she knows nothing about the overall situation and the judgment of some more far-reaching impacts.

How could the king of the Huyan people risk the fate of the entire ethnic group just because of a daughter?

However, the fact is that Gamora was used as an inducement, and the King of the Huyans chose to lead the tribe to join the wizard civilization.

Facing his daughter’s inquiry, the Huyan King sighed and said: “Actually, since you took in the fourth-level magician named Thain, we The fate of the race has been sealed.”

Seeing that Gamora still looked confused and confused, the Huyan King continued to explain: "Since you met Master Thain before arriving in the Shi'ak Empire, and later in the Gallente Federation Star Territory Rescued by accident within the territory.”

"Then the other party must be a hidden strongman sent by the wizarding civilization to perform special tasks deep in the Gallente Federation."

"If we don't agree to join the Wizards Alliance, that mage Thane breaks out and alerts the Gallente Federation, and he will definitely find us in the end."

"Facing the Gallente Federation, they don't even need to take action. The Shi'ak Empire alone is enough to crush us." The King of the Huyans sighed.

He made it very clear this time, and Gamora understood it, and a look of self-blame immediately appeared on her pretty face.

Gemora is not willing to affect the fate of the entire ethnic group because of herself.

The King of the Huyans did not blame Gamora for this. He then changed his tone and said: "Since the Master Thain did not choose to escape immediately and return to the wizard civilization camp after arriving in the Black Tide Plane."

"Rather, he took a certain risk to win over us, which shows that he still has a certain amount of trust and gratitude for us."

"After all, it was you who saved him in the Federation Star Territory, regardless of whether it was intentional or not. Without the cover of our Huyan fleet, it would have been difficult for him to escape the Gallente Federation's blockade and capture."

"You should try your best to seize the goodwill of the other party. After joining the Wizards Alliance, our Huyan clan may depend on the other party in many aspects." The King of the Huyans said to his daughter.

Gamora still liked Thain very much. Putting aside the subtle influence of soul magic, Thain was not something she could dislike in the first place.

But Gamora still has some doubts about this matter. She just

A person with this kind of character.

The King of the Huyans also saw his daughter's thoughts. He did not continue to speak on this matter, but changed the subject and mentioned the battle in the world of Feramo.

The war in the Feramo world was not as fierce as in the Kuroshio world, but on that battlefield, the casualty rate of the Huya clan was five times that of the Kuroshio world.

On the one hand, the King of the Huyans did not sit there, and indeed could not provide much protection to the Huyan legions on that battlefield.

On the other hand, there is also the Gallente Federation Legion. They do not regard the Huya clan as their own, but act as cannon fodder at the front to die. The natural casualty rate remains high.

The King of the Huyans did not talk about the heavy casualties of the Huyan legions at the bottom of the battlefield, but mentioned one person - the fourth-level Huyan Bisuo.

The fourth-level Huya Bisuo is not a direct descendant of the king of the Huya. He even has a deep conflict with the royal family. He is the most active person who wants to lead his tribe and break away from the Huya‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​ ‏‏The strong man who is the main body of man.

The connection between Bisso and the royal family extends as far back as when the Huya people's mother plane fell.

It was the wrong decision made by the royal family at that time, which not only ruined the mother plane, but also caused Bisuo's father and most of the tribe's legions to be destroyed by the enemy.

The past is like smoke and there is no need to mention it again.

Biso, the fourth-level Huya who has now arrived in the world of Feramo to join the war, is the first level four Huya to be seriously injured.

The main factor that caused it to suffer heavy losses was not how strong the Wizard Civilization Corps was, but the fact that the Gallente Federation fleet didn't care about him at all.

If it weren't for the other two level four Huyans helping each other on the battlefield, the fourth level Huyan Bisuo would be the first strong Huyan to die in the world of Feramo!

Hearing that Bisuo had been seriously injured, Gamora curled her lips and said, "I don't like that Uncle Bisuo. Didn't he often oppose you and even proposed to lead the tribe to break away from us several times?"

The King of Huyans never expected that his daughter would not realize what he wanted.

He was stunned and said: "But Bisuo also belongs to us Huya people."

"No matter what he thinks specifically, at least he came to this battlefield with us, and he can be regarded as injured for our Huya clan."

Seeing that Gamora still looked unreasonable, the Huyan King couldn't help but frowning with a headache.

He suddenly felt that although his daughter was the most "loved" by Sean, the only one he could truly rely on was his second daughter.

Fortunately, the King of the Huyans married two daughters. With his second daughter's mind and calm personality in considering problems, he should not be as ignorant as Gamora.

Thinking of this, the King of Huyans did not say anything to Gemorado.

After telling her to spend some time with Thain, the King of Huyans asked her to call her sister Gamora. He had something to tell Gamora.

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