The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,398 Acceptance and Gratitude

The warning from the federal frigate quickly attracted the attention of the person in charge of the ship.

However, after seeing Her Royal Highness the Princess appearing there, the person in charge of the starship hurriedly reported the matter to the King of Huya.

The Huyan King was in another flagship, closer to the center.

"I didn't deliberately open the ship's shields, nor did I have any intention of going out and walking around."

"It's just that our Huyan ships are too old-fashioned and the energy circuits are often blocked. The disappearance of the shield just now should be an accident. I have already informed the tribe to check and repair it." Gamora opened her mouth.

After all, she is a princess, and Gamora's emergency response skills are not bad.

If Thain hadn't influenced her with soul magic and had a preconceived idea of ​​saving her in danger, Gamora wouldn't have been so easily manipulated by Thain.

Gamora's calm answer and the subsequent sincere apology from the Huya ship made the federal frigate hesitate for a moment before continuing to entangle.

Because what Gemora said was not an excuse, but something that often happened to this Huyan fleet.

After arriving in the Gallente Federation star field, similar accidents have occurred more than once.

The Huya people are just the mercenary fighting force of the Shi'ak Empire. The Shi'ak Empire can no longer spend a lot of money to change the clothes of these Huya people.

Moreover, the Shi'ak Empire itself is also a cultivating civilization, and its ship manufacturing and other technologies were donated by the Gallente Federation at a low price after joining the Gallente Federation camp.

If you don't have enough, how can you have extra armed Huya people?

However, the Gallente Federation has promised to provide limited assistance and upgrade the weapons and equipment of the Huya people after arriving at a resource transfer base on the front line.

At least they won't let the Huyans carry a bunch of junk and fight against the wizard civilization.

The Federation frigate finally wandered around the starship and reviewed it for a long time. Their detection radar and penetration spectrum did find that this Huyan ship had major problems and loopholes.

After summarizing and recording this information one by one, no other clues about the federal ship were found, and it finally left slowly.

This Federation frigate is so careful because the Gallente Federation military has just turned this star field into a military restricted area not long ago. There seem to be sporadic battles happening, and there is no room for these Federation soldiers to be careless.

Since the start of the Civilization War, the spirit of the vast majority of Gallente Federation military soldiers has been in a state of tension.

Guys who are keen on fighting like the fallen Captain Kutcher are just a few alternative. The vast majority of federal creatures still prefer to live peacefully.

In fact, the wizarding world is not warlike either.

At least magicians are more inclined to explore the truth in the laboratory instead of fighting with people.

However, due to various factors, the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, two top civilizations with relatively close territory in the star domain, still brazenly entered a state of war.

The rules of operation of this world and many things are not determined by human preferences.

After the federal ship finally left, Gamora and her sister walked back to Thain who was hiding deep in the corner of the ship behind them.

Gamora obviously had doubts about Thane's identity, but Gamora showed no concern in this regard.

She couldn't help but immediately asked where Thane had been over the years, how he was doing, and how could he be wanted by the Gallente Federation?

Thane is such a smart person, but he is almost turning into an old monster.

A watertight answer was given by Thain casually, and there was almost no point for the Gamora sisters to refute their doubts.

"I suspect that a businessman named Jerami from the Gallente Federation killed me. He claimed to be a member of the Dodge family, and I didn't become suspicious."

"I didn't expect that he would treat me like this. Are all creatures in the star world so cunning and deceitful? The Gallente Federation is also so unreasonable!" Thane said with great sadness.

Seeing this, Gamora, who had a great affection for Thain, hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

In fact, many Huyans, including Gamora, have a favorable impression of the Gallente Federation.

Because top civilizations like the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation pay great attention to face work.

The slogans such as equality, freedom, peace, and mutual assistance that they often flaunt are sometimes expressed in actual actions, not just words.

Compared with some small and medium-sized world civilizations that are weak but arrogant, the Gallente Federation and the wizard civilization are more powerful top-level civilizations that can easily attract and accept many weak planes and wandering races from deep in the starry sky. proactive contact.

Because when dealing with this kind of top-level civilization, you generally don’t have to worry about the other party arrogantly swallowing you with all your bones.

The other party will eat slowly and even give you a little favor.

Let you inadvertently be squeezed out of all the use value by the other party.

You may even be grateful to the other party, thinking that you are the one taking advantage.

Under Thane's active inducement and hint, Gamora arranged a residence for him at the bottom of the ship.

The life of the Huya people is not good. Even if Gamora is a princess, the ship she is on is in tatters.

Even more difficult are the bottom creatures of the Huya clan.

In this mercenary war, for some unknown reason, the Huya actually brought the entire wandering ethnic group over.

There were a large number of Huya civilians living in the bottom cabin of the ship where Gemora was located.

This starship, which is not small in size, actually contains a society.

The place where Thain is currently located is almost the slum area where the Huya people live at the bottom level.

This was requested by Thain, and Gamora was also a little strange.

Otherwise, as Gamora, it would not be difficult to arrange an independent and spacious private residence for him, which could also be closer to Gamora's room.

Gamora's room, one of the best areas on top of the starship.

But Thain was here to escape, not just to enjoy himself.

The slums at the bottom of the ship, where even Gamora frowned and felt slightly disgusted, were the best hiding place for Thane.

The extremely dense flow of life forms here can better cover up Thain's aura.

And the place that Gamora finally arranged for Thain was directly above the boiler power cabin.

The scorching hot water that often spews out here makes many Huya people at the bottom unbearable, so this area is extremely empty.

Thain can set up a simple experimental bench here, repair excessive loss of equipment and equipment, and make more preparations in case of emergencies.

All in all, Thane was quite satisfied with this place, and he also had a great impression of Gamora who took in and helped him.

Although Gamora is mostly exploited, the opponent can appear in time when he needs it most.

Even Thain couldn't help but sigh, this was a gift from fate.

Thain's gratitude to Gamora is also real.

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