The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,397 Cannon Fodder

Gamora was not dazzled. When Thane reappeared in front of each other in the appearance of a Bok, it brought great surprise to the Gamora sisters.

What was even more striking was that Thain was not riding or piloting any spaceship at this time, but just flew straight in front of her.

So sudden, so unprepared.

So much so that Gemora thought of "miraculous" for a moment.

Does it mean that every night when you miss someone, the other person suddenly appears?

Could this be the power of the soul of the ancestors?

In fact, the Huya people believe in their ancestors more than they believe in gods.

Including the six-sided treasure box divination technique passed down from their clan, it is also a unique mystical method that embodies the wisdom of their ancestors.

At this time, Thain was in a rather embarrassing condition. Although he maintained a Huyan appearance, he had many injuries on his body, which caused people's heartache.

And behind Thain, there seemed to be some pursuer. When he quietly arrived at the stern of the Huya ship, the anxious expression on his face signaled the two girls Gamora to open the ship's protective light shield as soon as possible and let him in. .

With just one glance, Gamora was sure that the Thain in front of her was indeed the alien man she had longed for.

She couldn't explain this feeling. Although her identity had not yet been verified, she was already convinced that he was not pretending to be someone else.

Besides, in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there is no one who looks exactly like Thain and appears around this Huyan fleet group.

Regarding Thain, among the entire Huya ethnic group, only the Gemora sisters were slightly familiar with him.

Although their father had met Thain once, he had probably forgotten about this little "third-level" creature.

Under the strict requirements of the Gallente Federation, the Huyans are strictly prohibited from leaving their cabins and moving around at will when traveling through the star fields within the Federation.

But as a Huyan princess, Gemora is somewhat privileged.

The metal ring on her wrist flashed a red light, and the ship's shield in front of Thain briefly disappeared, and Thain hurriedly flew in.

The discovery of the Huyan fleet was an unexpected surprise, and with a few soul mark seeds planted in Gamora's mind in the early years, Thain could naturally find the two sisters easily.

Therefore, some things in this world are not so-called "miracles", and most of them are man-made.

Thain did not expect that the arrangements he made casually and the exotic creatures he met could actually save his life today.

Thinking back to when he first came into contact with Gamora in the starry sky, Thane's first reaction was to kill him.

It can only be said that due to the free hand of fate and the tricks of good fortune, Thain suddenly wanted to delve into the occult.

Thain did not have a deep influence on Gamora's soul. It can only be said that it made Gamora have a deep affection for him, and this kind of affection will gradually deteriorate over time.

Just like Yuri back then, they were still enemies when they first met in the poisonous green flame world battlefield. Now Yuri is also asking for everything from Thain.

In the field of spiritual mysteries, the wizarding civilization has truly reached the forefront of most world literary names.

It seems that as early as when the wizarding civilization was only a medium-sized plane, it had already relied on its outstanding soul slave control methods to lead an army of hundreds of millions of slave creatures to conquer the star realm.

Nowadays, wizard civilization has entered the top level of civilization, and its attainments in soul science are even more extraordinary.

Together with the secret of soul science that Thain exchanged from the Light of the Mathematical Olympiad back then, it is still of some use today.

The reason why she did not perform deep soul control on Gamora was because she was worried that her father and other Huya people would notice something strange.

This also results in Gamora still having a strong ability to take care of herself, and she has her own sense of right and wrong and ability to judge.

It can only be said that she has a heartfelt affection for Thain, but it is far from the level where Thain can order and assign her at will.

Therefore, after meeting, Gamora blurted out in surprise: "Sean, why are you here?"

"First I encountered a star thief, and then when I was traveling in the Gallente Federation, I was suddenly wanted by the Federation. It seems that I accidentally violated some of their laws."

"I hope you can help me. I'm very weak now, and my spaceship has crashed." Thain said to the two women in front of him with a sincere look.

"Of course, I will help you!" Gemora said immediately without thinking.

Gamora beside her frowned slightly. When did this "Boss" change his name to Thain?

And Gamora had an instinctive suspicion about Thane's words.

But before the sisters could exchange a few words with Thane, a piercing siren and a flashing red light suddenly appeared on the side of the ship. It was a Gallente Federation frigate coming over.

Thain looked anxiously at Gamora in front of him. Needless to say, Gamora immediately instructed Thain to hide deep in the ship, while she stayed in place.

The ship's shields, which were briefly opened, are now raised again.

The federal frigate appeared here not because it found traces of Thain, but because the shields of the Huyan ships rose and disappeared, which attracted the attention of the federal frigate.

After all, the ships of the Huyan people were dilapidated and backward, and even the starship the princess was riding was not much better.

The fleet of the Gallente Federation is not a product of the same energy level at all, so it can naturally be easily detected by the Federation's detection radar.

"According to the Federation's Wartime Article 47, it is strictly prohibited for ships from foreign stars passing through the Federation's starfields to show signs of breaking away or acting on their own."

"Once discovered, they will be treated as hostile targets, and federal ships have the right to destroy the opponent unconditionally!" A radio wave came from the federal frigate in front of him.

This kind of radio wave is a bit like a common method of spiritual communication in the star realm. In short, Gamora and other Huyans can understand the orders of the Gallente Federation.

As the boss of the Huyans, the Gallente Federation is an unimaginable behemoth in the eyes of the Huyans, an interstellar wandering race.

Even the Huya people's hired master, the large-scale world civilization Shi'ak Empire, is just a subordinate and vassal in front of the Gallente Federation. It can be imagined how powerful the other party's civilization is.

This time, the reason why the Huyan fleet appeared in the Gallente Federation star field was to accept the employment of the Shi'ak Empire and go to the federal front line to participate in the war.

Not all of the territory controlled by the Gallente Federation borders the wizarding civilization.

At least the large world civilization, the Shi'ak Empire, is not on the border of the wizard civilization. In the early stages of the war, it was difficult for the wizard civilization to point its troops directly at the opponent.

Therefore, vassal and threatening civilizations like the Shi'ak Empire initially accepted orders from the Gallente Federation and dispatched their own legions to the designated star areas to participate in the war.

Not only the Gallente Federation, but also the world under the wizard civilization!

How many of the Wizards' Alliance actually come into contact with the territory controlled by the Gallente Federation, or even directly have interests entangled with it?

However, after the Wizards Alliance declared war on the Gallente Federation, following an order issued by the Wizarding Civilization, hundreds of thousands of planes and worlds mobilized their forces, and Mou Zujin fought on the front line of the battle between the two top civilizations.

Judging from the strength of the Huya people and their status and composition, this is obviously an insignificant cannon fodder on the civilized battlefield.

Only their master, that is, the large-scale Shi'ak Empire, can be regarded as one of the Gallente Federation's own and give some preferential treatment to those creatures of the Shi'ak Empire.

The Hu Ya people in front of him were most likely sent to a battlefield with a narrow escape from death.

As an insignificant part of filling the bottomless pit of this war of civilizations.

Any war is watered with the lives and blood of countless creatures, without exception.

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