The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,399 Good or bad luck is unpredictable

Not long after Gamora took in Thane, she was received by her father.

The King of the Huyans apparently also heard about what happened not long ago. He also learned through his subordinates that there was no problem with the ship Gamora was on at the time. It was the starship shield that Gamora took the initiative to open.

In response to her father's inquiry, Gamora explained that she was too stuffy at the time and wanted to open the shield and look outside.

But as soon as it was opened, a federal ship flew over, so Gamora immediately closed the shield.

The King of the Huyans does not know what the Gallente Federation is doing in the nearby star field. It has only received a stern warning from the Federation not to deviate from the course at will, and is always ready to be inspected by Federation ships.

The King of Huya, who had a lot of experience, smelled something different.

Of course, through various channels, after leaving the star domain controlled by the Shi'ak Empire and arriving in the Gallente Federation, the King of the Huyans roughly knew what kind of enemy their family was about to face.

In recent years, the Huyan King has become somewhat depressed, or rather sad.

Not only him, but most of the senior Huya people who knew the details of the civilized war were not living a satisfactory life.

The more I know, the more I worry about the future.

On the contrary, the Huya people at the bottom are still living their own small lives and don't notice anything different around them.

As for the first to third level Huya warriors, they are ready to fight in the next war to bring glory to their tribe and earn honor and more wealth for themselves.

In their minds, the war they are about to participate in next is no different from the mercenary wars they participated in in the past.

These Huya people who have lost their mother plane are still quite tough.

Having participated in many mercenary plane wars, they can be regarded as a powerful army that has fought hundreds of battles.

Because the King of Huya had something on his mind, he did not go into details about his daughter's "randomness".

He just reminded Gemora before she left that she should not neglect her practice during this period, especially the royal practice secret method that he passed on to her. She must not let it go to waste.

The royal secret method that the King of Huyans passed on to the Gamora sisters not long ago does not seem to be a method with outstanding combat effectiveness. The opponent's main focus is on speed and agility.

This secret method will indeed play a good bonus during the battle.

But its more advantages and applications lie in - escape!

The King of the Huyans has already begun to prepare for the worst.

Just like the foretelling results obtained by divination before setting off for the expedition, misfortunes and fortunes are unpredictable.

And among them, there are mostly disasters, and blessings only account for a glimmer of hope.

After leaving her father, Gamora returned to her own ship, and soon came to Thane again.

At this time, Thain had transformed the space he was in into a simple experimental area.

Thain believes that some things cannot be kept completely hidden from Gamora. Properly revealing some of his secrets can enhance the trust between both parties.

For example, Thain no longer deliberately showed the living customs of the Poks at this time. Although his appearance was still that of the Poks, some of his temperament and daily routine had been adjusted back.

Gamora finally knew what she liked about Thain.

Gemora's face was fascinated by Thane's calm temperament and the light of wisdom that occasionally emitted from his eyes.

Gamora doesn't like rough and savage warriors, and this characteristic of Thain is in line with her criteria for selecting a mate.

Of course, Gamora didn't know that the lover in her eyes had actually given her very slight soul control and hints.

When Gamora arrives, Thane tinkers with his Formless Mask.

As Thain's strongest assistant at present, Thain must restore the energy of Maskless Mask as soon as possible and let it return to its heyday.

Only with the full blessing of the Formless Mask can Thane have the capital to calmly deal with level five creatures.

Otherwise, Thain's own strength alone would be the limit against late level four or peak level four creatures.

This trip to the Gallente Federation also opened new windows for Thane in many areas of truth and mystery.

Thain now has a lot of room for research and improvement. Not to mention anything else, just the Blue Fire Mystery and the semi-finished world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube are enough for Thain to tinker with for a long time.

And these two series of mysteries, in Thain's opinion, are also the mysteries of truth that can give him the greatest benefit in a short period of time.

The Phaseless Mask was pasted in the center of the experimental table. This flat white mask made Gamora take a few more curious glances.

Several energy pipes and special magic arrays appeared in every corner of the experimental platform.

Gamora has never been in contact with wizard civilization, so she cannot tell that this is the magic circle and alchemy traces of wizard civilization.

But for Thain, who was constantly busy in front of the experimental table, Gamora's eyes revealed admiration and admiration.

Those magic array patterns are obviously more complex and mysterious than the ancestral totems of the Huya people. Even Thain, who is in an experimental state, also exudes a special temperament and stance.

After arriving at Thain, Gamora did not interrupt rashly, but stood quietly and watched.

This woman is much more sensible than Thane's wife Nataya.

If it were Natalya, she would probably run straight into Thain's arms, regardless of whether he was conducting experiments or not.

This is also a family conflict that often occurs when a magician marries a knight wife.

This is a stark difference in concepts and personalities.

Fortunately, Lenna, who is also a knight, did not follow suit.

Lenna, who looks more honest and rough on the outside, is more thoughtful than Natalya at certain times.

"It's a pity that the energy supply cannot be too strong, and the magic circle can only operate at 71% power, otherwise it will attract outsiders' attention."

"At this rate, it will probably take three months at the fastest to replenish the elemental power consumed excessively by the Phaseless Mask." In front of the experimental table, Thain mused.

After dealing with the energy replenishment of the Maskless Mask, Thane started to deal with the repair and production of several magic devices.

It wasn't until more than half a day later that Thain finally finished the matter at hand, then turned to Gamora and smiled: "Are you here?"

"Well, what are you busy with? I can't understand these things." Gemora approached Thain and asked.

It may be that Thain did this intentionally and wanted to completely win over Gamora. His hope of returning to the wizarding civilization probably lies in this woman. Therefore, in some details, Thain behaved very differently to Gamora during this period. More intimate.

For example, his hand at this time was placed on Gamora's waist very naturally.

Gemora's face suddenly turned red, and her mind became confused.

She didn't hear what Thain answered at all, and she probably didn't even care about what she asked.

Until she left Thain, Gamora's mind was still a little confused.

Sometimes, sweet words from the opposite sex are more effective than soul magic. This is what Thain has realized recently.

When Gamora left the bottom area where Thane was and prepared to go to the training area in the middle of the starship, her sister Gamora, who had already finished her training, was waiting here wearing a black combat uniform.

"I think you're almost obsessed! I'm very suspicious of that guy's identity. Wasn't he called Boss before? Why do you call him Thane?" Gamora asked her sister scoldingly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Gemora, who was in a distracted state, couldn't help but ask again because she didn't hear her sister's words clearly.

Seeing this, Gamora rolled her eyes.

It will take three months for Thane's Formless Mask to recover.

However, the reality is that within a month, two federal fleets blocked the Huya fleet group.

They want to inspect the Huya fleet!

"Xiaodou is adjusting the status. Today I found that there are 9 more monthly tickets that need to be added~"

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