The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,396 Goodbye

Sure enough, not long after Thain arrived in this star field, he encountered several federal patrol fleets one after another.

The combat effectiveness of these fleets was not high, but Thain did not choose to take action, but deliberately avoided them.

The powerful effect of the golden apple potion has caused Thain's physical condition to recover rapidly.

But the shortcoming is that Thane's phaseless mask has been in a state of excessive energy loss after taking him away from the previous Alpha-007 star field, and it is now difficult to fully develop the breath-containing and shielding ability of the mask.

Encountering several federal patrol fleets one after another, Thain relied on his ability to gather breath and concealment magic to avoid them.

But this method of avoidance has too many variables.

Thain has not made much achievements in special magic fields such as concealment and hiding.

In his early years, he had specifically studied Tourmaline's breathing rate. 🄼

Based on this, he also designed a breath-containing technique.

But this was already in the almanac of I don’t know how many years ago.

At least Thain did not spend any more time getting involved in this field after being promoted to level three.

As for obtaining the Formless Mask later, Thain did not need to waste his precious time and energy on some insignificant experimental subjects.

The legitimate fire element, body refining mysteries, alchemy, and even potions that he studies from time to time, Thain is too busy. How could it be possible to spend too much attention on other elemental mysteries?

Those who are really good at gathering breath and hiding their methods are probably those magicians whose main exploration direction is the dark element or the mysteries of the wind element.

The first gift Lu Lianman gave to Thane that year was a precious shadow creature specimen he received after the war at the Regional Holy Tower Academy.

Logically speaking, that thing should contain a lot of hidden meanings.

However, Thain has not studied it too much in recent years. He just regards it as a relatively precious and commemorative collection of his.

The detection level of several federal patrol fleets should not be high, otherwise Thain would not be able to successfully avoid them.

Thanks to Thain's condition, he gradually recovered to his peak with the help of the golden apple potion. Otherwise, how could he have avoided the Gallente Federation's pursuit if he was seriously injured and on the verge of death?

But continuing to hide like this is not an option.

It is true that the federal patrol fleet has not discovered him yet, but what about the sudden arrival of several higher-level reconnaissance ships?

Thane really has no intention of looking down on the Gallente Federation now!

Not to mention that his Phaseless Mask is temporarily unusable, even if the mask is full of energy and intact, it will not be surprising if the Gallente Federation can directly detect his disguise with some special technology.

After all, when he first obtained the Formless Mask from the secret trial realm, the words left by Master Joss had already stated that his mask was not omnipotent. In theory, it could only cover up the detection of most level six creatures.

Just as Thain once again avoided several patrol ships, a loud explosion occurred not far from him.

The surrounding federal ships flew towards the explosion site.

Hiding his body in the depression of a meteorite, Thane couldn't help but look towards the explosion site, guessing in his mind: "Could it be that a high-level intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron that also wandered here has been discovered?"

Having been with the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron for a long time, Thain has a relatively good understanding of these advanced robots. The explosion just now is indeed in line with the normal power and equipment of advanced intelligent robots.

The thoughts in his heart made Thane feel a little bit sad.

Thane considered whether he should rush out and fight the Gallente Federation Legion.

But his survival instinct and rational mind still allowed him to temporarily suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Just when Thane was observing the surroundings, considering how to leave this star field without provoking the Federation fleet, and determining the coordinates of his current location.

The appearance of a larger fleet immediately attracted Thain's attention.

This is a special fleet that obviously does not belong to the Gallente Federation military. Many of the ships in it look a bit old.

Two frigates with obviously high-level capabilities appeared on both sides of the fleet, one on the left and one on the right.

Those two frigates are Gallente Federation military ships, and their mission at this time seems to be to guide the way, or to "monitor".

The appearance of this special fleet gave Thain a renewed desire to survive.

Even though there was a certain risk of exposure, Thain still braved the bullet and flew up.


The Huyan princess Gamora was sitting at the stern of the ship looking at the starry sky boredly.

Because recently, the Gallente Federation has strictly prohibited them from moving freely in the surrounding star fields.

So Gamora hasn't flown her own aircraft for a long time.

Gamora is a Huyan woman who pursues freedom and has a bold personality.

She never sticks to old-fashioned dogmas and certain existing cognitions. Because her father rarely disciplines her and others, she and her sister are both a little wild in character, giving people a tomboy vibe.

However, in recent years, Gamora's character has softened a lot.

Many elders who are familiar with Gamora feel that she has changed a lot.

But no one can tell what the specific changes are and why.

Only Gamora's sister knew the reason. The reason why Gamora changed slightly was because she was in love.

No, it's more than just falling in love.

In a very short period of time, Gamora experienced love, lovelorn and unrequited love.

Ever since the Bok man named Boss left, Gamora would look into the distance on the starship every once in a while when she had nothing to do.

She may be imagining which star field or special plane Boss, who loves to travel, is in now.

Of course, Gamora has been keeping secret until now about the fact that Boss's real name is Thane. This is a secret between her and Thain.

Not even her sister knew about this.

Before Gamora could finish today's parade, her sister Gamora came to the back of the ship to urge her.

"It's time for you to train. In your current state, I'm worried that you will perish as soon as you enter the battlefield."

"Father and others said that the war our tribe is participating in this time is far more dangerous than imagined."

"Even after gathering the strength of the entire tribe, my father and the high priest are not optimistic about the future, yet you still have time to enjoy the scenery here." Gamora scolded her sister unceremoniously.

The strength of these two sisters is actually about the same.

They are all at the third level of life, but with the help of some clan treasures and weapons given by their father, they can almost exert a combat power close to that of a demigod.

During this time, after arriving in the Gallente Federation, as the war on the front line got closer, their fathers began to care less about them.

At the urging of his sister, Gemo stretched his waist and finally sat up from the stern.

But before she could answer anything, a familiar face gradually appeared in her field of vision from far to near.

Gamora was caught off guard.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously and asked her sister beside her: "Did I see it wrong?"

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