The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,395 Escape

The Decepticons, who were in a breakout state, certainly did not forget Thane.

It's a pity that the location where Thain fell is already far away from it.

Moreover, the penetrating wound in front of Thain's chest was too eye-catching. When Thain was floating unconsciously in the starry sky, no matter who saw him, the first reaction must be that he was dead.

The situation was extremely critical at this time. Seeing that Thain was in a position where he had no possibility of rescue, and the Decepticons felt that Thain had fallen, they sighed and had no choice but to leave on their own.

When the Decepticons led their men closer and broke out from the other direction, Thane's condition at this moment was actually a little stronger than before.

At least his brain was much clearer, but his body and limbs were still weak, and the trauma he suffered was real.

The Decepticons didn't know where the power shock just now came from, but Thane knew! 🄼

It comes from his formless mask!

Just now, Thain, who was in a state of confusion and confusion, seemed to hear a familiar sigh.

This is the last power left to him by Master Jos in the world-class secret treasure Formless Mask.

It can be regarded as a back-up left behind to protect the successor of his will.

Master Jos himself is good at sonic magic. Unfortunately, Thain, as the other party's successor, does not have much talent in the field of sonic mysteries, or he has no desire to study it.

Thane is not interested in sonic power.

Therefore, among all the knowledge and information contained in the Formless Mask, Thain has the least ability to absorb the power of sound waves.

But it was the power of sound waves that saved Thane this time!

The special sonic particles directly penetrated the Gallente Federation's ships and acted directly on their interiors, thus causing such significant damage.

And with the power of sound waves, it can actually tear the surrounding space, which Thain did not expect.

It seems that the strength that Master Jos possessed during his lifetime cannot be underestimated. The opponent is definitely not just an ordinary sixth-level magician!

In addition to relying on the power of sonic concussion to severely damage the federal army in the nearby area and tear through the opponent's blockade, Wuxiang Mask actually took over the control of part of Thain's body at this time.

Master José is dead, there is no doubt about it.

The actions of Wuxiang Mask at this time can only be said to be the backhand left by Master Joes many years ago, including replacing Thane's will and taking over his body. It is also the battle record owned by Wuxiang Mask itself. Instinct operates.

When Thain was refining magic tools and delving into the mysteries of alchemy, he had heard in his early years that some special world civilizations would produce something like "weapon spirits" when making tools.

Some of these weapon spirits are naturally formed, while others are refined from the souls of living creatures.

The wizarding civilization has also developed in this regard. For example, many magicians will create a "tower spirit" at the beginning of the construction and design of their magic towers.

This is a magic energy alchemy product designed using established procedures.

After all, it is still a "dead thing". No matter how outstanding its intelligence is, it is only running with the originally set program and is not a living thing.

At the moment, when Thane's body is extremely weak, the Maskless Mask is almost in this "escrow" state.

Because the energy of the Phaseless Mask is still relatively full, after the last part of the deep power left in the mask by Master Jos is stimulated, there is at least a certain chance of escaping from the current dangerous battlefield.

Thane is unable to control his body at the moment, but he can command his Phaseless Mask to do some actions.

The special power of light and fire elements re-emerged on the surface of Thain's body. Thain "stood up" again, first flew to Yuli, who was closest to him, and included her in the space prop.

At this time, the Decepticons and other intelligent robots had flown far away, and Thane even watched them enter a large wormhole.

Thane was not angry about the retreat of the Decepticons and others.

Originally, everyone could escape based on their own abilities. At this time, there were still a large number of Cybertronian robots stranded in the surrounding starry sky battlefield. If the Decepticons and others had the ability, they would not give up on these former partners.

It is impossible to follow the breakout path of the Decepticons and others.

Because there are quite a lot of federal ships in that direction, and with Thain's current condition, it would be difficult to charge for too long. There is not much energy reserve in the Mask.

The fierce melee on the surrounding battlefield continued. With the help of the power of the Phaseless Mask, Thane entered a very small space wormhole sideways.

Thain could not determine which space was behind this extremely small wormhole.

But he has no choice. If he continues to stay here, he can only die. It is better to take a chance on an unknown fate.

After passing through the wormhole, you will see a pitch-black starry sky.

There seemed to be no stars or fire attributes around, so the surrounding space seemed extremely lonely.

The dark environment made Thain breathe a sigh of relief.

Perhaps due to psychological factors, Thain now tends to find a place where there is no one to hide.

Pain radiated from all parts of his body, Thain struggled to lean on the back of an extremely dark meteorite.

Thain took out the last golden apple potion. Looking at the chest that had been penetrated, Thain grinned.

This time he sneaked into the Gallente Federation, the top civilization, to perform a mission, and he had already suffered countless traumas and fatal crises.

What’s even more disturbing and uncertain is that we don’t know how long this danger will last.

The exaggerated recovery ability of the golden apple potion allowed Thain's original vitality to be quickly restored.

It's also thanks to the fact that Thain got this top-notch potion. If it were an ordinary restorative potion, considering the trauma Thain suffered last time outside the planet Cybertron, plus this life-and-death crisis, the two would be superimposed. Get up, even if Thane can slowly recover, the damaged part of his life source cannot be restored.

No, maybe they don't need to be added up. Just a single damage is enough to kill ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures.

After absorbing all the golden apple potion, Thain licked his lips and felt the vitality in his body rising. Thain couldn't help but sigh: "For a treasure like the golden apple potion, I have to find a way to get more in the future. .”

"In the war of civilization, these potions almost represent the second life."

The wound that penetrated the chest, which originally looked extremely horrifying, slowly recovered under the nourishment of the golden apple potion.

After regaining some strength, and even the paralyzing effect of the Gallente Federation particle concussion bomb on Thain's body gradually dissipated, Thain immediately cheered up and considered leaving this place.

This place is not safe, because since Thane can reach here through the small wormhole, the Gallente Federation's pursuit fleet can also follow.

But the most urgent task now is for Thain to first determine which star field he is in before he can determine a reasonable escape direction.

What is certain is that this place should not be too far from the Alpha-007 star field, because with the scale of that small wormhole, it is impossible to teleport Thane to a location too far away.

“Caven, it’s been like this since yesterday, sitting in front of the computer for hours not knowing what to write.

Xiaodou, try your best to adjust. Today's third chapter will be updated before seven o'clock. "

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