The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1374 BHR678 Space Station

After determining the direction of the breakout, neither the Decepticons nor Optimus Prime said anything.

These intelligent robots seem to be taciturn. They are never polite and follow a cautious attitude.

It is probably also related to the instructions engraved deep in their minds by the Gallente Federation.

Thain can't continue to waste time like these boring jars.

In a situation where the Decepticons and Optimus Prime must rely on the power of wizard civilization to have any hope, Thane must shoulder the responsibility of leading this group of intelligent robots.

In particular, the sudden outbreak of the Civilization War was beyond the limits of what the Decepticons and Optimus Prime's own intelligence could handle.

Robots after all, these artificial creatures are not perfect.

"Our time is very tight, and the chance of survival in the trap is almost 0. In the early stages of the Civilization War, the wizard civilization army cannot penetrate into such a deep place and cooperate with us inside and outside."

"So we must rely on our own strength to reach the Alpha-007 star field first."

"Before that, we need to organize enough power!"

"How many robot legions can you control in total on the planet Cybertron and its surroundings? I need a more accurate number!" Thain asked in a serious tone.

Faced with Thane's question, the Decepticon did not answer, but looked at Optimus Prime.

The two intelligent robot leaders on the planet Cybertron have very obvious personality differences. They are a bit like the Decepticons on the outside and Optimus Prime on the inside.

Regarding the specific situation on the planet Cybertron, as well as the combat power of each robot army and the output of each heavy factory that produces robots, no one is more familiar with it than Optimus Prime.

A stream of information passed through Optimus Prime's brain chip. Faced with Thane's inquiry, Optimus Prime replied without thinking: "There are a total of 136 million robot legions at our disposal."

"If we can stop for a while, we can quickly produce another batch with existing materials."

"But the problem now is that we don't have many transport ships, and most of the low-level robots do not have the ability to sail in the starry sky for a long time." Optimus Prime replied.

The deployment of hundreds of millions of legions... Thain has never experienced it before, and he doesn't know if this will be his last swan song.

Thain replied directly: "We can't stay here. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for us."

"We must break out of the Cybertron star field and head to the Alpha-007 star field before other Gallente Federation support fleets arrive."

"As for the departure of the fleet group and all robot legions, arrangements must be made as soon as possible."

"Now, we will immediately go to the BHR678 space station to unlock the last layer of command shackles that imprison your intelligent robots."

"Time is running out!" Thain's regulations clearly ordered.

In response, the Decepticons and Optimus Prime couldn't help but look at each other.

Under the premise that the external environment is so tense, Thain has to go to the BHR678 space station not necessarily to carry out the hidden mission assigned to him by Knight Klopp.

But after the third layer of shackles is released, the strength of advanced robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime will be significantly improved again.

In this crisis-ridden environment behind enemy lines, Thain does not believe that a low-level robot cannon fodder army with a scale of hundreds of millions will have much effect.

If he wants to successfully break through and return, he will have to rely more on the power of those advanced robots of level four or above.

And the BHR678 space station is not far from the planet Cybertron. The space station is equivalent to a near-Earth satellite.

The only thing that worried Thain before setting off was that the federal fleet group that had fought them before might take over the BHR678 space station and deploy some targeted defenses to hinder Thain and others' plans.

But the good news is that the blockade area of ​​the federal fleet group does not include the BHR678 space station.

I don’t know if the Gallente Federation’s war instructions in each star field were too numerous and confusing at the beginning of the Civilization War, which caused this mistake.

This is also the reason why the nearly two thousand federal scientists on the BHR678 space station themselves do not receive enough attention.


After using explosives to force open the closed outer metal door of the BHR678 space station, Thain and the Decepticons entered.

The Decepticons only brought three core subordinates this time: Starscream, Huntian Leopard, and Chong Yunxiao.

Optimus Prime, the level 6 intelligent robot, did not come.

It said it wanted to stay on the planet Cybertron and coordinate the migration and integration of intelligent robots.

But in fact, it should be Michael Bay and other federal scientists who don't know how to face the BHR678 space station.

Also left behind was Shockwave, the Decepticon's most capable assistant.

Shockwave is one of the few talents under the Decepticons who has the ability to integrate resources and command.

Other advanced intelligent robots attached to the Decepticons are more often valuable as "thugs".

For example, Starscream and several others are definitely among the best in terms of combat effectiveness among advanced intelligent robots.

The BHR678 space station looks very empty at the moment.

There are more than 2,000 federal scientists, many of whom must have escaped before.

After all, Thain and others fought with the Federation fleet group on the planet Cybertron for a long time.

Given the location of the BHR678 space station, it is impossible for the federal scientists here not to know what happened to the planet Cybertron.

And space stations with a relatively high level of confidentiality like this are generally equipped with escape capsules.

From the silent BHR678 space station, only the footsteps of intelligent robots such as Thane and Decepticons could be heard.

After breaking through the last metal barrier leading to the core hatch, a relatively empty and pure white experimental space appeared in front of Thane.

The depth of exploration of the mysteries of space science by the Gallente Federation and the achievements of the wizarding civilization are different from each other.

You can't say who is better than who.

The experimental space in front of us obviously uses the "mystery of subspace" in Thain's eyes, because the internal size of this experimental space far exceeds the volume of the space station itself.

In the Gallente Federation, this technology is also called "Nano Space Expansion Technology".

Not only the space station, but also many fortresses and special battleships, the Gallente Federation will also use this technology.

When Thain and others entered this experimental space, there were only more than 150 people left in Nuoda's experimental space. This should be all the scientists left on this space station.

A federal scientist with gray hair and a light gray beard on his chin caught Thain's attention.

The persistent temperament of exploring the truth and the magnanimity of a knowledgeable and wise man are real.

Although he did not introduce himself, Thain was certain that the federal scientist in front of him must be the best and leading figure among all the scholars present.

The slight changes in the expressions and movements of the surrounding Decepticons and others also proved Thain's guess and the true identity of the federal scientist opposite.

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