The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,373 Breakout Route

These two federal mecha pilots were obviously special soldiers who had undergone physical enhancement.

Their life level is not high, but it exceeds that of most Federation humans.

And compared with ordinary genetically enhanced soldiers, the focus of these two federal soldiers seems to be on the brain.

At this moment, many Federation soldiers were seriously injured or dead on the planet Cybertron, and some were captured by intelligent robots. Thain had enough research materials.

Unlike the wizarding world, where humans are very "precious", the Gallente Federation vigorously promotes planetary colonization, and its base population is more than 10,000 times the total number of humans in the wizarding civilization.

Therefore, in war, the Gallente Federation never lacks "cannon fodder".

The cannon fodder here includes not only electronic equipment such as drones, ships, and combat robots developed by the Gallente Federation, but also the lowest-level soldiers of the Federation.

The tight time limit prevented Thain from delving into the truth that might be contained in the bodies of these two federal mecha pilots.

After taking a brief glance at the two "specimens" and imprisoning them, Yuli also completed her work.

Thain still has a lot of manned space equipment on hand, especially in recent years, Thain's breakthroughs in the field of alchemy have greatly improved compared to the level three period.

A large part of the truth inheritance left by Master Maskless Joes is about alchemy.

When Yuri landed next to Thane, the level four advanced intelligent robot Human Torch flew over.

Perhaps because of their previous fights together, the Human Torch is not as hostile to Thane as he was at first.

After flying in front of Thane, Human Torch first looked at Yuri next to Thain.

Yuri, who was driving the silver-clad golem, looked like an intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron.

There are many advanced intelligent robots that can match the size and strength of the Silver Golem.

There seems to be no gender distinction among intelligent robots. They only care about "the same kind."

In a sense, the silver-clad golems can barely be counted as their kind. They all belong to the "robot" family, but they were not born out of my own wisdom.

However, Yuri's constructed golem can indeed enter autonomous driving mode.

It's just that Yuri rarely does that, because the cooperation between the constructor and the constructing golem is the real secret of the Nether civilization's construction system.

"The Decepticon leader and Optimus Prime leader want to see you." The fourth-level intelligent robot Human Torch said to Thane.

Thane glanced at the crimson moon knife with metal particles behind Human Torch, and casually replied: "Yeah."

The Decepticons were standing next to the wreckage of a large battleship that had crashed, looking at the stars in the distance.

Its electronic eyes seemed to be able to see the Gallente Federation fleet outside the planet Cybertron, which was reorganizing its queue and calling for more support to arrive.

At this time, Optimus Prime was collecting and counting the losses suffered by the intelligent robots in this battle.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the birth of the intelligent robot family, it has never experienced such great damage!

In particular, there is no theory of reproduction in the intelligent robot family. The birth of each new member depends on coincidence and some kind of particularity.

When hundreds of thousands of casualty data appeared in front of Optimus Prime, the leader of the intelligent robots was bleeding from his heart.

As an artificial species, having intelligence is a good thing.

But having wisdom is accompanied by emotions, pain, despair and other negative emotions.

But Optimus Prime is not a child after all. Now that he has taken that step, he has not behaved childishly by accusing the Decepticons and Thane.

The urgent question is, what should they do?

Relying solely on the power of the planet Cybertron to disobey the Gallente Federation is undoubtedly a fantasy!

Only with the help of the wizard civilization can their clan have a chance of survival.

"Master Thain, you said that the wizard civilization has a supporting force to meet us. Where are they?" The Decepticon lowered his head and asked first.

At this time, the Decepticons were still maintaining their transformed fighting state. This was a special form that Thane had never seen before.

It is estimated that it is similar to Thain's elemental true body, demon true body and other transformation states, both of which can increase individual combat power to a certain extent.

Faced with the Decepticon's inquiry, it was certainly impossible for Thane to say that there was no response force. In fact, it was all nonsense on his part.

What the Decepticons and others need now is a hope, and Thane also needs a hope.

"In the Alpha-007 star field, if we break out from that direction, we will definitely be able to fight against the combat troops of the wizard civilization that invades the Gallente Federation!" Thain said decisively.

During the period when the Gallente Federation was infiltrating and infiltrating, Thane's life was not in vain.

Regarding the situation of more than 70% of the star fields in the Gallente Federation, Thane has had a rough idea over the years.

He may not know the strength ratio of the Federation in each star field, but he has mastered the basic terrain and the more important star map!

The Alpha-007 star field is not far from the Cybertron star field, but the distance between the two is about the distance of three small star fields.

Fortunately, the Cybertron star field itself is the border star field of the Gallente Federation close to the wizarding civilization. Otherwise, it would not be responsible for the supply of low-level robot legions in a large and important war zone.

It is theoretically possible to break out of Cybertron and return to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

Of course, that's just in theory.

If Thain had known in advance that the War of Civilization would break out during his mission, he would not have accepted the infiltration mission under any circumstances.

It is true that he wants to hone himself and see the broader astral space, but it does not mean that he wants to die.

In Thain's eyes, the success rate of returning to the Wizarding Civilization alive during this trip is probably less than 20%.

He regretted that he didn't talk to his family and mentor more before leaving. At least he left a suicide note.

Although his true emotions inside were very bad, including his face being a little ugly under the Maskless Mask, Thane still behaved calmly and calmly when facing the Decepticons and other intelligent robots.

His calmness also affected the Decepticons, Optimus Prime and others.

"Alpha-007 star field?" The Decepticon fired a beam of light from his fingertips, and a relatively complete star map of the surrounding star field was presented to several people around him.

The Alpha-007 star field does not belong to the straight-line star field at the junction of the Cybertron planet and the wizard civilization, and even the coordinates of that star field are a bit off.

The star domain controlled by the wizard civilization with the closest linear distance to the Cybertron star domain is undoubtedly the underworld star domain.

But the Underworld Star Territory is one of the main battlefields that has been named by both sides during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

The scale of the war there is probably far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

While the wizard civilization invested a large amount of resources and legion combat units in the underworld star field, the Gallente Federation must also have spent an equal amount of power.

In particular, Thane judged that this time the Gallente Federation should take action in advance.

Otherwise, he would not have received any news when he left the wizarding world.

From this, it is further concluded that the Gallente Federation is probably investing more power in the underworld star field at this moment!

At this time, if you think about the shortest distance and rush to the underworld star field, you may be seeking your own death.

Not to mention how many Gallente Federation legions have gathered in the underworld star field at this time, just detaching a few fleets comparable to level six creatures will be enough to destroy them.

Therefore, Thain judged that the underworld star field was a big hole and he could not fill it now.

On the contrary, it is the surrounding star fields of the Underworld Star Territory. It is estimated that because both sides have invested a large number of legions in the Underworld Star Territory. Under the premise that the Gallente Federation intends to focus on tilting its forces, several other smaller warring star fields have the ability to Breakout possible.

The Alpha-007 star field is a special star field with three transit wormholes.

What Thane mainly values ​​​​is actually the transit wormholes in the Alpha-007 star field!

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