The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,375 Rubik’s Cube

"It's strange, why don't you leave here with other federal scientists?" Thain asked straight to the point.

His tone was very respectful, because the person standing in front of him was also a learned and wise man.

It can even be said that Michael Bay's exploration of truth in some areas goes further than Thain.

At least Thain can't make any robot that can give birth to intelligence now, let alone one that can reach the sixth level of life.

As the chief scientist of this space station, Michael Bay was the Federation scholar who made the greatest contribution when creating the Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

"Because I want to preserve the experimental results here and don't want them to be damaged." 🄼

"Although Blake and the others took away part of the experimental data, they took away very little in a hurry, only about 20%."

"My experiment has not yet reached true perfection. I want to see the experiment succeed. That is my lifelong pursuit." Michael Bay replied.

Gallente Federation scientists are indeed representatives of erudition in the eyes of ordinary people, but in many cases they also have character traits such as paranoia, absurdity, and unreasonableness.

Magicians in the wizarding world also have many quirks.

At this point, federal scientists and magicians from the wizarding world do have a lot in common.

Facing Thain's question, Michael Bay did not hide it, but told Thain his own thoughts very generously.

This frank and forthright way of expression made Thain stunned for a moment.

Thain couldn't help but look around again. In the huge white experimental space, there were not only many special experimental platforms, but also many experimental equipment hanging there.

Many experimental equipment are separated by glass covers.

In addition, there are hundreds of experimental doors appearing in every corner of this white space. Considering the space expansion technology possessed by the Federation, those experimental doors must also represent special laboratories everywhere.

No wonder Michael Bay said that it was difficult for them to safely transfer all the data and experimental results of this space station in a hurry.

This kind of behavior that regards the truth obtained from the experiment as more important than his own life arouses Thain's awe.

As for the scientists who ran away, as well as the Blake mentioned by Michael, even if Thain wanted to chase them now, he probably wouldn't be able to catch up, and he didn't have any extra time or energy to waste.

Blake is the second scientist at this space station, and he is also Michael's most effective assistant.

For a moment, Thain did want to destroy this place.

As an important experimental base of the Gallente Federation, the truth contained in the BHR678 space station will definitely greatly advance the achievements of the Gallente Federation in a certain scientific field.

If you continue to keep this space station, you are obviously endorsing the enemy.

But at this moment, as a truth seeker, Thain was hesitant.

The act of destroying knowledge is not what a qualified truth seeker should do.

And to be honest, the Decepticons probably would not allow Thane to take action against Michael Bay, the chief scientist of this space station.

After all, this is also the place where wisdom was born, and Michael Bay can also be called its father.

If the Decepticons really sit back and watch Thane erase this place and show their ruthless side, Thane will have to get to know each other again and be more careful in subsequent contacts.

"This is where my life's hard work has been concentrated. I can help you unlock the third layer of shackles that control all intelligent robots, but you have to promise me not to destroy this place."

"This is my only request from you." Michael Bay sighed, looked at the Decepticons and said.

Although Thane represents the wizarding civilization, at this moment, it is the Decepticons who have the greatest say.

Even with Thane's strength, it would be impossible for him to do something dangerous in front of the Decepticons.

Before the crisis caused by the Federation is completely resolved, Thane had better not have any conflicts with these intelligent robots.

Facing Michael Bay's Chun Chun expectant look, the Decepticon couldn't help lowering his head and said in a heavier tone: "Okay, my father."

This is actually the first time a Decepticon openly calls Michael Bay "father".

The word father made Michael Bay, who had never had a child, tremble slightly.

But Michael Bay didn't say much. He was also a federal scholar who was not good at speaking.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the control center." Michael Bay turned around and said.

Michael Bay then led Thain and others towards the deepest part of the white experimental space. The remaining scientists in the space station made way for them.

It can be said that these federal scientists who stay on the space station all regard their academics as more important than their lives.

In a control room filled with various electronic instruments, Thain took out a law light ball that exuded crimson light.

The light of the law light ball was very weak, but it attracted the attention of the owners present at this time.

Michael Bay, the chief scientist of the space station, looked at the lawful light ball with great obsession and unknowability in his eyes as it finally sank into the metal console in the control room and finally disappeared.

This federal scientist must have discovered something. At some point, he put on a pair of electronic lenses, and an astonishing amount of data flow continued across the surface of the lenses.

At the same time, a touch-screen operating panel appeared in his hand, and a large amount of information maps were presented to him.

"I really didn't expect that in the field of intelligent biological creation, your wizard civilization has reached such a high level!"

"That is the most perfect result of my experimental concept!" Michael Bay said nervously.

What did he see?

As a fourth-level magician, Thain couldn't understand the law of light, but this old man actually saw something? !

This lawful light group must have been created by the true spirit level or above magicians of the wizard civilization. With the extraordinary wisdom contained in the true spirit level magicians, a federal scientist in front of him actually discovered some essential secrets. This made Thain's murderous intention, which had gradually fallen silent, resurfaced.

It is true that Thain has great respect for the scientist Michael Bay, but when it comes to the state of confrontation between civilizations, Thain will still make the most correct decision.

Just when Thain was thinking about whether he could kill the old man unexpectedly and quickly in this place.

Whether intentionally or not, the Decepticon suddenly took a step forward, blocking Thane's view of Michael Bay.

It's one thing to take refuge in wizard civilization, but it's another thing to have feelings for your father.

There was no way the Decepticons could just sit back and watch Thane do something threatening.

The Decepticon's faint restraint made Thane frown.

However, Thain was not an impatient person. He then noticed that in this extremely closed control room, in addition to countless console buttons and electronic equipment, there were also two cubes emitting a faint glow. Enclosed in a translucent special container.

Given the importance this control room received, those two cubes must not be ordinary.

Dozens of special energy pipes are inserted into the surface of the vessel outside the cube, and the dozens of light screens around them should all display the data of the two cubes.

"What is that?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

The brilliance of the red law light ball in front of him is getting weaker and weaker, which indicates that the energy of this law light ball has been exhausted.

Michael Bay couldn't help but sigh when he saw this. Then he heard Thane's inquiry and replied: "That is the 'Rubik's Cube' I developed, and it is also the source of wisdom for the Decepticons."

"However, my 'Rubik's Cube' was not fully developed, but your wizard civilization..." Michael Bay said bitterly.

"'Rubik's Cube'? I need to take one away!" Thain said in a non-negotiable tone.

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