The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,363 Federal Fleet

This blue ball of light should come from a true spirit level magician in the wizarding world.

Even with Thain's knowledge and the analytical ability of Wuxiang Mask, they cannot see through the essence of this lawful light group, and one can imagine the profound mystery it contains.

When the azure brilliance finally gradually dissipated from the artificial satellite.

The color of the light ball in Thane's hand seemed to have faded a bit, while the intelligent robots such as the Decepticons in front of him, at least, did not change too obviously in appearance.

The only change... should be said to be the attitude.

A man with shackles on his hands has finally cut off a section of his imprisonment, which brings about a gradual expansion of self-confidence and a certain ambition.

Thain even speculated that the strength of intelligent robots such as Decepticons has also increased by a small amount.

I just don’t know if the true spirit-level magicians of the Wizarding Civilization left any backup plan when they made this law light ball to counter these "free" intelligent robots.

After completing the penetration transformation of the law light ball, it can be seen that the robots in front of Thane are in a good mood. 🄲

Their leader, the Decepticon, is the calmest one among them. In addition to feeling the fragrance of freedom, the Decepticon's mechanical pupils also looked at the ball of light held in Thane's hand.

There was a desire and possessiveness in its eyes.

It wasn't until Thane put away the law light ball again that the Decepticon converged his gaze.

Thane looked at the Decepticons and several advanced intelligent robots behind him with a smile on his face.

He wasn't too worried that these intelligent robots would be detrimental to him, at least for now, the Decepticons would never do that.

Because this light ball of law will only work in the hands of Thain, it can also be regarded as a guarantee for Thain to sneak into the enemy's rear.

Until the three-layer shackles that restrict the Decepticons and others are completely released, this powerful and imposing level-6 robot will definitely not be detrimental to him.

As for when the Decepticons and others will truly gain absolute freedom, the auxiliary instructions engraved in their original programs are a guarantee, and the environmental state they will be in at that time is another guarantee for Thane.

The Gallente Federation will definitely not accept these "rebellious" intelligent robots. In the context of the entire star world and the war of civilizations, do these intelligent robots have any other choice?

Sure enough, after suppressing the unrealistic fantasies in his heart, the Decepticon twisted his neck and said to Thane, "Master Thain, I think we can go to the planet Cybertron to unlock the shackles of the next command."

"Oh? Now you don't have to worry about the surveillance of the Gallente Federation?" Thane asked with a smile.

Not long ago, Thane asked about the Decepticons and other intelligent robots who did not go to the planet Cybertron for a meeting, but only came to this artificial satellite to meet privately.

The answer given by the Decepticons is that Cybertron is a key monitoring planet for the Federation, and there will be a huge risk of exposure if there is a meeting there.

In fact, there is a risk of exposure anywhere, but meeting directly on the planet Cybertron is indeed more risky.

Moreover, the reason why the Decepticons did not bring Thane to their "home" when they first came was mainly because they had doubts about the means of releasing the shackles of the wizard civilization brought by Thain, as well as the wizard civilization itself.

What if the methods of wizard civilization are not enough to relieve the Gallente Federation from commanding and controlling them?

What if the wizarding civilization simply hopes that there will be civil strife in the Gallente Federation and does not care about the life and death of their group of intelligent robots?

The Decepticons actually have a lot to think about.

All in all, this is a robot leader who can't see the rabbit but the hawk.

It is powerful, aloof, cold and wise.

Although the reputation and influence among intelligent robots is indeed not as wide as that of the "good old man" Optimus Prime, the Decepticons are more pragmatic.

This may be the reason why most advanced intelligent robots are more inclined to support its concept.

Faced with Thane's rhetorical question, the Decepticon said in a deep voice, "There is indeed a risk of exposure, but with our current status, we should be able to deal with most emergencies."

"When we reach the planet Cybertron, unlock our second level of command shackles, and allow all low-level robots to be 'liberated', our ability to resist risks will be even higher."

"Of course, before unlocking the core hub of the central control room of the planet Cybertron, I hope that you, Master Thane, can help my people first to unlock more controls." The Decepticon said.

There are three robot forces on the planet Cybertron: the Decepticon group, the Optimus Prime group, and the ordinary robot army that has not yet awakened to wisdom.

According to the ability of this lawful light ball and the description of the Decepticons, Thane also has the ability to help the Decepticons and others control the ordinary robot legions around the Cybertron star field.

Also, whether they are intelligent robots that have awakened wisdom or ordinary robots, they are all controlled by original instructions and obey the orders of the Gallente Federation Commander.

Since Thane can help the Decepticons and others regain their freedom, it should be possible to cut off the connection between the Gallente Federation and the ordinary robot legions in this star field.

The reason why the Decepticons are eager to take Thane to the planet Cybertron at this time is probably because after seeing Thain's ability and the strength of the wizard civilization, they are eager to get Thain to help him "seize power" on the planet Cybertron.

The rise of the intelligent robot family and the success or failure of its own destiny cannot be accomplished by the Decepticons with a dozen of their subordinates.

When the wizard civilization's level 4 and above warriors are on a different plane, they need the assistance of hundreds of thousands or millions of low-level legions.

Intelligent robots such as Decepticons obviously also need sufficient underlying power.

If there were just a dozen or even hundreds of level four creatures, the wizarding civilization would probably not pay such great attention to the planet Cybertron.

At best, this is just the strength of a medium-sized plane civilization.

In fact, what the Wizarding Civilization really values ​​is the ability of the massive low-level cannon fodder corps that the Cybertron Star Territory supplements for the Gallente Federation's frontline positions.

Controlling this star field will inevitably lead to serious loopholes in the Gallente Federation’s battlefield layout with the Wizarding Civilization.

In addition, in areas such as war momentum and public opinion of surrounding civilizations, the wizard civilization can also gain the upper hand.

Thain did not refuse the Decepticon's request, because this was also the purpose of his trip.

The group then took the spaceship and flew in the direction of the planet Cybertron.


It was also at this time that a Federation admiral received a secret war order from the military and led his fleet to the outskirts of the Cybertron star field to prepare for a spy capture operation.

In the current era, the fleets led by the Gallente Federation admirals or the interstellar fortresses led by them generally have the ability to confront or even encircle and suppress level six creatures.

The fleet group led by the lieutenant general is generally against level five creatures.

The fleet commanded by the major general is equivalent to a fourth-level creature.

The fleets led by the marshals are enough to compete with Dominator-level creatures.

However, like the wizarding civilization, the existence of the Gallente Federation that can reach the level of marshal is only rare.

Including the Dominator-class fleet, it does not mean that unlimited mass production can be achieved.

The person who came to the Cybertron Star Territory this time was only a Federation four-star general, and no Dominator-class fleet led by a stronger marshal-level figure arrived in person. It is probably because the Federation has obtained certain information, but the information is not enough. completely.

At least for now, the Gallente Federation has not noticed that the robots on the planet Cybertron have any intention to rebel.

Otherwise, the fleet that should come would definitely be more than this.

Of course, the reason why the Gallente Federation did not dispatch a Dominator-class fleet to come here may also be related to another more important epic civilization war plan they are about to carry out.

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