The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,364 Accident

In fact, simply speaking of the mission of encircling and suppressing spies, a fleet group led by a four-star admiral is enough to complete it!

The strength of the Gallente Federation's fleet group cannot be directly linked to a creature of a certain life level, so it is often difficult to specifically judge its strength.

Moreover, fleet groups of the same magnitude often have very different strengths.

This is linked to factors such as the types of ships included in the fleet group, the capabilities of the commander, and the real-time battlefield information environment.

At this time, the R7 fleet group that came to Cybertron to perform spy capture operations was no ordinary fleet!

It is a special-class fleet group led by the four-star general General Rambos himself. In terms of strength, such a fleet group is enough to compete head-on with the sixth-level peak creatures.

And why is it difficult to quantify the strength of the Gallente Federation’s fleet group? 🄼🄳🅆

Take the R7 fleet group in front of you as an example. In addition to the central fleet led by the four-star Admiral Rambos himself, this fleet group can be divided into more than a dozen sub-fleets of various sizes.

Each sub-fleet alone has firepower equipment that can rival level four or even level five creatures.

With so many fleets and densely packed ships and airships gathered together, even sixth-level creatures had to take a detour when they saw it.

Unless he wants to be beaten!

According to intelligence information, the wizard civilization creature that infiltrated into the planet Cybertron this time was only a fourth or fifth level creature.

Dispatching the R7 fleet group to perform this mission is quite similar to using anti-aircraft guns to swat mosquitoes.

And the Gallente Federation can completely mobilize their advanced robots in the Cybertron star field to assist in this task.

However, the Gallente Federation still sent General Lambos, who was known for his stability and maturity, to carry out this task.

Because the Gallente Federation does not want to cause any changes at this juncture.

And after completing the mission in the Cybertron star field, General Lambos still needs to lead his fleet to the next mission location non-stop.

The Gallente Federation is about to undergo a major change that has not been seen in hundreds of thousands of years!

Not long ago, the heads of state voted concerning the fate of the Federation, and with more than half of the votes, the emergency plan for war with the wizarding civilization was passed.

This plan is named "Doomsday Plan"!

General Lambos's title and status as a four-star general did not qualify him to participate in the voting meeting.

It was General Lambos' old boss, a federal marshal, who participated in that meeting.

After the meeting, he informed Lambos with hints that unprecedented changes in the Federation were coming, so that he could prepare for war.

General Lambos, as someone who has devoted his whole life to the cause of the Gallente Federation military, naturally took over the historical mission at this important juncture.

In fact, General Rambos was less than a thousand years away from retirement.

But his passion has not dissipated yet!

As a powerful military general who participated in the destruction of the Rose Dynasty civilization more than ten thousand years ago, General Lambos, who has access to some high-level secrets, is eager to plant his fleet flag on all major planets of the wizard civilization!

Hands wearing white gloves stroked the control lever in the flagship that represented the captain's status.

General Lambos turned his head and said to the adjutant behind him, "Aren't there two mecha corps that have been transferred to our fleet?"

"Let the people from the two mecha corps come forward. Our goal this time is to capture them."

"I don't want that wizard-civilized creature to be beaten into a sieve by our fleet." General Lambos ordered.

"Yes!" The adjutant saluted with his chest raised, and then passed on General Lambos's words.

The first star of the Gallente Federation.

As the political, economic and cultural center of this top civilization, the significance of the Federation Capital Star in the Gallente Federation is equivalent to the City in the Sky in the Wizarding World.

Just like the important decisions of the wizard civilization and the "imperial meeting", they will be held in the Sky City.

The Gallente Federation will also hold a summit meeting on the First Star before every presidential change, parliamentary reorganization, and any major decision-making.

For example, more than ten thousand years ago, the decision to launch a war against the civilization of the Rose Dynasty was first made here.

It is also here that a voting meeting concerning the future of civilization and its development for tens of thousands of years, and even longer-lasting effects, just concluded not long ago.

In front of a white building, a stooped and somewhat hunchbacked federal old man walked out with a metal crutch.

This old man looks very stubborn. There are obviously countless robots or other assistants around him who can help him, but he still stubbornly wants to use his own strength to complete this journey.

Outside, the white sunlight is very bright and gives people a sense of warmth.

The source of these lights comes from an artificial star outside the first star.

Intelligent technological algorithms make this federal star like spring all year round.

It’s just that few people in the Federation can enjoy the sunshine of the first star. Just like the City in the Sky cannot be open to everyone, the first star of the Gallente Federation is not something ordinary humans can come to if they want to.

When the old man squinted to feel the warmth of the sun, a metallic mechanical sound of "Creak! Creak!" came from behind him.

A strong old man wearing a black military uniform appeared behind him.

This old man in black clothes does not use a cane, and his complexion is much better than the former.

But the difference is that his feet are a pair of modified lower limbs full of metal texture.

Perhaps there are still a lot of things that have been modified about this old man in black uniform, but the black military uniform prevents people from seeing much difference in him from the outside.

"I think you should accept the latest body modification technology introduced by the military. If you only rely on genetic medicine, you won't live for two thousand years." The old man in black clothes said to the rickety old man in front of him.

The old man in black clothes spoke in a cold voice, and his tone did not show any dignity to the rickety old man in front of him.

But neither of them paid attention, because the character of the old man in black clothes had always been like this.

"Forget it, you're already a long time old, why bother with all this?"

"When I finish living the last two thousand years, or maybe the last fifty years, and I don't want to die, it won't be too late to undergo body modification." The rickety old man replied.

The Federation's life extension technology is divided into two types: genetic modification and mechanical modification.

The former has too many limitations and it is difficult to break through the technical barriers. Perhaps after modification, a lifespan of 10,000 to 20,000 years is the limit.

The latter's life extension space is even higher, with a maximum life span of hundreds of thousands of years, and even the improvement in individual strength it brings is exaggerated.

But there are still many federal high-level officials who do not want to transform themselves into cyborgs until the last step.

Only those guys in the military never seemed to care about this.

At the same time, the military is also the federal force that promotes this kind of mechanical transformation the most.

The reason why the Gallente Federation has developed extremely high achievements in the field of human mechanics is that the military has invested massive resources and energy.

Two old guys who stood at the pinnacle of contemporary power in the Federation casually chatted about some innocuous topics. The old man in black clothes was the first to lose his composure and couldn't help but take the initiative to ask about the doomsday plan they had just passed not long ago.

"Do you think we have any hope of victory?" the old man in black clothes asked.

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