The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,362 Freedom

"It actually takes three layers of command shackles to be released in order for you to be free." Thain frowned and said with a headache.

The Gallente Federation created these intelligent robots, and it must have also deployed many back-ups and firewalls.

Those federal scientists probably considered the possibility of the robots being controlled by the enemy at the beginning of the design.

It is already exaggerated that the wizarding civilization has the means to break the shackles of the Gallente Federation's instructions, but there is no way to simplify this process.

And according to the Decepticons, even if Thane unlocks the three-layer command shackles, it will only "liberate" the robots in the Cybertron star field. The robot manufacturing factories in other star fields of the Federation will not be affected.

But then again, it seems that except for the planet Cybertron, intelligent robots in other star regions of the Federation have not heard of any cases of awakening from their own intelligence.

"We advanced robots need to unlock three layers of shackles."

"If it's just an ordinary low-level robot, just unlock two or even one layer of shackles."

"The core control room of the planet Cybertron is the top priority. It directly affects more than 70% of the robot army in the entire star field."

"The BHR678 space station is the place where our wisdom is enlightened. Whether it is a high-level robot or a low-level robot, as long as it awakens its own wisdom, it is inextricably linked to that place." The Decepticon said in a deep voice. 🄳🄼

When the Decepticons mentioned the BHR678 space station, their tone was obviously a bit serious, including the other intelligent robots present. Their very vivid anthropomorphic expressions also had some strange colors.

There are about two thousand federal scientists living on the BHR678 space station, which is almost the most important scientific research base in the Cybertron star field.

To a certain extent, the federal scientists at that scientific research base can be called the "fathers" of the group of intelligent robots present.

But the destiny of change and freedom is to shed blood.

Decepticons and other intelligent robots are already prepared to sacrifice.

But if the bloodshed happened on the BHR678 space station, they would not be able to bear it.

Especially the chief scientist of the BHR678 space station, Michael Bay, is a truly knowledgeable and wise man.

It is he who brings wisdom and humanity to the intelligent robots, and regards all robots born with self-intelligence as his own children.

Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, the leaders of the two factions of robots, are the two proudest children of this childless federal scientist.

The awakening of intelligent robots such as the concealed Decepticons comes from their own wisdom, and it was also decided by Michael Bay, the chief scientist of the BHR678 space station.

It's a pity that Michael Bay is just an outstanding federal scientist. Although he has great talents, he is neither a politician nor a financial giant.

In a civilization like the Gallente Federation, scientists who are extremely intelligent and have a vast amount of knowledge are just "tools" for those in power to gain more lives and convenience.

At least in the Gallente Federation, we have never heard of examples of scientists guiding the development of civilization.

It is estimated that the scientist Michael Bay also knew that once he reported the situation on the planet Cybertron that some robots had awakened to their own intelligence.

The reply received by the top leaders of the Gallente Federation must be iron-blooded suppression, rather than really giving these robots the ridiculous "equal rights."

When will slaves be equal to their masters?

And with the total number of trillions of robots owned by the Gallente Federation, if all the robots awakened to their own wisdom... that would be really scary!

It is estimated that the entire civilization will be destroyed in just a thought.

It is even more impossible for the superiors to let such a thing that goes against common sense happen, even if the chance of it happening is only 1%.

It is precisely because he regards these intelligent robots as children that Michael Bay chooses to hide them.

Including many federal scientists on the BHR678 space station, Decepticons and other intelligent robots have a good impression of them.

But the unequal status itself puts robots and federal humans on opposite sides.

Even though he was a little emotionally intolerable, the Decepticon still made what it thought was the right choice.


No negotiation involving civilization and race can be completed simply.

Although the negotiations were not smooth at the beginning, as the negotiations gradually deepened and both parties took a step or half a step back, many conflicts were easily resolved.

As the plenipotentiary representative of wizard civilization, Thane already knew the bottom line requirements of wizard civilization before setting off from the wizard world.

The requirements for robots from the planet Cybertron such as the Decepticons are really not high.

They just want to gain freedom and equal power, and as a civilization of magic and fighting spirit, the wizarding world is obviously more tolerant of these intelligent robots than the Gallente Federation.

Thain also asked whether there were other wizard civilization messengers who had met Decepticons and other intelligent robots in advance before him.

The answer I got was shaking my head.

Thane was indeed the first to arrive on the planet Cybertron. As for the infiltrators of other wizard civilizations...

Thain has not forgotten that when he first accepted the mission, he learned that he was not the only one carrying out this mission!

The slight pressure in his heart and his greater negotiating authority allowed Thain to deliberately speed up the progress of the subsequent negotiations.

Now he is the only one who fully represents the wizarding civilization. As long as the bottom line of wizarding civilization is not touched, it is natural that Thain will do whatever he says.

Thain's sense of "nimity" in negotiations endeared him to Decepticons and other intelligent robots.

It is said that the bureaucrats and politicians of the Gallente Federation are the best at wrangling. The invisible comparison has made these intelligent robots have a better impression of Thain and the wizard civilization.

After the content of the negotiation was basically determined, Thane took out the key to freedom that the Decepticons and other intelligent robots most coveted - a blue light ball of law.

Although the Decepticons and others did not agree to fire the first shot against the Gallente Federation, during the negotiation process with Thane, these intelligent robots have determined that after the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation go to war, they will Unconditionally join the wizarding civilization camp, and when necessary and required by the wizarding civilization, use force to prove your sincerity.

This clause was even written into the additional instructions to the original instructions of all level 4 and above intelligent robots present in front of Thain. It can be regarded as another form of legal contract.

"I also want to see how this light ball of law works, and what changes will happen to you when you are free." After the contract was signed, Thane held the light ball in his hand and smiled.

The azure radiance instantly filled the entire artificial satellite, and all metal objects were immersed in the soft light.

Under this light that was not dazzling, the emotion of the Level 6 robot leader Decepticon came: "Is this freedom?"

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