The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,359 Intelligent Robot

After listening to his subordinates' answers, Colonel Harris leaned his bloated body on the seat behind him with some regret, and waved his hand, indicating that his subordinates could leave.

Originally, the Mihaqi Logistics Base was not an important military base, so it was naturally impossible for there to be too high-tech elite robots to be transported in large quantities from here.

Even if some robots of higher quality and model are sent here from time to time, the number will not be too many.

If there were less, Colonel Harris might be able to think of a way to get a few or a dozen of them.

But the other party was obviously here for a big order, and Colonel Harris and his subordinates were unable to meet the other party's requirements.

After the lieutenant colonel left, Colonel Harris sighed again.

He remembered a gathering of several comrades last year. A young man named Beckett also attended that gathering.

Beckett had been with Harris for a period of time in his early years, but that was a long time ago. Even Harris was not impressed by him. It was Beckett who took the initiative to mention that he was once one of Harris's subordinates. second lieutenant.

The former second lieutenant had grown up enough for Harris to take the title of colonel seriously.

Although the opponent is still one level lower than Harris in terms of military rank, the opponent is now a promising rookie. Like Harris, he has already declined.

"The Mecha Corps... seems to be a special operations corps that has just emerged from the federal military. With my rank, I have never been exposed to this information before."

"Does it take two elite federal soldiers to connect their brains to control a giant mecha weapon?"

"The lowest military rank for a driver is also a genetically enhanced second lieutenant."

"These young people are so energetic and motivated, how could I give up so easily." Harris breathed out, patted his military uniform, and walked out.

Beckett is the leader of a mecha corps. As a colonel, he has more than ten giant mechas with high combat power levels under his command.

This information was accidentally revealed to them by Beckett when he drank too much at the last party.

Of course, it might not be unintentional.

In short, because of this incident, Beckett obviously received a lot of attention in the small circle of Harris and others.

Some old people who have been in the army for a long time can easily associate these giant mechas with the Rose Dynasty civilization that has been destroyed and conquered by the Gallente Federation.

Because the two arms that the Rose Dynasty civilization was most proud of back then were the Mecha Legion and the Minder Legion.

Many federal officers above the general level even personally participated in that civilized war.

But unlike the Rose Dynasty Civilization, the mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization only need to be controlled by one person.

The Gallente Federation actually requires two elite soldiers to control it, probably because of the different evolutionary systems and the nature of civilization.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation did not fully accept the technological absorption of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Taking into account issues such as cost and technological advancement, the army of the Rose Dynasty Civilization will have a large number of first- and second-level mechas as the base combat force.

However, the Gallente Federation has cheaper robot cannon fodder legions, drone equipment, and a wide variety of individual self-defense weapons. Naturally, there is no need for ordinary mechas with only one or two star power levels.

The mecha legions developed by the Gallente Federation generally have combat power levels above level three!

Moreover, the mechas of the Gallente Federation are larger, with a general height of 70 meters.

If you carefully observe the mechas of the Rose Dynasty Civilization and the Gallente Federation, you can see that there are obvious differences in the technological achievements of these two world civilizations.

The Gallente Federation borrowed the main mecha technology from the Rose Dynasty civilization, and supplemented it with many of its own civilization achievements.

In terms of strength at the same level, it is obvious that the mechas developed by the Gallente Federation, as the top civilization, are even more powerful!

"Pris, I think the cooperation value of the Mihaqi F Logistics Base is not as high as the previous suicide drone factory on the Baiyu 2 planet. What do you think?" Jeramy said to his friend in the luxury spaceship.

Since arriving at the Mihaqi Logistics Base, Jeremy felt that his friend seemed to be a bit taciturn.

"Ah...yeah...I think so too." Pris said slowly and stiffly.

If you look closely, you can see that deep in the feathers under Preece's elbows, the skin color is a bit gray.

"Where is our next stop? It seems to be Jason Tower Industries on the planet Punkla. I hope it can bring us some surprises." Jeremy did not pay attention to the slight changes that occurred in Plath and said to himself. .

After a long time, Plath replied: "Yes."

On the outskirts of the Mihaqi F Logistics Base, the two blue-purple flame tails behind the spacecraft flew farther and farther away until they disappeared into the starry sky. Then Thain turned around and approached the base.

In order to deal with the sudden warning crisis in his heart, Thain had to change his plans one after another.

Plath, who left here with Jeremy at this time, is, to be precise, the "walking zombie" controlled by Thain with a corpse and soul magic.

Fortunately, when Thane followed Spider Queen Rose, he dabbled in a lot of knowledge related to the undead system, and also had his own opinions on the field of corpse-refining synthetic beasts, otherwise it would be difficult to escape temporarily.

As for how long the "corpse puppet" can stay hidden, Thain is not very sure.

The sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he just hoped that the corpse puppet could last a little longer, and it would be better to lead the federal investigators deeper.

Based on Thain's previous caution and the many places he has traveled, it stands to reason that it should be able to buy him a lot of time.

After carefully considering that there were no mistakes, Thain finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When arriving at the east side of Mihaqi F Logistics Base, Thain used the shielding function of the Phaseless Mask to converge the power and aura of his own elements, bypassing more than ten monitoring networks on the periphery, and arrived at a place similar to a warehouse.

The Mihaqi Logistics Base was built on the surface of a large meteorite. This meteorite was so large that it almost covered a quarter of a demiplane.

A large number of above-ground or underground warehouses are distributed in every corner of the base.

The warehouse that Thain arrived at this time was inconspicuous among the many warehouses on the surface of this meteorite block, and it was not part of the core area.

After entering the warehouse, Thane flew straight towards the deepest part of the warehouse.

This is a warehouse that seems to have been abandoned for a while. A lot of interstellar dust is attached to various areas of the warehouse. There are about two hundred gray metal robots about two meters in height, neatly arranged in the warehouse.

After arriving at the second-to-last row of the warehouse robot square, Thain took out a crystal ball and examined it for a long time, and finally stood in front of an ordinary robot with an unremarkable appearance.

"I am Thain, a fourth-level magician from the Wizarding Civilization. I was assigned by the Wizarding Alliance to come here to contact the leader of the Decepticon intelligent robot on the planet Cybertron." Thain said in a deep voice, standing in front of this ordinary robot.

There are ten robots in a row. The gray robot in front of Thane really has no distinguishing features.

The only distinctive feature should be the opponent's shoulder, which has a small bullet-sized chip. There is no doubt that this is a "broken" robot with poor production quality.

And all robots in the warehouse are in shutdown state at this time.

It felt a bit weird for Thane to speak to an inanimate and unactivated robot.

But this weirdness didn't last long. After two fingers passed, the robot's mechanical eyes, which were originally in a shutdown state, suddenly emitted two red lights.

"Dear Wizard Civilization Magician Thain, the leader of the Decepticons has been waiting for you for a long time." A steady mechanical voice came, and what the other party said was the lingua franca of the wizarding world.

"There are still 49 monthly tickets to add more chapters~ Do any of you raise your hand? If so, Xiaodou will give you another chapter in the afternoon~"

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