The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,358 Colonel Harris

After leaving the White Feather 2 planet, at the urging of Thain, the group continued to move towards the next investigation target.

In fact, Thain's final destination is already very close at this time.

According to the original plan, after inspecting two more locations, we can arrive at the Mihaqi F logistics base located on the outskirts of the Cybertron star field.

This is also where Decepticons and other intelligent robots can respond to Thane. 🅆

The warning signs in his heart forced Thain to change his plan.

He started to change the sailing route of the spacecraft and set the destination as Mihaqi Logistics Base. He said to Jerami who looked confused: "I suddenly found that going this way can save a lot of distance, and I am very interested in the damaged smart robots sold by the military at that logistics base."

"Really? It does seem to save a little distance."

"But, didn't you tell me before that you wanted to visit many places in the Federation?" Jerami said.

"I've been touring a lot of star fields, and now I want to do more serious things." Thain replied.

Jeremy didn't say much about this. He knew that Thain had always been interested in Gallente Federation robots, including the cooperation projects he had inspected over the years, almost all of which were related to robots and did not involve Battleships, airships or individual weapons manufacturing and other fields.


The general person in charge of the Mikhail Logistics Base is a federal colonel named Harris.

However, it was a young lieutenant colonel from the Munitions Department who actually negotiated business with Thain and others.

The military is undoubtedly a giant in the Gallente Federation.

They have their own companies in the business world, and they also have their own spokespersons in the political world.

In the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, what they will face on the front line will mainly be the forces of the federal military.

However, in this world, if some people develop well, there will naturally be others who are not doing so well.

For example, Colonel Harris of Mihachi F Logistics Base was not living a good life.

Ever since he failed to compete with others for the title of major general 700 years ago, Colonel Harris' bad luck has followed one after another.

Man, no matter where you develop, it is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you lose one step, you will fall behind every step!

The competitor who defeated Colonel Harris was said to have been very successful in recent years.

Not only did he successfully receive the genetic potion enhancement, he also gained the enviable fourth level of life.

As a rising star of the Federation's military region in the surrounding star field, he is highly regarded by military bosses.

On the other hand, Colonel Harris, after changing several positions in succession, is now in embarrassment to guard the logistics base, and it is still an ordinary base that does not attract much attention. Even the usual funds are tight, and Harris The colonel will figure it out on his own.

My opponent, who still doesn't know which fleet he is leading, is traveling across the star sea in high spirits.

Whenever he thought of this incident, Colonel Harris felt a little hateful.

However, the easiest thing to smooth over time is the edges and corners of a person.

Colonel Harris is already quite old.

With the help of the military's genetic medicine, although he still has about a thousand years to live, he should also make some plans for his retirement life.

Including the soldiers under his command, he must also seek some benefits for them.

The Mihaqi Logistics Base does not have its own military-industrial enterprises, and no politician would be bored enough to allocate funds to them.

In addition to daily military expenses, if Colonel Harris wants to live a better life in his later years and make his soldiers support him more, of course he has to think of some "side jobs."

Fortunately, Mihaqi F Logistics Base is the closest to the largest militarized robot production star area in the Federation. Every few months, a large number of produced robots will be transferred to Mihaqi F Logistics Base, and then transferred from here to Mihaqi F Logistics Base. other areas of the federation.

During this transfer process, some robots will inevitably be damaged or the product quality will be substandard.

Which robots are showing wear and tear, and which robots are of substandard quality?

Colonel Harris didn't dare to make big moves that were too blatant, but some small tricks were naturally harmless.

Every few months, the total number of robots transferred from the Mihaqi Logistics Base is counted in the hundreds of thousands.

This is because this base is very small and inconspicuous. Colonel Harris only needs to move his fingers a little with his subordinates and don't look too ugly, and the federal inspectors will turn a blind eye.

This kind of situation not only happens in the Mihaqif Logistics Base, but similar things happen in almost all federal military circles.

As a veteran who started serving in the military after graduating from the Federal Military Academy and has nearly two thousand years of experience, Colonel Harris naturally knows all about it.

The people who came to the base to discuss business this time were said to be members of the Dodge family.

Although Colonel Harris did not come forward personally, he was still relatively concerned about this matter.

The Dodge family has a huge business, which is beyond the imagination of Colonel Harris.

Although he is just an ordinary member of the Dodge family, if the business can be negotiated, it will be a huge income for Colonel Harris.

Harris is still a bit ambitious, or rather, he is unwilling to do so.

A general-level officer is a watershed in the Gallente Federation. This can be regarded as entering the upper echelons of the Gallente Federation's military.

Not to mention general-level officers, school-level officers are not an ordinary position in the Gallente Federation. There are still mostly big-headed soldiers in this world.

The federal military will provide free genetic modification to all those with military rank above the major general level, helping them to have a fourth level of life and enjoy more than ten thousand years.

As for the war fleets or interstellar fortresses commanded by the major generals of the federal military, judging from the level of astral combat power, they can definitely rival creatures of level four or above!

Even relying on the large-scale march of the fleet and the cooperation between different ship types, the overall strength exploded is greater than that of a single level four or above creature!

Colonel Harris has almost reached the end of his career in the military, at least that's what he thinks.

Although the federal military will also provide genetic modification benefits to some high potential senior colonels and even colonel-level beings.

But that would have to be the Special Operations Corps. Colonel Harris didn't think that he, who was guarding the logistics base, would have this opportunity.

Since the military road is unavailable, Harris naturally has to consider methods in other fields.

The cost of level four genetic modification is 100 billion federal dollars... Whenever Colonel Harris thinks of this number, the corner of his mouth can't help but twitch.

Can he save so much money?

When the contact between the lieutenant colonel from the Munitions Department and the Dodge family finally ended, Colonel Harris couldn't wait to call his subordinates to inquire about the situation.

The result of the negotiation was not optimistic. The other party felt that the robot model presented by Colonel Harris and others was too backward, and the asking price was too high.

"That young man from the Dodge family probably just came for inspection and did not immediately express his intention to cooperate with us."

"But I left my contact information with the other party and hinted that the price can be negotiated later." The lieutenant colonel wearing gold-rimmed glasses said as he adjusted his glasses frame.

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