The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,360 The Planet Cybertron

The red beam in the smart robot's pupils glanced up and down at Thain for a long time, then got out of the queue and led Thain towards the back of the warehouse.

Thain has also come into contact with many robots produced by the Gallente Federation during this period. For example, there is an angel-shaped robot lying in his space equipment.

No matter how beautiful and lifelike these robots look, in Thain's eyes, they are more like "dead objects", or tools.

The ordinary robot in front of me has a gray outer metal color. In terms of appearance, it can't even compare with a finger of the female angel robot in Thane's hand.

But the strange thing is that when Thain looked at the female angel robot, he thought it was dead, but when he looked at the gray ordinary robot in front of him, he felt that it was "alive".

It's a really weird sensory experience.

According to the information Thane received from Klopp's master knight, it seems that the senior leaders of the Gallente Federation did not know that some of their robots on the planet Cybertron had "awakened" to wisdom and self-awareness.

It may be that the federal scientists at the experimental bases around the planet Cybertron concealed this information and did not report it for the time being. 🄼🄼

It could also be another reason - there is a highly confidential federal secret research laboratory near the planet Cybertron.

Another hidden mission of Thain's trip is to investigate the Decepticons and other intelligent robots. Why are intelligences born?

Led by the robot in front, Thane entered an underground passage.

The underground passage is dark and long.

This underground passage should not have been dug by the Gallente Federation military, because all the facilities were rudimentary, and Thain did not see anything else in the passage for a while.

Walking all the way to the end of the passage, you should have arrived directly under the meteorite block where the Mirachi F Logistics Base is located. A spaceship about twenty meters square is parked here.

This was an ordinary military reconnaissance airship. The gray robot entered it first, followed closely by Thane.

After entering the airship, I didn't see how the robot controlled it. The airship headed straight in the direction of the planet Cybertron.

Thain originally thought that the Mihaqi Logistics Base would find this airship with a strange route, or encounter other federal patrol ships.

But driving deep into the starry sky, there was nothing unusual. It was obvious that the Decepticons and other intelligent robots were fully prepared.

Thain didn't ask too much about this lower-level gray robot. After entering the airship, Thain closed his eyes and entered a shallow state of meditation.

With a vague sense of crisis, Thain must always keep his condition at its peak.

He did not waste his time thinking about what would happen if he was captured by the Gallente Federation after failing his mission.

Only by thinking with all his heart and mind about how to do it can he complete the task perfectly.


The reconnaissance boat flew very fast, and the Gallente Federation indeed deployed a large number of protection and anti-infiltration means around the Cybertron star field.

If Thain alone relied on his own strength to break into such a military restricted area, it would be fatal. Don't underestimate the foundation of a top-level civilization.

But the strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

With Decepticons and other intelligent robots as support, Thane encountered few surprises along the way.

The Cybertron star field is a medium-sized star field artificially created by the Gallente Federation.

With the planet Cybertron as its core, there are more than three hundred mechanical planets in this star field, which are manufacturing massive robot legions or other military equipment day and night.

However, since it is one of the largest robot production centers in the Gallente Federation, the planet Cybertron naturally mainly focuses on robot production and research and development.

The Federation's warship production centers, planetary fortress production centers, mecha weapon production centers, etc. are in other star fields and are not the main business of the Cybertron star field.

In addition to more than 300 mechanical planets, the Gallente Federation has also deployed many space stations and artificial satellites in this star field.

The main job of this star field is one of the Federation's heavy industrial bases.

Therefore, there are actually not many Federation humans living here, and there is no so-called living planet.

In addition to the many federal fleets and military bases stationed around the Cybertron star field, the main things that exist in the Cybertron star field are robots and a small number of federal scientists.

In a sense, those few federal scientists can be called the parents of all intelligent robots.

Because they created bodies for the robots and inadvertently gave them intelligence and the ability to think for themselves.

Among the robots that have awakened to wisdom, many of them, led by Optimus Prime, have feelings for those federal scientists.

This is also a major difficulty in Thain's mission.

If Thain fails to rebel, there is no need to wait for federal investigators to come to the door. The intelligent robots headed by Optimus Prime may hand him over directly in order to gain recognition and "human rights" from the Gallente Federation.

According to the mission information revealed by Klopp Knight, whether it is the Decepticons or Optimus Prime, their personal combat power has reached a level comparable to that of sixth-level creatures!

I don’t know if there are other robots in the Cybertron Star Territory that are comparable to level six combat power.

But high risk means high reward, and Thain is here anyway.


Led by the gray robot, Thane in the airship did not go straight to the planet Cybertron, but arrived at an artificial satellite in the middle of the Cybertron star field first.

The size of this artificial satellite is only comparable to the Light Prism Fortress in the Wizarding World, maybe even smaller.

When the airship he was riding in docked outside the satellite, a group of more than ten intelligent robots, all over ten meters tall, were already waiting here.

Thain's attention was mainly focused on the silver-black robot standing in the front row of more than ten robots.

This silver-black robot is not the strongest among the robots present, but it faintly exudes domineering power.

Seeing this silver-black robot, Thain couldn't help but think of Leo Tolstoy, the Lord of the Blood Prison, whom he met when he was in Faerûn.

However, the overall power and oppression of the bloody monarch surpassed the silver-black robot in front of him.

The leading feature of this silver-black robot is its metal backbone, which is full of rigidity and strength.

And judging from the feeling, this silver-black robot is more youthful and energetic, and it seems to contain some kind of belief and sense of mission.

As for the bloody monarch, he always had some twilight energy due to age and injuries.

There is no doubt that this silver-black robot is one of Thane's ultimate goals on this trip - a level six robot Decepticon that has awakened the ability to wisdom and self-judgment.

And at this moment, the more than ten robots standing next to it, without exception, have also awakened to extremely high self-wisdom.

Judging from their appearance and vague power oscillations, these more than ten intelligent robots all possess power levels above level four!

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