The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1353 Female Angel Robot

Thain turned around and saw a young man with gray hair.

This is a relatively pure Federation human being. In fact, not all members of the auction site are Federation humans.

In addition to creatures from the Shi'ak Empire like Thane, there are many other creatures of all kinds.

Thain even saw an elemental creature, which was a brown-looking creature similar to an ooze monster.

The creature from the Shi'ak Empire has the shape of a bird's head and a human body. Whether from the perspective of the Gallente Federation or the human aesthetics of the Wizarding World, this creature will not look good.

Therefore, Thain's appearance at this time is also quite worrying.

But the gray-haired young man didn't care about Thain's "ugliness".

He extended his hand to greet Thain very enthusiastically and introduced himself. His name is Jerami Dodge, and he is currently doing some transportation-related business.

Dodge is a rather famous surname in the Gallente Federation.

It is rumored that the Dodge family controls nearly 30% of the long-distance transportation business in the Federation. Among the top 100 chaebols in the Federation, the Dodge Aerospace Transportation Company, ranked 97th, is directly controlled by the Dodge family.

Thain, whose surname is Dodge and is also in the transportation business, has been in the Gallente Federation for a while and easily determined the identity of the other party.

Although the other party did not admit immediately that he was from the more famous Dodge family in the Federation.

Thain believed that the identity of the other party was indeed rich. In addition to the fact that his life energy level was the same as Thain's, which was Level 2. Behind the gray-haired young man, there were two simulated robots standing.

These two robots should be Jerami Dodge's bodyguards. The robots' combat capabilities didn't interest Thain very much, but their appearance...

These turned out to be two robots modeled after angels, one male and one female, and both had a pair of white metal wings!

Thane had seen relevant introductions to the Angel Clan in the library of Sky City. These creatures from the God of Light Clan should have disappeared in the nearby star field.

Since this Dodge has two angel-type robots, it means that the Gallente Federation creatures must have come into contact with and seen the angel race before.

Thain did not hide his astonishment. His eyes mainly looked at the female angel robot.

The creatures of the Shi'ak Empire have bird heads and human bodies, and there are many unmolded feathers and bird biological organ marks on their bodies. From an aesthetic point of view, female angels are very consistent with the aesthetics of the creatures of the Shi'ak Empire.

This kind of behavior of his can be regarded as a normal behavior when meeting a female angel for the first time.

After a long time, Thain "finally" came back to his senses. He looked at Jeremy Dodge apologetically and replied: "It would be great if I could get your help. I will pay you, Mr. Dodge." of."

"Also, are these your guards?" Thain asked, staring at the two angel-shaped robots behind him.

"For friends worth making, there is no need for any reward. Mr. Priss, just call me Jerami."

"Well, they are indeed my escort robots. They are produced by the famous Icarus Zaibatsu in the Federation. This business group specializes in making angel-type robots." Jeramy opened his hand and smiled.

"It seems that Mr. Pris is very interested in my Linda No. 2. I can give it to you." Jeremy said very generously.

To be able to protect Jeremy Dodge, who has a second level of life, the combat effectiveness of that female angel robot is definitely not low, and the cost is even higher.

Coupled with the fact that the other party was so attentive when he first came up, Thain did not think that the other party was here for charity.

"Thank you my friend for your generosity."

"Jerami, do you need my help?"

"Getting something for nothing is not the moral character of us Shi'ak Empire people. We are also happy to help our friends." Thain directly accepted Jeramy's kindness and asked the other party if there was anything he needed to do.

When humans in the Gallente Federation deal with each other, they may be a little more roundabout, but when they come into contact with alien creatures, it is best to be transparent about everything.

Jerami Dodge has also experienced a lot of business cooperation, and has experience in dealing with alien creatures, so he has no discomfort with Thain's directness.

"Haha, my trading and transportation company just developed its business in Golet Province in the Shiak Empire some time ago, but there were some misunderstandings with several local noble families there. I think I need some friends for this conflict. As a mediator.”

"Priss, are you willing to help me with this? I have also found some other friends from the Shi'ak Empire. Priss, you don't need to show up alone, you just need to participate." Jeramy smiled.

The Shi'ak Empire is a large-scale world civilization, but its civilization system is an older imperial system.

Some bad habits of civilization that are unacceptable in the eyes of other civilized creatures are very common in the Shi'ak Empire.

Although there are many empires in the mother plane of the wizard civilization, the wizard civilization itself is more like an "alliance system".

The rules and clauses of all aspects of wizard civilization are built to be fair. Judging from the rules of the Holy Tower and Knights Hall, the Guardian Rules, the Wizards Alliance Rules, etc., the rights and interests of magicians above level 4 and level 1 are equal. of.

In the wizarding world, strong people above level 4 cannot harm the interests of level 1 creatures for no reason.

This kind of civilization system is obviously much more advanced than the Shiak Empire.

The Siak Empire is old-fashioned, pedantic, and extremely clumsy. If other noble members can persuade him on his behalf, it can indeed help Jeramy a lot.

There were not just one or two nobles from the Shi'ak Empire living in the Gallente Federation, and Thane was not the only one he turned to for help.

It was a coincidence that I met Thain at the auction this time.

As for the gift of an angel-type guard robot, it was nothing in Jeremy's eyes. If he could really make a friend like Thain, he would have many ways to earn back more benefits.

Sure enough, Thain saw this and said: "Golet Province? I can come forward and try to help you mediate, but my family is not in Golet Province, so I'm afraid the weight of my words is limited."

"Jerami, if you are willing to adjust your business, I suggest you go to the Deckard Province to develop. My family is there and has a certain weight in that star field."

"If you go there to develop, I will find a way to help you." Thain said.

When Jeremy heard this, the smile on his face became a little thicker, and he nodded and replied: "Okay, if I go to Deika Province to develop business, I will definitely get in touch with you."

After chatting about business matters, the two friends who had just met chatted about personal matters.

"She's so beautiful, Jerami, you just said, which company produced her?" Thain pointed to the female angel robot next to him.

"Icarus Corporation, they are a federal company that specializes in making angel-type robots."

"In addition to domestic robots, they also have in-depth cooperation with the military."

"My guard robot is actually mixed with military technology."

"Now, she is yours, you can give her a new name." Jerami generously pushed the angel robot to Thane and said, and in the process, modified the robot's permissions. .

At this time, Thain's right hand in the shape of a bird's claw directly grabbed the angel robot's chest. While kneading it, he sighed: "It's just like the real thing. You can't tell that this is a robot at all."

"Jerami, do you have a way to buy it? I want to buy a few more." Thain asked with some drooling.

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