The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,354 The Network of Interests

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Thain's behavior at this time was completely consistent with that of a wealthy imperial aristocrat.

The people at the bottom of the Gallente Federation often hate those alien creatures from weak world civilizations, because most Federation humans have an innate sense of superiority and instinctively reject those creatures born from weak and ignorant world civilizations, considering them vulgar.

And he was surprised that many plane worlds in the star realm maintained relatively primitive imperial systems and other feudal systems.

Unlike the people at the bottom, it is the senior federal officials and members of the upper class who have a broader perspective and like to make friends with these indigenous creatures from the lower and ignorant world.

The premise is that the friends they make have great influence in their respective worlds.

The son of an earl is nothing, but with Thain as a stepping stone, Jerami's future business in the Shi'ak Empire will definitely be much better.

In fact, Jeremy is nothing in the huge Dodge family.

The Dodge family ranks 97th among the major chaebols in the federation, but Jeremy Dodge himself is just an ordinary core member of the family.

The level of life is only maintained at the second level under the influence of genetic medicine.

The current leader of the Dodge family is also the second grandfather who has a close relationship with Jeremy. With the help of genetic medicine and life transformation projects, the other party has reached a life level of up to five levels, which is not the same level as Jeremy at all. The presence.

Perhaps only at the level of Jerami's grandfather can he truly guide and change the development process of the Gallente Federation.

Because as far as Jeremy knew, the Dodge family led by his grandfather not only had a large economic base in the Federation, but also had a certain influence in the political and military fields.

For example, the Icarus Consortium, the manufacturer of the angel-shaped robot he gave to Thane, is not among the top 100 companies in the Federation, but with its in-depth cooperation with the military, the Dodge family is trying its best to win over and make good cooperation with them. partner.

If it weren't for the military and federal scientists, level six genetic engineering would not have been completely conquered.

Forcibly transforming to this level requires taking 50% risks, or you need to semi-mechanically transform your body, thereby losing a lot of the fun of being a "human".

Grandpa Jerami's ability is enough to raise his life level to another level.

It can also be seen from this that the Federation’s achievements in the field of genetic engineering are actually not great.

As a top-level civilization, genetic research is not the main direction of the federal power development system.

The power of the Gallente Federation above the Dominator level does not directly create level seven genetic supermen, but other creations - such as fleet groups or fortresses.

Especially after successfully conquering the extremely powerful Rose Dynasty civilization, the Gallente Federation's development in another field of scientific research has achieved revolutionary technological improvements!

For a top-level civilization like the Gallente Federation, any professional terminology is extremely sophisticated.

To be named a "transformative technological improvement" by the Gallente Federation is probably not as simple as a mere fifth or sixth level combat capability.

Rather, it involves the breakthrough development of combat power above level seven.

This may also be a new master-level power method mastered by the Gallente Federation in addition to the original technology.

Being able to bravely go to war with the Wizarding Civilization, and take the Rose Dynasty Civilization at the risk of exposing himself, might have something to do with this technology.

Not long after Thain and Jeramy talked, the administrator of this star field took the initiative to come forward and chat.

As the chief executive of a star field, he directly controls all aspects of several living planets and more than a dozen resource-exploiting planets. However, this middle-aged man from the Gallente Federation with a very prominent forehead does not even have a level of life on the outside. Less than.

Facing Jeremy next to Thain, the federal politician named George behaved very respectfully and politely.

Because the Dodge family represented by Jeremy is one of his biggest supporters, and he is also one of the federal politicians who speaks for the Dodge family. He is able to create a large amount of wealth for the Dodge family every year.

For example, at this charity auction, Jeremy, who was beside Thain, quietly completed nearly 30% of the donation for Mr. George.

In return, when the garbage disposal planet is officially put into operation, the garbage transportation and ship leasing business involved will also be in the hands of the Dodge family.

Don’t underestimate the value of a garbage disposal planet.

This garbage disposal planet has brought Mr. George political prestige and the trust of voters. If nothing else, he can be re-elected based on his past political achievements.

This garbage planet has also created a new business for the Dodge family. This is also Jeremy's contribution to the family. His personal reputation and importance in the family will be improved.

At the same time, the burning of garbage on the garbage disposal planet will bring about other benefits chains, such as the annual production of energy blocks from thermal energy, which is not a small amount. These benefits will be distributed by Mr. George to his other supporters.

All these constitute a huge network of interests.

The lower-class citizens living in this star field have nothing to lose, because with the addition of a garbage disposal planet, their daily lives are much more convenient. George even promised his voters to further improve the ecological environment of the planet under his control. to two levels.

So, who lost in this whole process?

Thane didn't think it was anything before, but the more he got in touch with the Gallente Federation, the more he sighed and realized.

Growth at this level is not an improvement in the level of magic and truth, but a deeper understanding of the federal cognition and the development of civilization in this world.

From a certain perspective, this is also knowledge.

And those Mr. Georges, who clearly have considerable resource scheduling authority, still maintain their life levels below level one. In Thain's view, the other party is "showing off."

Because more than 99% of the citizens of the Gallente Federation are ordinary people.

A lower level of life can bring Mr. George closer to voters.

Not just him, many federal politicians like to do this.

It’s just that few people will investigate. After these politicians leave office, their assets, living environment, and life level will jump several levels in a row!

Maybe it's not that no one is investigating, but that no one dares to investigate.

From this perspective, the evolutionary system of Gallente Federation creatures is fundamentally different from that of the Wizarding World.

Gallente Federation creatures pursue wealth and power.

Wizards and civilized creatures pursue power and truth.

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