The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,352 Upper Class Society

This time entering the territory of the Gallente Federation, Thane no longer needed to rely on an aircraft to move forward in a hurry.

The development of the Gallente Federation in the space field is not necessarily inferior to that of the wizarding civilization.

Wizard civilization often uses long-range magic arrays to complete cross-star teleportation.

The Gallente Federation has developed wormhole technology and space beacon positioning technology.

What Thane borrowed was wormhole technology, because it seemed more like a civilian technology. As long as you paid enough federal coins, you could travel through the wormhole at designated starry sky coordinates.

Space landmark positioning technology is a relatively high-end special method.

Although you can also use it for money, the cost is prohibitively high. 🄼🄲

Space beacon positioning technology enables longer transmission distances, smaller spatial fluctuations, and larger carrying capacity.

This technology, which is suitable for ships, should be the most commonly used method by the Gallente Federation military fleet.

Thane kept records of all this, which was also a way for him to learn more about the Gallente Federation.

As for Thane himself, of course he still takes the shuttle wormhole honestly.

After entering the Gallente Federation, Thane did not go straight to the planet Cybertron as soon as he came up.

That was too eye-catching, and the planet Cybertron was under military control. Let alone second-class citizens, even native citizens of the Federation could not get close to it under normal circumstances.

There are still nearly a hundred years until the time period when the dominant knight Klopp expects Thain to arrive, so there is plenty of time.

This is thanks to the Huya people who gave Thain a ride on the way, otherwise Thain would have been pressed for time.

After arriving in the Federation, Thain first wandered around the Federation seemingly casually.

His external identity is that of the son of a count from the Shi'ak Empire, and his life level is concealed to about level two.

The title of Count is very clever. His status is not high. At least the Gallente Federation should not spend a lot of energy to monitor the situation of tens of thousands of Counts in the Shi'ak Empire in real time, let alone a Count who is not very famous. Younger son.

However, the prosperous environment of the Earl's family allowed Thain to spend a lot of federal coins more reasonably.

For middle-income citizens of the Federation, after a year of hard work, they can only earn a mere one or two hundred federal coins. However, this income is already very high in the eyes of the small and medium-sized civilized creatures within the territory of the Federation.

At least it's not a height that ordinary creatures in those worlds can reach casually.

After entering the Gallente Federation, in addition to the initial exchange of 100,000 federal coins, Thain later exchanged hundreds of thousands more.

The main reason is that Thain frequently takes wormholes to travel to major star fields in the Gallente Federation, which is a lot of money.

Don’t think about the life of the people at the bottom of the federation as beautiful and exaggerated.

Many citizens of the Federation only travel to and from one or two living planets throughout their lives. The role of these low-level humans is to diligently form the bottom layer of the development of Federation society.

Those who can easily travel across planets and star regions must be "rich".

Thain plays the role of a "rich man".

He doesn't even need to take out the currency of the Shi'ak Empire. He can sell it at a high price in the Gallente Federation just by taking out some specimens collected casually in the Shi'ak Empire.

For example, when he arrived at a small star field called the "Ganges Star Field", Thain participated in a charity auction initiated by the regional administrator of this star field.

The auction invitation was not specially obtained by Thain, but appeared on his information bracelet on his own initiative.

The Gallente Federation's exaggerated information processing capabilities allow them to easily filter out who are "high-quality customers."

Thain, who has spent a lot of money in the Federation, has quietly improved his credit and status evaluation levels by several levels, although his identity card is still marked with a "second-class citizen" mark. .

Participating in the auction is also a kind of cover. Thain doesn't think it is a good thing to keep a low profile in the Federation from beginning to end.

It's too low-key, but it stands out.

If he maintains a certain high-profile attitude and finds a way to break into the Federation's upper class society, it will help Thane enter the military-controlled zone where the planet Cybertron is located.

The so-called charity auction is that the chief executive of this star field wants to build another garbage disposal planet in the star field under his control.

In order for him to continue to be elected in the next term, taxpayers' money cannot be spent, so the money of those businessmen can only be spent.

The emergence of another garbage planet naturally serves the Federation humans living in this star field.

That’s why it’s called a “charity auction.”

The auction was already halfway through when Thain arrived.

Thain not only participated in the bidding, he also volunteered to provide an auction item.

The cost of the auction, the tax rate to be borne, and the intermediary commission from the auction will eventually be used as the initial funds for the administrator of this star field to build a garbage planet.

It can be seen that the invited businessmen and dignitaries all admire the performance of the Star Territory Chief Executive.

The auction has not yet ended, and tens of millions of federal coins have been collected for charity.

The construction cost of a garbage disposal planet should be around 200 million federal coins.

In Thane's eyes, it's just a demi-plane dedicated to discharging garbage.

Converted into wizarding world currency, 20,000 magic coins are almost enough to start a project in the demiplane.

The auction item that Thain put up for auction was an oval-shaped colorful stone.

This was dug from a relatively special earth element demiplane when he passed through the Shi'ak Empire star field.

The gravity law of that demiplane is very special, which also results in this stone also having extremely strong gravitational properties. It can be regarded as a gadget that can make him raise his eyelids a little bit among the many specimen materials collected by Thain.

"Chromium ore crystals from the gray dwarf star of the Shi'ak Empire! It also contains a variety of other rare metal elements and has extremely high collection value!" The person in charge of the auction, wearing a black stand-up collar, excitedly introduced to the guests. road.

In the end, the colorful stone that Thain took out, which he thought was extremely ordinary, was sold for a high price of 600,000 federal coins.

This is the reason why high-level life forms will not fare too badly no matter which plane they go to.

Thane can dig out stone specimens directly from the special demiplane with his hands, which requires special ships in the Gallente Federation.

And its origin from the Shi'ak Empire also adds a lot of color to this stone.

"As a noble from the Shi'ak Empire, Mr. Priss, you still only maintain the status of a second-class citizen. It is really degrading."

"I can help you obtain the crystal card of an official citizen of the Federation. I wonder, Lord Priss, if you would mind if I help you with this small favor." When Thain was walking around at the auction site, he was curiously observing the meals provided here. While drinking a cold drink, there was a sudden sound from behind him.

Preece is Thain's current name, and the family behind the name and surname is well documented.

Even Preece is real.

It's just that the unlucky child is now frozen in Thane's storage room as a specimen.

During his years traveling to the Gallente Federation, Thane took some time off and collected many specimens.

What he does is very secretive. With the cover of the Formless Mask and the insight of a fourth-level creature, he has never been discovered.

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