The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1351 Identity Mark

While passing through the Tris civilization, Thain was fortunate enough to see a small federal patrol fleet from a distance.

The Gallente Federation's military management is still very strict.

Thain's aircraft is just an ordinary business and tourist aircraft and cannot get too close to the federal military base.

It is difficult for Thain to accurately judge the specific combat capabilities of this small federal patrol fleet.

Because the fleet does not have a life level, there is no way to intuitively measure the opponent's strength.

And the Gallente Federation fleet, in the war, is more of a complementary whole.

As far as Thain knows, even a small-scale federal fleet will be composed of specialized attack ships, patrol ships, frigates, supply ships, transport ships, flagships, reconnaissance ships, etc.

Different ships have different responsibilities.

On a single ship, perhaps one or two knight magicians can cause great trouble to the other party. 🄼

But if the Gallente Federation fleet is allowed to assemble, and all the ships cooperate with each other and attack and defend in a unified manner, they can even hunt gods.

However, when Thane approached, the Gallente Federation patrol fleet was clearing obstacles in a meteorite belt.

Through two of the ships that erupted with blue particle-type attack power rays, Thain judged that the opponent's power level had reached the level of threatening third-level or even demigod-level creatures.

"This should be the Federation's attack ship..." Thain sighed.

It is just a small patrol fleet, but there are two fleets with outstanding attack power. One can imagine how powerful the other larger fleets of the Federation, or the fleets specialized in guarding the border and responsible for external campaigns, must be. strength?

Just when Thain was feeling emotional, a burst of dazzling red light and noisy sound waves came from directly in front of Thain.

It turned out that the federal patrol fleet also discovered Thain's aircraft. At this time, it issued a warning to ask Thain to leave here quickly to avoid being "accidentally injured" by the blasting process of the meteorite belt.

Thain's aircraft now bears the logo of the Shi'ak Empire, and all the procedures are genuine.

The federal patrol ship that was in working condition did not seem to have any intention of specifically checking on Thain, but just asked him to leave as soon as possible.

When Thain flew the aircraft away, he couldn't help but look back again in the direction of the Federation fleet.

This time, he no longer thought about the offensive power of the federal fleet, but wanted to test the opponent's defensive power.

"How will the opponent's ability to withstand such a ship be like?" Thain looked at the two federal attack ships that were in "working" status.

Because the distance is too far, and the opponent has not turned on its own protective light shield, even if Thane has the Phaseless Mask, it is difficult to directly judge the protective capabilities of this federal attack ship.

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of types of attack ships in the Federation. Even if Thain finds out one of them, it will be difficult to apply this information to other ships.

In addition, on the battlefield, what really provides defense for the fleet group are those frigates that look unremarkable.

These special ships with maximum defense are the key targets that Thain and other wizarding world legions need to get close to before breaking through.


The Tris civilization territory that Thain traveled through was only a small part of his journey.

After passing through the Tris civilization, Thane almost entered the Gallente Federation.

The high-level leaders of the wizarding civilization planned Thain's infiltration route like this, and indeed they had their own intentions.

The many federation-affiliated civilizations in his path blurred Thane's identity to the extreme.

And many of his identities are well documented.

At the same time, the relatively convenient identity transformation among the many affiliated civilizations of the Federation makes Thane doubt that in addition to the Cybertron planet he is about to go to, the wizard civilization may also have special hidden secrets in the Federation affiliated civilizations and within the Federation. strength.

The fact that Thane was able to arrive in the Gallente Federation so smoothly was not only due to him as a level 4 creature, there should be other unknown supporters behind this.

There are some people that even Thain doesn't know.

Since the wizarding civilization would do this, it is conceivable that the Gallente Federation would also carry out similar actions in the hinterland of the wizarding civilization.

No wonder the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization didn't let Thain directly take the inter-star teleportation array to the alliance border, probably to deceive others.

After officially entering the territory of the Gallente Federation, one thing went beyond the situation of several other star civilizations that Thain had passed through before.

Federation law requires that any ship or individual entering the Gallente Federation must be registered and the information submitted to the Federation's central database.

This kind of information registration work is much more rigorous than the several technological civilizations that Thain passed through before, and it also makes Thain a little worried.

Moreover, the background of the top civilization in the Federation makes it difficult for Thane to directly use the skills of a fourth-level creature or the function of the phaseless mask to shield these technological products.

Even if he wants to shield these technological equipment, it would be best to wait until he is about to arrive on the planet Cybertron before considering it.

A pure yellow spar plate about two meters square was inlaid on the diagonal side of the control room of Thane's simple aircraft by federal border workers.

The function of this spar plate is not only to prove the identity of Thane's aircraft. According to federal staff, if there is an accident with Thane's aircraft, they can use the positioning function of the spar plate to dispatch to Thain's location in the shortest possible time. Rescue vessel.

Whether or not what the federal workers said was true, Thain at least appeared to believe it.

It was not only his aircraft that was registered in the warehouse, but also Thane himself.

An identity crystal card and a string of black bracelets are the two standard items for Thane to enter the Gallente Federation.

The identity crystal card represents Thane's origin and identity in federal society.

His official status now is that of a "second-class citizen."

They only have the right to travel and do business within the federal territory, but they do not have the right to vote as provided by the constitution.

The status of a second-class citizen is relatively high, because he clearly shows that he is from the Shi'ak Empire.

Federation citizens are divided into five classes. If an unknown small or micro-plane creature comes to make a living in the Gallente Federation, its situation may not be much better.

The Gallente Federation has done a good job in publicity and beautification, but this is not the place of dreams and wealth that some weak alien creatures see.

The black bracelet meets Thain's basic daily expenses.

The currency of the Gallente Federation has long been divorced from physical objects. This technological civilization adopts virtual currency.

There were approximately 100,000 federal coins stored in Thain's bracelet, which was the wealth he temporarily exchanged at the federal border.

Being able to obtain second-class citizenship relatively easily may have something to do with Thain's considerable wealth.

In the Gallente Federation, the rich are the bosses.

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