The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,348 Parting

After Shuilan Star, Thain hitched a ride with the Huya fleet and passed through several star fields one after another, staying around more than ten planes with complete rules.

Because of the troops from the Shi'ak Empire leading the way, Thane and his team moved forward much faster than before.

The journey that might have taken Thane hundreds of years to complete ended up taking only 22 years.

However, after arriving in a special star field called the "Crimson Sea", Thane knew that it was time to separate from these Huya people.

What you see before your eyes is a special cosmic space of crimson and magnificent color.

In the star realm, there are countless places with special rules, and the crimson space in front of you is one of them.

When traveling through this space, not only the Huya fleet group deliberately slowed down, but also the leading Shi'ak Empire troops slowed down. πŸ„ΌπŸ…†

In fact, there are no dangerous anomalies in this crimson space. It is just a special law environment that forces any fast-moving individual to slow down after entering here.

On the contrary, it moves forward at a steady and slow speed without being disturbed by the surrounding law environment.

In addition, in this special area, it has become extremely difficult to tear apart the space.

After analyzing and reminding the Maskless Person, Thain judged that he was in it, and it would be much more difficult for others to predict him.

As an interstellar traveler, Thane decided to leave here.

Countless astral creatures come to this crimson sea to explore and travel every year. Thain is not conspicuous when he breaks away from the large army here.

Moreover, Thain was not originally a member of the Huya ethnic group, and he did not need to accept employment from the Shi'ak Empire like the Huya people and go to the planned designated star field to stand by.

Thane disturbed only a few people as he departed from the Hu'ar fleet.

Because the King of Huya has to focus on the next employment matter with the Shi'ak Empire, he may have forgotten about Thain.

Arriving at the bottom of the planetary fortress, there were only two people who made a special trip to see Thain off.

The one with long flowing hair is naturally Gamora.

She didn't understand why Thain left, and she didn't understand why Thain didn't accept her love.

The other one has short hair and is dressed very smartly. She is Gamora's sister. Thain has only seen her twice.

Although Gamora is the older sister, she is really not as mature as her younger sister in some aspects.

Even her sister could tell that Thane was not interested in her, but Gamora still looked like she was unwilling to give up.

Thane judged that this might be a sequelae of soul magic.

Although he has released the soul restraint on Gamora, the imprint imprinted on the deepest part of his soul is not so easy to be erased.

Of course, there is another possibility that Gamora has really "fallen in love" with Thane.

Divination from the six-sided treasure box?

Or maybe Thain stepped forward to save her once before?

Emotions are such an elusive thing.

But I'm afraid Gemora wouldn't have thought that when Thain saw her for the first time, he wanted to kill her.

"Let's say goodbye here. I will remember this unforgettable experience, and thank you for giving me a ride." Thain said to the Gemora sisters in front of him.

Compared to her elder sister, Gamora's sister Gamora is more like a tomboy, and her strength and life level are not inferior to Gamora at all.

Facing Thain's words when they parted, Gamora nodded and pulled her sister beside her.

After Gamora calmed down the expression of reluctance and sadness on her face, she gestured to her sister, saying that she had something personal to say to Thain.

Upon seeing this, Gamora rolled her eyes, walked to the other side of the ship as if she didn't care, and had no intention of eavesdropping.

Gamora walked closer to Thane and whispered, "Can you tell me your real name, Bows?"

There was a flash of surprise on Thain's face at this, but he concealed it very well and had the phaseless mask as a cover, so he was not discovered by Gamora.

Just when Thain was curious about how Gamora knew that he was using a pseudonym, the other party took the initiative and said, "I used the six-sided treasure box to divine again. The guidance given by the ancestors is that you are not called this." name."

"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone else about this." Gemora said.

Thain nodded to this and said, "When walking in the star realm, I do have to use some pseudonyms to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"After actual contact, you Huya people are indeed a warm and polite race. I would like to apologize for my previous caution."

"My name is Thain. Thank you for helping me during this time." Thain stretched out his hand and said.

Gemora also stretched out her right hand to hold it with Thain. This was the first physical contact between the two in recent times.

In the star realm, there are many people named Thain.

Moreover, Thain is only transliterated through the language of the Pork people, which is very different from the letters of Thain's name in the real wizarding world.

Telling the other party his name was a rare sign of sincerity from Thain.

In fact, Thain was still very surprised that Gamora could predict that his name was not Boss.

Because creatures above level four have extraordinary life energy levels, it will be exponentially more difficult for lower creatures to perform divination on powerful people above level four.

Not to mention cross-level prophecies, even prophecies of the same level are not easy.

Thain couldn't help but stretched out his hand and inserted it into Gamora's hair.

As expected, Thain saw some signs of withering and yellowing at the roots of the opponent's hair.

It is estimated that Gemora spent a lot of her life trying to divine things related to herself.

Thain's "intimate" approach made Gamora's originally pink face turn a little crimson, just like the surrounding astral space.

Not far away, Gamora happened to catch a glimpse of this scene and couldn't help but cursed lightly.

She used the Huyan dialect, which probably meant calling Thain a scumbag.

She was about to leave, but she still had to flirt with her sister.

Fortunately, during the time the two got together, they did not commit any substantive cheating behavior. Otherwise, Gamora could let Thain go, and their father would not be able to just let the other person leave.

Thain retracted his hand. He had a feeling that Gamora was able to predict that her name was not Bos. In addition to her special bloodline and the sacrifice of her life force, there was also a big reason why she was really with him. Thain has a "destiny".

"Fate" is such a wonderful thing.

Astrologers in the wizarding world have studied the path of destiny for a lifetime, and in summary, it is inextricably linked to "fate".

Because Gamora and Thain are destined, they met in the star realm, and Gamora was able to predict across realms that Thain would not be called Boss.

After thinking about it, he took out a "green bubble" that he had made during this time from his arms, and Than gave it to Gamora in front of him.

This green bubble can grow bigger.

One of the customs of the Pork people is to bathe in bubbles.

After stuffing the green bubble into Gamora's hands, Thane waved to the two Gamora sisters, then stepped into the aircraft and left here.

When Thane looked back in the spaceship, he found that Gamora was still looking at him.

Somehow, Thain obviously didn't dabble too much in astrology, but he always had a hunch that he would meet these sisters again in the future.

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