The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,349 New Understanding

The overall development within the Gallente Federation is quite good.

When the wizarding civilization promotes the Gallente Federation within the Wizarding Alliance, it always vilifies the other party, labeling the Gallente Federation as "evil", "dark", "corrupt", "backward" and so on.

This is a strategic necessity.

But from a realistic perspective, the overall development of the Gallente Federation and the current status of its subordinate civilizations are quite good.

The Gallente Federation places great value on economic development. The overall economic strength of its civilization is really not inferior to that of the wizard civilization.

The wizarding civilization only has more total resources, but in terms of depth of development, it is really not as thorough as the Gallente Federation.

After arriving in the territory of the Gallente Federation, Thane was shocked to discover a situation.

That is, in addition to the Gallente Federation's high level of development of all rule-complete planes and resource demiplanes, this technological civilization can also develop a greater number of broken planes and worthless resources in the star world. Void meteorite, highly developed. 🄼

For the wizard civilization, the broken plane does not contain too many rare metals, and there are no energy veins. Its harsh environment makes it difficult for first-level and lower-level creatures to stay in it for a long time.

If you send out level 1 or above creatures specifically to exploit the limited value of the broken plane, you will lose the watermelon and gain sesame seeds.

Maybe the little profit you get in the end is not enough for the cost you pay!

But the Gallente Federation is different.

The federation's technological system determines the underlying foundation of their civilization, which has lower needs than the wizarding world.

The knights and magicians in the wizarding world look down upon ordinary copper and iron mines.

Even magic apprentices and knight attendants know how to use low-level magic materials to make equipment for themselves, so why would they use ordinary metals that contain almost no elemental power?

However, the Gallente Federation's demand for common metals such as copper and iron far exceeds that of the wizarding civilization.

It can even be said that some of the underlying ships of the Gallente Federation do not need any magic metal, nor any rare materials containing abundant elemental power. They are just ordinary metal elements. After a specific ratio, they can still Build a powerful ship and cannon to conquer the stars!

This is one of the differences between the two top civilizations, observed from the lowest level.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation's planet transformation technology has also reached outrageous levels.

Not only can they transform a demiplane into a livable planet, they can even transform a broken plane with extremely harsh external environment into a living planet suitable for Federation citizens.

Of course, there is no planar will on this kind of living planet.

When Thane arrived at a place called the Munster Star Field, he saw two life planets transformed by the Gallente Federation in this star field.

The introductions you see repeatedly in the literature are always better than witnessing them with your own eyes.

In Thane’s observation, the most important aspect of the Gallente Federation’s technology for transforming living planets is the “artificial plane barrier technology.”

Those so-called "living planets" were formerly demiplanes or broken planes. The main environment of their planets is still harsh and unsuitable for the survival of intelligent creatures.

However, in the habitable zones of these "living planets", layers of isolation energy shields have been artificially created.

These energy shields help the weak lower creatures block the erosion of rays from the stars in the universe, and also help them shield them from the harsh environmental influences from their own plane.

Under the protection of these layers of isolation energy shields, the Gallente Federation has used other complex and diverse technological means to create various ecological environments within it for the life reproduction needs of different species and individuals.

When seeing these living planets, Thain couldn't help but think of the "World Laboratory" project conducted by her mentor Lu Lianman.

The World Laboratory project is actually an artificial creation of a special place for life to survive and reproduce.

Lu Lianman used his world laboratory to cultivate a large number of plant monster legions for consumption in the plane war.

In addition to a large number of plants, some flesh-and-blood animals or elemental creatures were also placed in the world laboratory for observation and cultivation by Lu Lianman.

If Lu Lianman can obtain the full set of living planet transformation technology of the Gallente Federation and integrate the truth involved in it into his own world laboratory project, I think Lu Lianman will develop in this area and usher in great progress. progress.

In addition to having a general understanding of the Federation's life planet, Thane also gained a preliminary understanding of the Gallente Federation's economy as he advanced within the Gallente Federation's territory.

The wizarding civilization harvests the resource wealth within the alliance through magic coins, and the Gallente Federation has also developed its own "federal currency."

In Thain's opinion, the currency value of the Federation Coin is much lower than the Magic Coin in the Wizarding World, and it is a virtual currency.

But within the control territory of the Gallente Federation, this virtual currency is the most solid hard currency.

Just like magic coins, in the Gallente Federation, as long as you have a sufficient number of federal coins, you can achieve any wish you want.

The wizard civilization will earn huge amounts of magic coins from the members of the Wizard Alliance by selling its obsolete model space fortress.

In the same way, the Gallente Federation will also sell second-hand or old models of fortresses and battleships and airships to its vassal civilizations.

In addition, the Gallente Federation has also used its own living planet transformation technology to benefit many of its subordinate civilizations.

For example, the Munster star field that Thane passed through not long ago is not the mainland of the Gallente Federation.

The reason why there are two artificial life planets there is that the indigenous creatures of the Munster Star Territory spent a large amount of federal coins to have the Gallente Federation's specialized construction team and planet transformation company complete it.

Economic supremacy is a major development philosophy of the Gallente Federation.

The wizarding world values ​​the continuous improvement of individual power. Often, the higher the level of life, the higher the right to speak within the wizarding civilization.

But in the Gallente Federation, it's different.

It seems to be about who has more money...

Beings who control more personal wealth have a higher say in the federation.

In the Gallente Federation, there is a saying that the real leader of the federation is not the president and the members of Congress who seem to have a distinguished status.

In fact, it is an industry trust that occupies a monopoly in various fields of the Gallente Federation!

The top 10 corporate chaebols in the federation account for nearly 30% of the federal economic lifeline.

The top 100 companies in the Federation's comprehensive ranking account for more than 70% of all aspects of social production and civilization development in the Gallente Federation.

The real opponents of the wizarding civilization may not be some fixed creatures above the dominance level. These opponents have not been embodied in individuals.

The real war against the wizarding world is actually a series of companies and plutocratic groups in the Gallente Federation.

Because even the president is subject to the financial backers behind him.

This new understanding and novel concept of his opponent gave Thain a sense of perversion.

What a magical star realm.

It actually gave birth to so many special civilizations and powerful planes!

"I still need 6 monthly passes and more updates~ Can any brothers lend a hand?

If so, Xiaodou will update another chapter in the afternoon~"

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