The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,347 Ecological Pressure

Water Orchid Planet, this is a low-level plane where Thain and others take a temporary rest.

The arrival of a large number of fleets and foreign forces has put great pressure on the ecology and environment of Shuilan Star.

Water Orchid is the name given to this low-level plane by the Gallente Federation, and the Shi'ak Empire also used this name.

But in fact, the native creatures of Shuilan Planet prefer to call their home plane "Tianshui World".

This is a marine ecological world dominated by water elements. 🄲

It was also after getting close to this world that Thain discovered that the carrying capacity of this low-level plane was very fragile.

I don’t know if this is an example or a true reflection of all the worlds in the Gallente Federation.

Because according to the Wizarding World's description of the Gallente Federation, the Gallente Federation is indeed a technological civilization that only focuses on self-development but does not care about the life and death of the mother plane.

Those federal creatures are called "worms of the world" by the higher-ups in the wizarding world. From some perspectives, this makes sense.

The main factor that makes the ecological environment of Tianshui World so fragile... Thain looked at the deep drilling wells scattered all over the oceans of Tianshui World.

These drilling wells are like syringe pipes, constantly extracting the essence of the Tianshui world.

Of course, for the Gallente Federation, their statement is to help Shuilan Planet develop their rich reserves of "water minerals" and "other natural gas minerals."

These special gaseous or liquid mineral deposits will eventually be converted into energy materials needed by the federation.

The picture that appeared in front of Thain at this time was pretty good.

Because the Gallente Federation has moved the energy processing links to several demiplanes around Shuilan Star.

In the past, a large number of heavy-duty factories were scattered all over Shuilan Planet, and billowing black smoke and technological waste were directly discharged into the water.

The ecological environment and plane rules of the Tianshui world were severely damaged, which was what happened during that time.

Now many years have passed, including the environment of this plane, which has been deliberately managed, but the weakness and trauma of this low-level plane have still not been completely healed.

If we want to completely calm down... it is estimated that all the pipelines on the sea level will be pulled out, and the Tianshui World will need to rest for nearly ten thousand years.

But this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

Not to mention whether the Gallente Federation is willing or not, at least the Shi'ak Empire, the overlord civilization of Tianshui World, absolutely disagrees!

Because nearly 30% of the profits generated by the Tianshui World flowed into the hands of the Shiak Empire.

They are all in the position of exploiters. In Thain's view, at least the wizarding civilization does not have as much oppression on the original will of the alien plane as the Gallente Federation does when it comes to developing alien planes.

It is true that the Gallente Federation's resource development and utilization rate exceeds that of the wizarding civilization, but their sustainable development is far less than that of the wizarding world.

The entire Tianshui world, as a low-level plane with abundant resources, is no less than the White Sand world that Thain conquered before. It only has one fourth-level creature, and it is an extremely weak early-level fourth-level creature. This is the most real thing. Portrait.

From this point of view, the wizarding world is indeed "just", while the Gallente Federation is "evil".

Of course, in the eyes of those weak world civilizations that are in an exploited and oppressed position, neither the wizard civilization nor the Gallente Federation are "good things."

The boasting of the wizarding world is nothing more than taking fifty steps and laughing at a hundred steps.

They are all exploiters at the top of the food chain!

The laws of the dark forest, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive, are the true portrayal of the star realm. How can so many beautiful visions of great unity and freedom come true?

Those with vested interests will only look at the plates in their hands.

For example, the powerful people in the wizarding world only care about the interests and development of the wizarding world, and how can they show mercy to the life and death of other worlds.

"Boss, why don't you go down and take a look?"

"I haven't encountered a planet with such a beautiful environment for a long time." In the planetary fortress, Gamora ran to Thane's room and pulled him to ask.

After getting along for a period of time, the relationship between the two seemed to be much closer.

At least that's what Gamora thinks.

At that time, Thane was thinking about something, and he was not angry when he was interrupted by Gamora.

Glancing at Shui Lanxing below, Thane shook his head and said, "No, you go and play. I also need to inspect my aircraft."

As Thane arrived in the Shi'ak Empire, the moment of separation between him and Gamora and other Huya people was getting closer and closer.

Perhaps there is no need to wait for the Huya people to arrive at the rest area specially arranged for them by the Shiak Empire. Thain will find a suitable time to leave here on his own.

Continue to carry out his mission.

After hearing Thain's answer, Gamora also froze on the spot, and she also remembered this incident.

Thain was going to leave after all. Faced with this period of time, Gamora's suggestions, either explicit or implicit, of love, were ignored by Thain, or simply excused.

Although based on the aesthetics of humans in the wizarding world, Gamora conforms to the characteristics of a "beautiful woman" except for her different skin color.

But Thain is really not interested in having anything happen to such a woman from another world while performing an extremely important covert infiltration mission.

More importantly, they are likely to face each other on the battlefield in the future.

It is now impossible for Thain to represent the wizard civilization and win over the Huya people, an interstellar mercenary army.

He couldn't even reveal his identity!

It is absolutely forbidden to enter Shuilan Planet, because due to the fragile ecological environment of this low-level plane, once Thain enters it, it is very likely that his identity as a fourth-level creature will be exposed.

This can also be regarded as a shortcoming of Shain's concealment ability brought by Phaseless Mask.

It can confuse the perception of level five or even level six creatures, but there is no good way to detect the origin of a world.

It was also this situation that made Thain think of the secret of his good friend Green's "Cloth of the World" again. The other party's method of applying truth seemed to have a confusing effect on the will of the plane.

After bidding farewell to Gamora, Thane entered the washing room alone. There was a huge bubble suspended in the center.

This is the normal behavior of the Boks in the Qaidah Star Region. Almost every once in a while, the Boks will bathe in bubbles and absorb some of the rare gases in them.

Thane showed the daily behavior and habits of a Poker so well that almost no one doubted his identity.

He was more like a Pork than a Pork.

Oh, by the way, he is not Thane now, but Boss.

After coming out of the washing room, Gamora was still in Thain's bedroom. She was lying on Thain's bed, seemingly asleep, with a very calm expression.

The only awkward point was that Gamora's combat skirt was facing Thain, so that Thain could vaguely feel the scene between her legs.

After quietly paying attention to Gamora for a moment, Thane turned and walked towards the aircraft landing area outside the room.

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