The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,346 Within the Federation’s territory

In addition to the above, the federal envoy also mentioned many war proposals put forward by high-level leaders in the wizarding world during the wizarding alliance conference, and the Gallente Federation has already made corresponding decisions.

Although during the alliance conference at that time, the wizarding civilization had done enough to keep it secret, and also eliminated a number of alien creatures at the conference site.

But there is no such thing as an absolutely solid iron barrel.

At some cost, the Gallente Federation can still get everything it is interested in in the 200 years after the Wizards Alliance Conference ends.

This kind of conference, which is relatively open and has a large number of participants, has always been like this.

It is really difficult to maintain absolute confidentiality.

Not to mention the wizarding civilization, even if the top leaders of the wizarding world want to know about the Gallente Federation's presidential secret meetings and congressional bills, it won't cost much. 🅆🄲

In terms of the difficulty of instigating rebellion, the cost of instigating rebellion is actually far lower for Gallente Federation creatures than for wizarding world creatures.

The Gallente Federation envoy finally left this dark hall with satisfaction.

These federal envoys handed Nevininke an encrypted remote communication device, and they also agreed with Nevininke on a rough time for coordinated war.

These federal envoys did not leave the underworld star field immediately. Instead, they would lurk on the spot and serve as an important medium for communication between the Blood River Commander and the top leaders of the Gallente Federation.

After these federal envoys left, a ferocious and ugly underworld creature with a life level as high as level six and something like a cockroach slowly emerged from the darkness.

"Sir, do we really want to surrender to the Gallente Federation?" This sixth-level underworld creature couldn't help but ask its master again.

The Commander-in-Chief of Blood River was still playing with the remote transmitter in his hand, which was no bigger than his fingernail, and casually replied: "Yes."

The dozen compound eyes on the side of this sixth-level cockroach blinked, and then he said excitedly: "Great! I have long disliked those wizard-civilized creatures."

"Especially the Elf World, why does it get more resources from the Wizards Alliance than us every year?"

"And those creatures in the Titan World, they have always been so arrogant!" the sixth-level cockroach said as he sharpened his sharp claws. It seemed that there were really a lot of complaints about the Wizarding Civilization and the Wizarding Alliance in its belly.

In response, the Commander-in-Chief of Blood River just glanced at the other party and said nothing more.

Best Nebula.

This is a special and beautiful starry sky vortex with a milky white appearance.

The flight speed of the Huya people's fleet is indeed more than that of Thane's individual aircraft.

His aircraft had actually been repaired a long time ago, but with the help of the Hu Ya people, Thane never left the planetary fortress.

The Best Nebula is a border area influenced by the Gallente Federation.

Once he passes through the Best Nebula, it means that Thane has officially entered the power territory of the Gallente Federation.

Of course, it's not that Thane directly arrived in the Gallente Federation's home star territory, but that he arrived in the territory of the Shi'ak Empire, a large world civilization under the Gallente Federation.

The powerful suction force of Star Swirl made the Huyan fleet advance significantly slower.

After finally passing through this nebula, a Shi'ak Empire force was already waiting to greet them.

This was Thane's first personal contact with the Gallente Federation's combat legions, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Although he had seen the Gallente Federation's standard military equipment before in the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield, it was not the Gallente Federation's direct participation in the war after all, and the visual effect was not as intuitive as the one in front of him.

The Shi'ak Empire is a large-scale world civilization that has embarked on an independent cultivation and evolution system.

It is indeed a relatively rare situation for such a world to become a vassal of a technological civilization like the Gallente Federation.

Judging from the appearance, the creatures of the Shi'ak Empire are a special species with the head of a bird and the body of a human body.

Their noses are very pointed, and there are many vestigial feathers on their arms and hindquarters.

Ordinary Shiak people should not be able to fly.

Their main mount is a large bird with colorful wings, with an average wingspan of more than ten meters.

The total number of the Shiak troops who came to greet the Huya people did not exceed 30,000, but they were all elites, and their life levels were generally above level one!

Including their mounts!

In other words, this is actually an elite force with nearly 60,000 first-level and above combat strength. They are called "Colorful Feather Army".

This force alone is enough to cripple these numerous Huyan fleets.

The foundation of a large-scale world civilization can be seen from this.

Seeing the big bird-shaped mounts trained by the soldiers of the Shi'ak Empire, Thane couldn't help but think of the Dragon Rider Legion, the Griffin Legion, the Flying Dragon Legion in the Wizarding World, and the Chimera Legion that he had just come into contact with not long ago.

The strength of these well-known wizarding world legions must be greater than the "Colorful Feather Army" of the Shi'ak Empire in front of them.

No, perhaps the many sub-dragon legions in the wizarding world are on par with them, or even stronger.

But comparing a top civilization with the Shi'ak Empire is obviously a bit inhumane.

Thain judged from a practical point of view that the strength of these Shi'ak Empire legions was already very good.

This Shi'ak Empire legion is waiting here, specially escorting the Huya people across the territory.

The Shi'ak Empire is a vassal of the Gallente Federation, and under this large world civilization, there are many medium and small vassals.

The Caiyu Army escorts the Hu Ya people to the rest area specially prepared for them by the empire to avoid misunderstandings from other planes and worlds in the surrounding star field.

For example, after passing through the Best Nebula, although Thain and others entered the territory of the Shi'ak Empire, to be precise, this area belonged to the nearby medium-sized world - the Velvet Thorn Plane.

In addition to the Velvet Thorn Plane, there are two other low-level worlds distributed around it.

These Huya fleet groups also need to replenish resources in one of the lower worlds.

"Although the social system of the Shi'ak Empire is a relatively ancient imperial system, they are also following a systematic path of self-cultivation and evolution."

"But as a vassal of the Gallente Federation, this large world civilization has been greatly influenced by the Gallente Federation." Thane couldn't help but sigh while looking at the starry sky outside the window.

Those colorful feather troops riding big birds finally entered more than ten large interstellar ships and were on standby.

In addition, Thane also noticed through the Faceless Mask that many first- and second-level Shiak warriors were decorated and equipped with a lot of technological and civilized equipment.

Thain couldn't say whether this combination of technology and training system was good or bad.

In fact, in the wizarding world, although there are emerging magic systems such as mechanics that are more technologically inclined, the overall academic atmosphere of the wizarding world still continues the development of elements and the civilization of magic energy.

Many traditional magicians don't think much of technological creations.

Even Thain, as an alchemist, doesn't look down on technological civilization.

But because he has been helping Yuri tinker with her golems in recent years, Thane is not like other magicians who have too many prejudices against technological products.

There are ten thousand paths in the world, all leading to the same destination.

After being promoted to the fourth level, Thain's focus is not on the appearance of things, but on the pursuit of the secrets of the law.

The so-called scientific and technological civilization and magic energy civilization cannot be derived from the basis of laws.

As long as we are in the same star realm, the same rules apply to everyone.

The Gallente Federation has reached this point. It can only be said that they relied on their own cognition and theoretical foundation to develop like this.

Perhaps the end of science is theology.

The end of theology is also science.

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