The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,345 The Rebellious Boy

"You really dare to contact me, aren't you afraid that I will hand you over to the Wizards Alliance directly?" In the dark giant stone hall, Nevelink looked at a dozen little ants below.

Here, Nevinerink is just a shadow of a clone.

After all, as a dominant creature, Nerwin's every move has received great attention.

And at this moment, he is not the only master-level expert in the underworld star field.

As the wizard alliance armies rushed here one after another, in addition to the commander of Blood River, there were two other master-level powerhouses in the underworld star domain.

One of them is even stronger than Nai Wen Er Yin Ke who holds the Underworld Blue Halberd!

At this juncture, it would be unfavorable to both parties if a private meeting between Nevinrink and the Gallente Federation envoy was revealed.

"Haha, we believe in our own vision, and you, Commander of the Blood River, are not an ignorant person." đź„Ľ

"According to the historical records of our federation, your two brothers, Commander Blood River, Commander Soul River and Commander Bone River, both died directly or indirectly at the hands of the wizarding civilization."

"You won't forget this kind of blood feud, right?"

"In our federation's secret files, you are ranked second and the most powerful person with great potential to win over."

"The Wizards Union's plate is too big, and there are more and more people like you who are dissatisfied with the status quo. We, the Gallente Federation, are willing to give these friends a 'chance'."

"The premise is to destroy the wizarding civilization, this ignorant magical civilization that only knows barbaric demands and constant plunder." The Gallente Federation envoy opened his arms and invited the Blood River Grand Commander Nevin Erink very naturally.

The leader of the special envoy selected by the Gallente Federation is a capable person.

It was a rare situation for him, whose real life level was less than level three, to be so calm and at ease in front of the dominant creature Nerwinerink.

However, it is precisely because the life energy level is generally low that this group of more than ten Gallente Federation envoys can quietly sneak into the military-controlled underworld star field and successfully contact Nevin Erink.

It can be seen that the competition between the two top civilizations started a long time ago and covers all aspects of the field.

The wizard civilization sent Thane to the planet Cybertron to instigate rebellion, and the Gallente Federation also sent people to the underworld star field.

In addition to the intelligent robots such as the Decepticons of Cybertron being attracted by the wizard civilization, it is not known whether there are other worlds in the Federation that are instigated by the wizard civilization to rebel.

In the same way, for the wizarding civilization, in addition to the current underworld star field, there are also other planes and worlds with evil intentions.

"Oh? In the eyes of your Gallente Federation, am I only ranked second in terms of potential and value to win over?"

"Besides me, who else has been attracted by you?" Nevin's narrow blood-red eyes flashed and he couldn't help but ask.

"I'm really sorry, I can't answer this question for you." The federal envoy replied.

"In fact, even I don't know who it is."

"Because I am only responsible for recruiting you, and other departments or personnel will be responsible for instigating rebellion against other members of the Wizarding Civilization."

"Of course, when the Civilization War begins, you will know about another and more people who are on the side of our Gallente Federation."

"The surrounding star fields, hundreds of thousands of plane worlds and life planets, have been oppressed by wizard civilization for too long."

"It's time to change the environment so that all intelligent creatures can grow in an ecological environment of peace and freedom!" the federal envoy continued in a very inflammatory tone.

Nevinink couldn't help but glance at the little thing below, which was less than the height of his toes.

I have to say that this guy is indeed a talent. For a moment, he was really moved.

However, Newerink shook his head in the end and said: "These alone, as well as the conditions you have offered before, are not enough to impress me."

"You must know that the territory occupied and resource volume of the wizard civilization in the surrounding star fields exceeds that of your Gallente Federation."

"In my opinion, the wizarding civilization has a higher chance of winning this civilized war." Newerink said.

Such a calm and methodical analytical ability is completely opposite to the bloodthirsty, violent, impulsive and other character traits that the Blood River Commander has created in the past.

The federal envoy didn't pay attention to Nerwin's answer. He just signaled to the followers around him. More than a dozen Gallente federal envoys urged the mechanical balls in their hands to move towards Nerink in this dark hall. Weinke presented a more complete map of the boundary stars.

In addition to marking the accurate coordinate information of each demiplane, broken plane, complete rule plane and even the void meteorite belt, the star map also describes in detail the specific locations of the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization Legion on both sides of this star field. Distribution location.

This seems to be a medium-sized star field. Although it is not within the underworld star field, it is indeed one of the border star fields between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation!

The fact that the Federation was able to come up with such a star map was really beyond Nerwin's expectations.

Because the Federation has its own internal fleet and military layout plan, how do they know the location of the Wizard Civilization Legion?

Sure enough, just as the federal envoy said, there are not just one or two anti-bone worlds in the Wizards Alliance!

Maybe this kind of rebellion work has penetrated deeply into the wizarding world.

Don't think that the knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizarding world won't rebel!

As long as the benefits are large enough, betraying one's mother plane and civilization is not a big deal.

After all, this world is still made up of people. As long as you are a person, you will have desires and concepts of trade-offs.

Even if the Gallente Federation showed that it had instigated the rebellion of the true spirit-level magicians or master-level knights native to the Wizarding World, Nevelink would not be too surprised.

Of course, this situation is extremely rare and basically impossible.

Even if the wizard civilization does have rebellious knights and magicians, the life level will not be too high. Level five or six is ​​already the limit.

Don’t think too foolishly about the wizarding civilization. Among those ancient true spirit-level beings who have lived for more than hundreds of thousands of years, which one is a simple character?

Just like the weak federal envoy in front of him, because of his low life level, a lot of information about the exchanges between the two top civilizations was obtained from historical documents and encrypted databases.

But for many ancient beings, including Nerink, those things that happened hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago were all things they had personally experienced.

Naturally, the feelings are deeper than others!

"Our Gallente Federation's utilization of resources far exceeds that of the Wizarding Civilization!"

"And in the past 50,000 years, with the development of science and technology, we have reached a scientific and complementary development concept for all cooperative worlds under our command."

"Although our territory of power and the number of resource planets are indeed not as good as the wizard civilization."

"But in terms of war potential, it is not inferior to the wizard civilization!"

"Even the total number of mechanical legions and warships we have prepared to deal with the war has exceeded the total strength of the wizard civilization and its vassals."

"The victory in this civilized war must belong to our Gallente Federation!"

"I hope that Lord Newerink can make the right decision. After all, you are not the only one behind you, but also billions of creatures in the underworld star field." The federal envoy advised affectionately.

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