The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,344 The Rise and Fall of Civilization

In subsequent life observations, Thain once again confirmed his suspicion.

Because as time goes by, more and more Huya ships gather around the planetary fortress.

It has far exceeded the strength of their tribe itself as told by Gemora and Thane.

It was also during this process that Thane sensed more than once that a new level four creature had arrived.

Faced with this situation, Thane could only hide his life breath deeper.

The good news is that those Hu Ya people with poor perception did not realize that Thain, who appeared to be only a late-level third-level creature, was actually a genuine fourth-level creature.

But the bad news is that not long after Thane entered the planetary fortress, he was told that Gamora's father wanted to see him.

In the spacious starship hall with ancient Huyan style, Thane met Gamora's father.

This is a fifth-level creature with dark red skin and a very rough and strong appearance.

Thain found that although the body color of the Hua people was reddish, they highly respected green. Most of the decorations representing the king in the main hall were Milanese bronze products.

This may be why Gamora thought he was "handsome" when she first saw him.

On the contrary, red is a taboo color for Huya people. Except for members of the royal family, other ordinary Huya people cannot use items of this color at all.

Therefore, when he came to meet the King of the Huyans, upon Gamora's suggestion, Thain changed his original red cloak to dark green.

Gamora's father was not interested in Thane's identity. He was just curious about who his daughter had been staying with recently.

It is extremely difficult for creatures above level four to conceive offspring, and the king of the Huyans only has two daughters.

Although his status was extremely noble, the King of the Huyans did not see through the true identity behind Thain's formless mask.

It was also during the process of contact with this fifth-level creature that Thain got a rough idea of ​​the overall strength of this Huyan tribe.

In addition to a fifth-level Huya king, there are six fourth-level creatures among these Huya.

Among these fourth-level creatures, only the old man that Thain met before was from the Gamora tribe.

Several other fourth-level creatures are all similar to "tribe leaders" from other tribes.

They nominally respect Gamora's father as "king", but in fact Gamora's father has limited control over them.

In addition to these major tribes, there are hundreds of smaller tribes that are even weaker and may only have first or second level combat power.

These tribes gathered into a coalition and marched in the direction of the Shiak Empire.

The reason why these Huya people were hired by the Shi'ak Empire was not only because of the high remuneration offered by the other party, but also because of other factors...

"Boss, what is your hometown like?" On this day, when he came to Thain's rest cabin again, Gamora asked sitting on the bedside.

Since he was in someone else's ship fortress at this time, Thain had not started any experimental research recently. He was usually relatively free, and he gradually got used to Gamora's repeated interruptions.

A piece of translucent curved glass is inlaid on the side of Thain's rest cabin, allowing Thain to appreciate the brilliance and boundlessness of the star realm while lying on the bed.

To be able to have such a living environment in the generally poor Huya fortress, Thain is obviously influenced by Gamora.

Looking at the starry sky passing by outside the window, Thain said: "It was a green world, with countless mushrooms growing on the ground, bubbles decorating the sky one after another, and people living on the ground. Lots of platypuses, they’re friends of us Pork people.”

Thain's introduction is about the real situation of the world where the Boks in the Qaida Star Territory live.

He had been there before, but only stayed in that plane for a short time.

In addition to some basic plane information, Thane also talked to Gamora about the customs and customs of the world where the Boks live.

Thane knows so much about the world of Pork people that it can only be said that he is an occupational disease of a magician.

Obviously I only stayed in that plane for a short time, but I collected a lot of information.

Thain's introduction was a bit formulaic and didn't have much new ideas, but Gamora listened very carefully.

After a long time, Gemora suddenly said with emotion: "That's great. I also want to visit your world, the Qaida Star Territory. I wonder if I will have a chance in the future."

As he spoke, Gamora's eyes gradually looked towards the starry sky outside the window, and murmured: "I have only seen our home planet in my father's holographic recorder. It is a world full of red earth, but it is a pity that Occupied by someone else.”

"Father said that our royal family is the sinner of the Huya people, because it was our ancestors who made a mistake in judgment and lost their home planet, which caused the entire Huya ethnic group to leave their homeland."

"Although each tribe still respects our royal family, they are no longer as obedient as they were at the beginning."

"This time when we go to the Shi'ak Empire, my father said that we might participate in a protracted war. After all, the overall strength of the Shi'ak Empire exceeds that of our Huya people in their heyday."

"The Shi'ak Empire can be regarded as a rival. I don't know how powerful the other party can be."

"But we Huya people have to fight again, because the Shi'ak Empire said that after the employment contract is completed, it will help us Huya people regain their home planet." Gemora said.

What Gemora said should be high-level secrets of the Huya clan.

Thain didn't know whether the other party was inspired by this, or whether his own soul magic's subtle effect was too strong, so he actually asked Gamora to tell him all this information.

Thain did not have much interest in the history of the Huya people.

In the star realm, every race and civilization has an extraordinary history.

If you were to write about a civilization, every ethnic group would be the protagonist.

Some civilizations have declined, while others have continued to prosper.

Isn't this a true portrayal of the complexity and brilliance of the star world?

"Where is your home planet?" Thain asked casually.

"I don't know. Only my father and the elders and priests in the clan know."

"Father said that he will not go back easily before he has gained enough strength."

"He wants to regain what his ancestors lost," Gemora said.

When Thain heard this, he just nodded and said nothing more.

With the help of the Huya people's spaceship fleet, Thane continued to approach the Gallente Federation's territory of power.

The Gallente Federation envoy with the same identity has also secretly arrived in the underworld star field.

As the power transfer area between the Wizards Alliance and the Gallente Federation, the Underworld Star Territory has received great attention from both civilizations.

Countless legions and massive resources have been continuously sent to the underworld star field over the years.

At this juncture, in a half-plane deep in the Underworld Star Territory, a group of Gallente Federation envoys met with the supreme being of the Underworld Star Territory - Nevin Erink, the Lord of the Underworld and the Grand Commander of the Blood River.

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