The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,343 Hu Yaren

"Your Highness, you really shouldn't be chasing this flying green toad alone!"

"Something happened, how should I explain it to the king." After arriving in front of the two of them, the fourth-level Huyan old man didn't even look at Thain, whose external life level was only revealed as level three, but looked at the man next to him. Gemora said earnestly.

"What's the matter? Grandpa Jida, don't you still believe in my strength?"

"Let me introduce to you, this is Baos. He was the one who helped me just now."

"Because I accidentally damaged his aircraft, he will be traveling with us for a while," Gemora said.

The fourth-level Huyan old man turned his head and glanced at Thain. He nodded and said nothing more.

"Grandpa Gilda, how is the war in the Green Lollia World going?" Gamora asked while leading Thane towards the spaceship.

"It's basically over. The king ordered the tribal warriors to gradually evacuate from the Luluo World."

"But the Riskman people still have objections to the employment remuneration paid to us." The old man replied casually.

"These stingy and stubborn iron box creatures!" Gemora couldn't help but scolded after hearing this.

The Huyans are quite powerful in the surrounding star field. Judging from the extremely neat size of their legions and the high quality of the underlying warriors, Thain judged that the strength of this interstellar wandering group may have exceeded that of ordinary low-level planes.

Moreover, the Huyans should also have their own permanent rules-complete plane, otherwise the supplementary training of the bottom-level soldiers and the maintenance of battleships and airships would be a big problem.

As for why these Huya people do not pursue long-term development in a corner, but are constantly wandering in the star realm.

Thane is unknown.

It may be due to their inherent tradition, or it may be due to other factors.

All in all, Thain's desire to explore the special race of Huya is not that strong. He just wants to hitch a ride and reach the target star field as soon as possible.

Gamora and other Huya people own a planetary fortress.

To use the words introduced by Gamora, the entire Huya tribe only has this planetary fortress.

This planetary fortress looks a bit old and dilapidated, but its size is no less than that of the space fortress in the wizarding world.

It's hard to judge Thane's specific combat capabilities, but it should be much better than ordinary space battleships.

This planetary fortress was a deposit given to the Huya people by the Shiak Empire 200 years ago.

After they finish the business at hand, they must immediately rush to the Shi'ak Empire to report.

"Do you know why the Shi'ak Empire hires you Huya people?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe it's because of the war. We Huya people are only good at this, and we have always had a good reputation in this industry. Unexpectedly, it has spread to the Shi'ak Empire."

"The specific employment terms were signed by my father and the others. I don't know the details." Gemora answered.

At this time, Thane and Gamora were in the planetary fortress of the Huya.

Thain's aircraft has been taken away for repairs.

With the cover of the Huya people, it would be much safer and more secure than when Thain went to the Gallente Federation alone as a Pork tribe member.

So he just took things as they came.

After arriving at the planetary fortress of the Huyans, the first method that Thain used was the soul magic that he had not used for a long time - Mirachi Soul Detention.

And his first goal is to invite his Gamora.

Of course, Thain cannot completely arrest Gamora's soul, because various signs indicate that she has a father who has reached the fifth level of life.

The Huyans didn't make much achievements in the field of souls, but they had quite a few strange methods, such as the thing that Thain used for divination before, so Thain couldn't do too much.

There is no way to completely arrest Gamora's soul, but it is very easy to make this third-level creature like him.

The main target of Thain's soul magic in recent years has always been Yuli. Judging from the way Yuli is always obedient to him, it can be seen that Thain has made great achievements in this field.

Some confidential or semi-confidential information was all extracted from Gamora by Thane.

And Thain is curious why Gamora is so "enthusiastic" about him.

One day, after a more profound hypnosis influenced Gamora, he learned a fact that made him laugh and cry.

It turns out that not only Thain himself was playing with the six-sided treasure box that has the function of divination, but Gamora also tried it with the six-sided treasure box passed down from the ancestors of the clan not long ago.

Unlike Thane who received a divination result that said he would run into a little trouble.

The result that Gamora got was more detailed and profound, that is, she would be rescued by a "handsome" man, and he would be the love of her life.

Although she already has level three strength, given that the stronger the Huyan bloodline is, the more late she matures, Gamora is still a young girl.

Moreover, within the Huya tribe, except for the high priest, the tribe is generally not allowed to use the six-sided treasure box to explore their destiny.

Gamora did this quietly, so she couldn't tell others about it.

It's obvious that Gamora regards Thane as her prince charming.

His Bok appearance at this time could not be called handsome, but it was more in line with Hu Ya's aesthetics, but the skin color was different.

Thain is a little funny. If he changes his appearance into other non-humanoid creatures, I don't know if Gamora will look at him differently.

However, in the process of talking with Gamora in the planetary fortress, Thain had some guesses about the Huya people's acceptance of employment by the Shi'ak Empire.

With the conclusion of the Wizards Alliance Conference, the Wizarding Civilization is ready to go to war with the Gallente Federation.

It seems that the Gallente Federation has also received the news and united its forces to prepare for this unprecedented battle.

These Huya people accept the employment of the Shi'ak Empire, and there is a high probability that they will have a head-on confrontation with the wizard civilization army in the future.

The Huya people developed in a scattered state in the surrounding star field, with hundreds of tribal groups.

Thain's six-sided treasure box was purchased from a small tribe before.

The Huyan tribe that Gemora belongs to should be the strongest among all the Huyan tribes. After all, they have level five creatures sitting in their ranks, and they also have the honorific title of "King".

In the historical tradition of the Huya people, the word "king" represents not only personal strength, but also some kind of influence and appeal.

The Shi'ak Empire signed an employment contract with Gamora's father, employing not only Gamora's tribe, but possibly all Huya people in the surrounding star regions.

In terms of the strength of the interstellar mercenaries alone, this is not a small force.

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