The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1342: Traveling Together

This pink girl is definitely not an ordinary character among the Huyan people, otherwise there would be no "artifact" around her.

If we kill this little bitch now, Thane will be in trouble.

He didn't want to be endlessly hunted by a group of interstellar mercenaries, and he didn't even want to sit back and watch the pink girl in front of him be seriously injured or die.

With a slight sigh, Thane quickly flew forward.

A beam of purple flames shot out from Thain's fingertips, pointing directly at the bulging belly of the big toad. Thain himself grabbed the pink girl who was still in a daze and at a loss.

"Boom!" A violent explosion occurred quickly, and the surrounding large meteorite belt was forcibly displaced in the shock wave of the explosion.

With Thain's early detonation and Big Toad's self-destruction power being deflected in other directions, he was still confident in his micro-control.

As for Thain himself, he dragged the pink girl to another safe area and then turned around and left.

The violent explosion just now caused Thain's magic robe to make a sound.

Since Thane's image in the eyes of others at this time was that of a green-skinned Pok, so in the pink girl's field of vision, she saw a green-skinned humanoid man who successfully succumbed to the explosion. Save, including the red cloak behind the man, floating against the starry sky background.

The pink girl's eyes suddenly became crazy.

Before Thane could get far away, the pink girl caught up with him and said, "Thank you very much for saving me. Is there anything I can repay?"

Feeling that the person not far away was getting closer and closer, Thane sighed, pointed at his waist and asked, "Is your reward for stabbing me twice more?"

Thain's rhetorical question made the Hua girl's pink cheeks turn even redder.

At the critical moment just now, although the pink girl was a little overwhelmed by the impending self-destruction, after being suddenly grabbed by Thain, she still instinctively waved the lightsaber in her hand and stabbed Thain.

Of course, Thane himself was fine, but the clothes he had transformed with the Formless Mask and the power of the elements suffered.

Even because he didn't want to reveal his strength and identity, Thane deliberately created some green blood around his waist.

"I'm sorry, I will heal you."

"And it seems that your aircraft was accidentally damaged by me. I will compensate!" The pink girl hurriedly added when she saw the aircraft still emitting black smoke not far away.

"No need!" Thain shook his head and continued flying towards his aircraft.

It was unlucky for him to encounter such trouble. Thain just wanted to figure out how long it would take him to repair the aircraft, and how much it would have to accelerate afterward to reach the next target star field on time.

At the same time, "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Amidst the sound of a series of jet engines, dozens of smaller swallow-tail aircraft appeared in the surrounding starry sky.

In addition to these swallow-tailed aircraft, there is also a rectangular white medium-sized spaceship that slowly emerges from the meteorite belt.

Hundreds of Huya warriors wearing special combat uniforms immediately appeared in the starry sky, and they quickly arrived at the pink girl's side.

And through some subtle sounds and mental fluctuations, Thain heard that the other party seemed to call the pink girl "princess."

After ordering the surrounding tribal warriors to process and collect the self-destruction residue of the third-level giant toad, the pink girl persevered and came to Thain, and took the initiative to say, "Your side power unit seems to be broken, let our spacecraft pull it Let’s get yours repaired?”

"Our Huyan planetary fortress is not far away. I really want to repay you for saving me just now." The pink girl said with a sweet smile.

Thain didn't expect this Huyan girl to be so "difficult", and he also didn't expect that the other party had such a good temper and that she admired gratitude so much.

This was different from some of the interstellar groups he had come into contact with before.

However, when Thain arrived in the nearby star field, he already knew that the Hu Ya people had a good reputation in the surrounding star field.

This is a special ethnic group that is extremely dispersed and most of them are linked by tribes and wander in the starry sky.

They accept employment from anyone and do so with integrity.

Although poor, the tribe is still extremely united.

To put it simply, this is an interstellar mercenary army that has eaten its last meal but failed to finish its meal.

It is said that the ancestors of the Huya people were quite glorious, but they have declined in modern times.

No one knows where their home plane is, and no one knows exactly when they wandered into this star field.

In short, starting two thousand years ago, the Hu Ya people began to make a living in the surrounding star fields.

Thain glanced at the Huya warriors around him, then at the white medium-sized spaceship, and then nodded helplessly, "Okay, but I need to go to the Best Nebula in a hurry. I hope you can help me repair it within two weeks. "

"Are you going to the Best Nebula? Are you also going to the Shi'ak Empire?" the pink girl asked in surprise.

The Best Nebula is the last intermediate stop on Thane's trip. Once he passes through the Best Nebula, it means that he will officially enter the territory controlled by the Gallente Federation.

The Gallente Federation is not just a separate individual. Like the Wizarding Civilization, the Gallente Federation, a top-level technological civilization, also has a large number of fans, including many super boys whose strength has reached the level of large-scale world civilizations.

The Shi'ak Empire is a large world civilization under the Gallente Federation.

What's interesting is that this is not a technological civilization, but a world civilization whose development system is dominated by individual cultivation.

Therefore, the war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation is not just a war between magic and technology.

As a member of the battlefield, no one on either side knows exactly what type of enemy they will encounter.

The Shi'ak Empire was indeed one of Thane's goals for this trip. He stared at the pink girl for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

"Great, we Huya people have also received an employment invitation from the Shi'ak Empire, and we will also go to the Shi'ak Empire next."

"Come with us, our ship will definitely move faster than your aircraft!" the pink girl invited Thane.

This time, Thain accepted the invitation while hesitating.

"By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet? My name is Gamora." The pink girl introduced herself.

Thain thought for a while and said, "My name is Baos. I come from the Qaidah Star Territory and am a Pork man."

"Are they Boks? I seem to have heard of them. They are very similar to us Huya people." Gemora echoed as she recalled and thought about it.

Not long after, the white spaceship hatch opened.

Thain's aircraft was pulled by the swallow-tailed aircraft driven by other Huyan soldiers, and moved towards the white spaceship.

An old Huyan man with wrinkled skin floated out of the spaceship and came to Gamora and Thain.

This old man is the level four creature that Thain sensed before.

Although the Huya people are a wandering race in the astral world, their strength is not bad.

In addition to having a relatively complete fleet size, it seems that there are also a lot of creatures above level four.

No wonder he was hired by the large world Shi'ak Empire.

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