The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1341 Pink Girl

What attacked Thain was a swallow-tail aircraft.

This kind of aircraft, which Thain has seen before, is the most commonly used combat aircraft by the Huyan people.

This type of aircraft has many shortcomings, including smaller size, less ammunition capacity, and short sustainable navigation distance. However, its advantages are flexibility in combat and extremely low manufacturing and repair costs.

This Huyan aircraft probably did not come directly to Thain.

It is chasing a third-level creature with two wings on its back in the meteorite belt, and its appearance is somewhat similar to a giant toad.

The side of the aircraft that hit Thain just now can only be said to be accidental damage.

Before entering this star field, Thain had already heard that the Huya people accepted the employment of the Riskman people and participated in the war against the Pothos World.

The wizarding civilization has always launched conquests and invasions against other world civilizations. Sometimes, as an outsider, it is quite interesting to observe the war between the other two civilizations.

Thain also paid attention to the situation at the last interstellar port.

But he quickly put the incident behind him.

The war against the Green Roar World mainly takes place within the plane, and according to the news, the powerful Riskman people are close to winning the war.

The pursuit battle in front of him happened next to Thain. It should be that the big toad with a pair of wings on his back escaped from his home planet.

This swallow-tailed aircraft was specially chased out.

"Isn't this just a little trouble that I've just encountered?" Thain looked dumbfounded as he looked at the blasted hole in the side of the aircraft, with billowing black smoke emerging from it.

Thane's aircraft looks shabby, but it's actually pretty solid.

Including the flank parts that were damaged by the bombing, they can also be repaired with spare parts in the spacecraft.

It's just that the process will be a bit cumbersome and a waste of time.

The thick smoke generated here also attracted the two parties fighting over there.

The big toad was the first to rush over, and an unusually obvious penetrating wound appeared on its white lower abdomen.

Behind it, the swallow-tailed aircraft was in hot pursuit.

Seeing the big toad flying straight towards him, Thain couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He didn't want to get involved in the battle between the two parties, but the big toad obviously regarded himself as a life-saving straw.

Cursing his luck secretly, with the current state of Thain's aircraft, it would be difficult to get rid of these two guys.

Soon, the big toad flew very close to him.

Just when Thain was looking around and considering whether taking action here would attract the attention of others, the situation changed again.

The big toad, which was constantly running away, flew towards Thain, but it turned out to be just a cover.

When the aircraft chased behind it with all its strength, the big toad suddenly looked back and spit out a series of green energy explosion beads from its mouth.

Far more violent and dense explosions than before appeared right in front of the Thane aircraft.

After the explosion, the big toad spit out saliva.

A little tired, it glanced at Thain with its two protruding eyes with malicious eyes.

This Pothos World creature can feed on most organic matter, and it obviously has its eye on Thane's aircraft.

But before it could do anything, a green light flashed from the explosion flames.

I saw a strong figure jumping out from the depths of the flames.

This is a humanoid woman about two meters tall.

Except for the pink skin, his appearance is not much different from that of humans in the wizarding world, and he is extremely young.

This pink girl also has a third level of life. The weapon she uses is a lightsaber shot from her sleeve.

The battle between the two started again.

Although the big toad was seriously injured, it was fighting against the odds, and its overall strength was much higher than that of the pink girl, so it actually had a slight advantage in the ensuing confrontation.

However, the scars on the big toad's body were accumulating.

In addition, this is not a safe place, and other Huya people may soon be chasing them, so it must rely on the power of others.

So this guy approached Thain even faster.

On the other side, Thain didn't want to contact these two guys directly, but the other party's path was unswervingly heading towards him.

The magic wand quietly appeared from Thain's hand, and as a short spell was chanted, several large meteorites in the surrounding starry sky flew straight towards the big toad.

These meteorites seemed to be moving freely and unconsciously, but they firmly blocked the way for the giant toad to fly towards Thane.

With the giant toad's physique, it wouldn't be a problem even if it directly smashed these meteorites and opened up a path, but this time it hit the iron plate firmly.

The gray meteorite block that was originally sparse and ordinary in density was now stronger than fine gold.

When the big toad collided with it, except for letting out a scream, it was unable to move forward at all.

A large stinking blood stain covered the surface of the meteorite.

As soon as Thane offered his hand, the pink girl who caught up took advantage of the situation and inserted the lightsaber in her hand into the big toad's back.

She didn't think clearly for a moment how this big toad could be hit so badly.

But the intermittent moments in the battle did not allow her to think things through so clearly, and she was not willing to miss the opportunity.

A dazzling light soon appeared in the surrounding starry sky, and even the spine of the big toad was dismembered in this dazzling light.

Ho! Unexpectedly, the weapon used by this pink girl, whose life level is only level three, is actually an "artifact", and its grade is not low.

Some fine patterns and a special halo of laws echoed around this lightsaber.

And these patterns are indeed the totem logos of the Hu Ya people.

The spine was severely injured, and the big toad did not die immediately.

Its white belly was seen to swell rapidly in a series of breaths.

A large amount of blood and some chilling grease seeped out quickly from the wounds on the giant toad's body, but the bulging speed of its belly did not slow down.

This guy is going to blow himself up!

The pink girl has great courage, good fighting skills, and a keen sense of smell for catching fighter planes, but she obviously has too little experience.

Facing the big toad that had entered the self-destruction process, he was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

A circle of light red elemental shield immediately appeared in the surrounding starry sky.

Thain's aircraft has already suffered a trauma, and he does not want his car to be damaged twice.

At the same time, Thane's magic wand once again showed a trace of magic fluctuation.

Just when Thain was about to take care of the pink girl, suddenly a dense wave of energy appeared not far away, causing Thain to take back the magic wand he had just taken out.

Someone came over, and there seemed to be a lot of them, and there seemed to be level four creatures among them.

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