The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,340 Under Attack

The Voskel people have good technological capabilities.

Since they are recognized by the surrounding planes as a medium-sized world civilization, the Voskels must have developed space battleships or technological weapons that are comparable to level six creatures.

Thain came here alone on this trip, and he was performing a secret special mission, so if he could keep a low profile, it was best to keep a low profile.

He doesn't want to expose his power. Apart from observing the world's civilization with great interest at a closer distance, Thane is more of a passerby at other times.

"Under the hard and complex metal shell, there is such a weak flesh and blood body. Is this the characteristic of technological civilization?" When replenishing energy for the aircraft in a demiplane of the Voskel star field, Thane asked. Some sighed as they looked at the creatures coming and going under the protective cover in front of them.

The huge isolation ecological protective shield allows the city in front of the demiplane to withstand the erosion of the body from cosmic rays and special particles, so they took off their protective clothing.

The Voskels have indeed achieved great heights in the field of science and technology. Thain has seen the space station they created from a distance, which is a very interesting thing.

But if you peel off the outer shell of technology and fight with only your own strength... the human civilians in the wizarding world may be able to fight ten of them one by one.

Thain had never thought how strong the humans in the wizarding world were before, but when compared with these technologically advanced creatures, they immediately stood out. 🅆

"Okay, your plutonium has been filled up. I have also modified your aircraft's energy converter and other equipment according to your requirements."

"Processing 127 second-level crystals!" A chubby Voskel man with a big belly stretched out his hand to Thain.

Wearing a blue overalls, it also has an unpleasant special smell.

Plutonium is the mainstream energy used by the Voskel civilization. This special energy with a strong radiation factor can meet the needs of short- and medium-range navigation in the star realm.

With 127 secondary energy crystals, the other party obviously regarded Thain as a victim.

Converted into magic coins, this is more than twelve thousand magic coins.

The wizarding world's treatment of alien creatures is not as bad as this guy's.

But Thain had to pay, and he didn't want to get into any trouble.

When you are away from home, anything that can be solved with money is nothing.

The common currencies of the star realm are mainly: energy crystals, biological cores, special metals and souls.

The Voskel Star Territory is a technological civilization. They do not charge souls, or they charge very little, so the main settlement units are the first three.

This fat blue engineer, Voskel, obviously regards Thain as some kind of refugee, or as someone doing special business.

It rubbed its plump hands and reminded with a flattering smile: "Of course, you can also pay with biological cores, and the price will increase by 13%."

The magic coins in Thain's hand could not be spent in star fields such as Voskel, so he threw a pack of biological cores to the fat blue man.

Most of these biological cores are first and second-level biological cores, with a third-level biological core mixed in, and there are traces of blood on them.

"You're supposed to be a smart guy."

"You haven't seen me, and I've never been here."

"If one day I hear some bad news..." Thain said.

"Of course, of course, I understand!" Fatty Lan narrowed his eyes and nodded hurriedly.

It obviously regards Thain as someone who does some kind of dark work, including its repair shop, which is also a "black field". Thain found it after a lot of effort.

After leaving Fatty Blue, Thain continued his journey.

This time, his identity was transformed into a civilized creature from Voskel.

The fat blue man still had professional ethics. After the Wuxiang Mask investigation, Thain did not find any clues in the modified aircraft.

Those who can travel alone in the star realm are ruthless characters.

Fatty Blue couldn't see Thain's life energy level and specific strength, but it also had its own wisdom and life experience.


After leaving the Voskel Star Territory, the road ahead for Thane was an empty, flat and silent star road.

In the star realm, some civilizations are very close to each other, while others are extremely far apart.

In addition, his driving equipment was not up to par. Therefore, Thain spent 95% of the time in the empty starry sky.

Fortunately, Thane had replenished enough energy from the Voskel Star Field this time, and he was not particularly bored.

He had already set up a small experimental bench inside the aircraft. Sometimes, Thain would release Yuri and let her fly the spacecraft, while he would conduct some simple experimental research.

Since leaving the Voskel Star Territory, in the following 86 years, Thane has traveled through seven star territories and come into contact with thirteen civilized worlds. The alien creatures and races he has seen along the way are even more impressive. Countless.

Most of these worlds and races are on the technological side, so much so that Thane can't help but wonder whether the development direction of this civilization is due to the influence of the Gallente Federation.

Because as Thane continued to advance, although his route took an arc, in terms of distance, he was indeed getting closer to the Gallente Federation.

On this day, while driving in a gray dwarf meteorite belt, Thain was playing with the six-sided treasure box he had just obtained from the previous interstellar port.

This is an item he traded from an interstellar wandering race called the Huya people.

There are thirty-six sharp thorns on it, and the treasure box itself can rotate, with countless patterns densely covered in it.

Each thorn will eventually point to a special pattern due to rotation.

When all the patterns are connected, the meaning contained in the whole has guiding and guiding significance for the Huya people.

They, a wandering race, have been guiding themselves through the star realm through the six-sided treasure box of the high priest of the race over the years.

And often it pays off.

Thain spent a little money to get an extra six-sided treasure box from this Huya tribe.

This six-sided treasure box is definitely not as good as the high priest's. To the uninformed, it looks more like an educational toy.

This tradition, including that of the Huya people, has also been made fun of by other interstellar races in other surrounding star fields.

In fact, the Huya people can gain a foothold in the surrounding star field. Their fighting and fierce character is a far greater determining factor than this six-sided treasure box that is always on time and inaccurate.

However, through Thain's observation and research, this six-sided treasure box does have a bit of mystical divination meaning, and the guidance it gives is not completely aimless.

Because he gradually figured out the use of this six-sided treasure box, Thain had nothing to do and did some divination for himself.

"Am I going to run into some trouble in the near future?" Thain looked at the final pattern in surprise, and easily deduced the meaning it represented.

If we talk about Thane's recent troubles, one thing is that it has been more than a hundred years since he left the wizarding world, but his journey to the Gallente Federation is only half completed, or just halfway.

This situation made Thane a little worried that he would not be able to reach the planet Cybertron within the stipulated time.

But there was no way. The route was decided by the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization, including the crappy aircraft he was driving at this time, which was also provided by the alliance.

If he wanted to speed up, Thain could only modify and upgrade his aircraft at the next interstellar port.

Just as he was thinking about something in his mind, suddenly "Boom!" A loud noise came from his side.

Thain was actually attacked!

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