The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,339 The Voskels

After leaving the Bexar star field, Thane did not go alone this time, but blended into the interstellar caravan of the Bexar civilization heading to the Voskel civilization.

Civilizations are not isolated from each other.

The more advanced a civilization is, the more actively it will contact other surrounding world civilizations.

A civilization that rests on its laurels will not develop in the long run.

The world of Ghost Crow used to be very closed, but since joining the Wizards Alliance, Thane has seen that the King of Ghost Crow has been very active.

Its performance brings the most direct reaction to the Ghost Crow Star Territory, which is that it is much more prosperous and lively than before.

The Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation interrupted direct trade with each other thousands or tens of thousands of years ago.

However, the transactions between the two top civilizations and other surrounding world civilizations have not stopped.

Some neutral world civilizations not only communicate with the wizarding world, but also develop trade with the Gallente Federation. 🄳

In view of the fact that these world civilizations are too far away from the control territory of the Wizarding World and to avoid causing other chain reactions, it is difficult for the Wizards Alliance to directly conquer them with legitimate reasons. Therefore, this kind of behavior of stepping on both sides can only be temporary. acquiesce".

The war of civilizations does not mean that you can just start fighting if you don't like someone.

There are so many things involved here.

The situation of fighting life and death today and shaking hands to make peace tomorrow is completely normal in civilized interactions.

Wasn't the Gallente Federation also a loyal strategic partner of the Wizarding Civilization back then?

Now it is also because of the conflict of interests that they have completely turned against each other.


The Bexar civilization's interstellar caravan is very small, and including Thane's aircraft, it only has twenty ships in total.

Thain's aircraft can be considered a medium-sized ship here.

There are other aircraft that are smaller than the one he is driving, only a dozen square meters, and they are completely a single-soldier biopod.

The strongest person in this small interstellar caravan, other than Thane, is a peak demigod-level creature from the Bexar civilization.

In addition to it, there are two other demigod-level individuals in this caravan.

Although crossing the star realm is a privilege for creatures above level four, level four creatures are still in the minority in the star realm.

Some wandering races and wandering civilizations may only have one or two life levels at most, but they still wander around in the star realm. This is all forced by reality.

When Thane entered this interstellar caravan, he caused no waves.

No one knew that he was a level four strongman, including the peak demigod creature who led the team.

Five years later.

Outside the Voskel Star Territory.

A small cosmic storm passed here, becoming the last obstacle for Thane and others to reach the Voskel star field.

Two more small interstellar airships were completely lost in the raging cosmic storm.

Thain just ignored it and did not take action.

Similar to the space fortress of the wizard civilization, there are only a few civilizations that can withstand cosmic storms and even use them as their own energy supplement.

Almost all ships suffered varying degrees of damage in this storm, including the aircraft that Thain was riding.

Compared with when they left five years ago, this small interstellar caravan has reduced its personnel by nearly half.

It was like this without the escort of level four creatures. During this period, the caravan actually encountered a small group of star thieves.

That group of star thieves only had two demigod-level creatures at best, and the ships they used were even more dilapidated.

But what surprised Thain was that this interstellar caravan actually chose to pay a very small price as payment for the passage and did not fight head-on with the opponent.

This is the way for a weak world civilization and a weak social group to survive.

Not all worlds are as powerful and domineering as the wizard civilization.

The survival of the weak and the environment that is closer to the reality of the star world have given Thane a lot of knowledge and understanding.

After arriving in the Voskel star field, Thane and his team no longer need to worry about the trouble caused by star thieves.

The rule of the Voskel Star Territory is relatively clear and fair.

This medium-sized world civilization with good strength will attack the star pirate groups around its own star domain every once in a while.

Including the more prosperous Voskel Star Territory, there are also rare cosmic storms passing through. In the words of the leader of the interstellar caravan, they arrived in the Voskel Star Territory and could finally take a good rest.

The profits from cross-star trade are staggering.

Regardless of the fact that this small interstellar caravan has lost nearly half of its personnel after arriving in the Voskel star field, the personnel lost are all extremely small ships.

With the cargo contained in the remaining ships, as long as the transaction is successfully completed, it will be enough for the remaining people of this interstellar caravan to live happily for more than a hundred years.

The peak demigod creature who led the team seemed to be trying to gather enough resources for him to advance to level four in the future.

So this cross-star trade is not its final journey.

Judging from the trade profits, it would have to go back and forth at least three or four times in order to collect the most basic wealth for its impact on a higher realm.

After arriving in the Voskel star field, Thain separated from the interstellar caravan of the Bexar civilization.

His aircraft still bears the logo of the Bexar Star Domain, but after crossing the Voskel Star Domain, his aircraft label will change again.


The Voskel Star Territory is a purely technological civilization. As a medium-sized world civilization, the Voskels control 136 ecological planets and 267 mineral planets.

"Ecological planet" is the name of the Voskel people for the plane with complete rules, while "mineral planet" generally refers to the resource demiplane with development value.

In the star realm, civilizations on different planes have different perceptions of the star realm.

Some people call the land they are on a "plane", some call it a "world", and some call it a "planet".

There are many nouns including "star realm", such as "universe", "taixu", "endless world" and "bright starry sky". All living things have their own cognition.

In Thane's eyes, the Voskels can be considered a type of humanoid creature.

As the dominant race in this star field, these guys are generally round and fat, with gray skin and a special metal protective suit.

Two short antennae-like antennae appeared above their heads.

When seeing these Voskels, Thane couldn't help but think of the Namekians he saw during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

The Namekians also have two short antennae-like antennae on their foreheads, but their skin is dark green. Although they have developed certain technologies, the Namekians mainly follow the path of passive evolution.

And Namekians are generally thin.

During the Wizards Alliance conference, a level 6 Namekian named Piccolo briefly spoke, and Thain was quite impressed by him.

That was not a simple sixth-level Namekian. Through the data analysis provided by Phaseless Mask, that guy seemed to be a little stronger than the Spider Queen.

It seems to be a sixth-level peak creature.

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