The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,338 Notozer

Traveling through the stars is an extremely boring thing.

Some interstellar scenes may feel novel when you first watch them, but after a long time, they may feel boring.

What's more important is that Thain's trip was not a casual trip based on his preference, but a journey.

In order not to waste time on the way, Thain did almost nothing unnecessary. 🄳

Fifty years later, Thane arrived at the border area controlled by the wizarding civilization.

I don’t know if the higher-ups of the wizard civilization have too strong a sense of confidentiality. When Thain arrived in the border star field during his trip, he not only did not use the long-distance transmission magic arrays deployed by the wizard civilization throughout the home star field.

Including the small aircraft he was riding at this time, the technological secrets used were not magic technology, but seemed to be pure technological products.

After spending fifty years and finally arriving at the border star field of wizard civilization, Thain's first feeling was that he was worried that the aircraft he was riding in was going to fall apart!

This is not alarmist, but this aircraft did have a big problem after fifty years of long voyage.

The vast Wizarding Star Territory cannot be traveled throughout by this small spacecraft.

Although it only sailed a quarter of the wizarding civilization's territory in a straight line, it also brought the aircraft to the edge of scrapping.

Especially thirteen years ago, Thain encountered a meteor shower at the edge of a medium-sized star field, which directly destroyed one-third of the metal frame of the aircraft, including the most critical kinetic energy device, which was also seriously damaged.

Fortunately, in recent years, thanks to Yuli, Thain had also dabbled in a lot of technology and mechanics. He just made some repairs and made the badly damaged aircraft survive until the first stop of his trip.

Bexar Star Territory.

This is a small star field that has a secret relationship with the wizard civilization.

Although he has not officially joined the Wizards Alliance, he is already a solid vassal of the wizard civilization.

Many years ago, the Bone Phosphate Emperor who was recaptured passed through the Bexar Star Territory and was captured by Notoze, a level five creature in the Star Territory, and presented to the Wizarding Civilization.

When the dilapidated aircraft piloted by Thane arrived at a special demiplane in the Bexar star field, the fifth-level creature Notozer was already waiting here.

Thain's route during this trip was based on the mission guidance sent by Knight Klopp.

This fifth-level creature, Notoze, had been waiting here for a long time. He obviously knew Thain's identity and purpose.

"Hello, respected powerful man in the wizarding world, my name is Notoze. Assigned by the Great Wizards Alliance, I will assist you in smuggling to the Voskel civilization." Notoze said respectfully to Thane who stepped out of the aircraft.

The Voskel star field is further away from the wizard civilization, and it is a truly neutral star field with no clear position.

In the star map obtained by Thain, the only introduction to the Voskel Star Territory was that it was a medium-sized world civilization that was completely on the road to technological development and had great potential.

And the Voskel Star Territory is not Thane’s final destination.

Before arriving at the border star fields of the Gallente Federation, Thane had to pass through at least several medium and small star fields that were in a neutral or even hostile state.

The purpose of this is to "whitewash" your identity.

The fourth-level powerhouses in the wizarding world who perform secret special tasks like Thain will also receive a special item to hide their identity before leaving the wizarding world.

Thane didn't get it because he had the Formless Mask and didn't need it.

For example, at this time, the fifth-level creature Notozer couldn't see through Thain's true identity.

After stepping out of the aircraft, Thane, who was wearing a phaseless mask, nodded slightly. He was also observing the fifth-level creature in front of him.

The development path that the Bexar civilization has followed seems to be a system that places equal emphasis on technology and the power of flesh and blood.

The fifth-level creature in front of him was Notoze. Although he was also a member of the flesh-and-blood creatures, his body was covered with special pipes.

A thick metal shell was wrapped around his body. Only a few parts such as his elbows and neck were exposed to the gray skin they deserved.

As for the weapon Notozer used, it was a lightsaber tied to his arm.

At this time, the lightsaber is in an unactivated state, so what is presented to people is just a rectangular "iron box".

Don't underestimate this iron box, it can also be used as a long-range offensive means when necessary.

They are also low-level world civilizations. In terms of development level, the Bexar civilization is more than one step ahead of the Insect World that Thain and others conquered not long ago.

Including the fifth-level creature in front of him, Notoze, who showed his sincerity to the wizard civilization so early, it is expected that the benefits he will get from the wizard alliance will not be less.

After examining the metal pendant on Notoze's body for a while, Thain looked back at his somewhat tattered aircraft, and then asked: "Notoze, right? Can you do me a favor?"

"For example, help me repair this aircraft." Thain asked, pointing to the machine behind him that was about to become a pile of scrap metal.

Notozer paused after hearing this, and then replied: "This is not one of the tasks assigned to me by the Wizards Alliance."

"But... I'm happy to help you solve your problem." Notozer said.

Later, under the leadership of Notozer, Thane crossed the Bexar Star Territory.

During this period, Notozer did not introduce other level four or above creatures in the Bexar Star Region to Thane.

Presumably, Thain came here to perform a secret mission.

The Bexar Star Territory represented by Notozer has secretly entered the arms of the Wizards Alliance. This news is probably unknown to some fourth-level creatures in this Star Territory, so how can they introduce Thain to others in an open and honest manner.

Instead, Thain's aircraft, guided by Notozer, entered an arsenal in a relatively remote place in the Bexar Star Territory.

As a semi-technical civilization, the Bexar civilization also built and deployed many metal satellites inside and outside its home star domain. The one who repaired the Thane aircraft was one of the extraterrestrial satellites with a diameter of about two thousand meters.

I heard that the Gallente Federation's metal satellites were more numerous, larger, and of higher quality. Thain really wanted to see them during this infiltration mission behind enemy lines.

The Nether civilization that Yuri came from can be considered a semi-technical civilization. However, the Nether civilization has developed a golem construction system, but it does not seem to have made much progress in the field of artificial satellites.

This shows that there is a big difference between technological civilization and technological civilization.

Just like the Norman Federation, a loyal supporter of the wizarding civilization, as a member whose strength is comparable to that of a large world civilization, the technology tree of the Norman Federation mainly focuses on "artificial human" technology.

Thain had seen a lot of super artificial beings whose individual strength was comparable to that of creatures above level four during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

Thain stayed in the Belsac Star Territory for a total of two months.

Mainly waiting for the repair work of the aircraft. After all, according to Notozer, the Voskel civilization as his next stop is quite far away.

"I heard that Notozer not long ago captured a fourth-level creature that was at odds with our wizarding civilization, named Emperor Bone Phosphate?" About to leave the Bexar Star Territory, Thain said goodbye to the specially designated person in front of the meteorite belt. Notozer asked.

"Yes, that is indeed the case." Notozer nodded.

It was after escorting the skull Phosphorus Emperor secretly to the wizarding civilization that he received a special task assigned by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization - to pick up Thain and help him complete his smuggling.

"I have a few friends from the wizarding world, let me express my gratitude to you on their behalf." Thain took off the hood of his magic robe and nodded in greeting.

This is one of the common etiquettes used by magicians in the wizarding world.

Upon seeing this, Notozer hurriedly returned the greeting.

"This is what I should do." This fifth-level creature was extremely humble and polite.

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