The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,335 Infiltration Mission

"I plan to take on the secret mission you told me about last time." Within the last time frame agreed by Mane, Thain contacted the other party.

Since this mission had high hopes from a master-level creature, Thain naturally wanted to do it beautifully.

There is no limit to human progress, and Thain also wants to see higher places.

Maybe he can indeed choose a smoother path, just like the fifth-level knight Marcus, who also has the opportunity to reach the sixth level when he is older.

But Thain still wanted to choose a faster and more powerful path.

Because he himself is not a magician who is willing to be indifferent.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't let my grandpa and the others down!"

"As for the specific mission details, I will talk to you in detail later."

"You must also be prepared to leave the wizarding world for a period of time, especially the Holy Tower, and arrange everything that needs to be arranged." Mane said.

"Are you really going to leave wizard civilization for a while?" Thain nodded thoughtfully.

Soon after, Knight Mane came to visit Thain again.

He did not directly interview Thain about the specific mission, but took Thain to the Sky City.

In a large building in the deepest part of the Sky City, Thane met the dominating powerhouse Klopp Knight.

Mane no longer knew where he had retreated to, including the building where Thain was currently in. Thain had never been there before.

The City in the Sky is the political and intellectual center of wizarding civilization, and high-level leaders of the wizarding world have frequently held meetings here in the past.

In the Sky City, there are more than just libraries, library rooms or heavy industry experimental workshops.

Some hidden high-rise buildings or areas full of magic circles have special uses that even Thain doesn't know about.

"Dear Knight Klopp, what mission do you want to assign to me this time?" Thain asked respectfully.

Knight Klopp chuckled and discussed the mission details with Thain.

It turns out that Thane is going deep into the Gallente Federation this time to carry out a mission of instigating rebellion and supporting the enemy behind enemy lines.

Because this matter was too involved, Thain needed to specially arrive at the Sky City to give orders.

The place Thane needs to go to is the planet Cybertron located in the middle of the Gallente Federation.

This is an artificial medium-sized mechanical planet.

Thane had heard long ago that the Gallente Federation had the capability to create an "artificial planet" with a complete ecological chain.

Unexpectedly, he was given a related task directly.

"The planet Cybertron is an important robot production base in the Gallente Federation. On the long border with our wizard civilization, the planet Cybertron and its surrounding dozens of mechanical planets are responsible for the control of the underworld. A quarter of the underlying robot supply at the domain border.”

"Therefore, capturing this mechanical planet is of great significance to our overall strategy."

"Around the planet Cybertron, except for a small number of federal garrison forces, its main core force is divided into three parts."

"Part of it is a mechanical legion led by level six robot Decepticons who have awakened their self-awareness. It is our key target this time. Your mission is to sneak into the planet Cybertron and fight with the leader of this mechanical legion, the Decepticon. ,get in touch."

"The other part is the mechanical legion led by another level 6 robot Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime's prestige and influence are greater than those of the Decepticons. However, according to our observation, the other party still has a high possibility of wooing them. You can then consider at your own discretion whether to contact Optimus Prime."

"The last part of the force is the largest force around the planet Cybertron - the unconscious robot army. This is the largest force and is completely under the orders of the Gallente Federation. You must be careful not to be discovered by them."

"However, according to the news from the Decepticons, if the time is right, it can invade and master some of the chips of the unconscious robot army and use them for its own use."

"Your mission this time is mainly to instigate rebellion against the robot army led by the Decepticons."

"They seem to have reservations about joining our Wizards Alliance, but if they want to completely get rid of the control of the Gallente Federation, they cannot do without our help." Knight Klopp chuckled.

"Besides, there is another hidden mission. You can try to explore it. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed."

"That is to explore whether there is any special laboratory of the Gallente Federation around the planet Cybertron. Why do some robots, including the Decepticons and Optimus Prime, awaken their self-awareness?"

"This sign of robot rebellion in the Gallente Federation has aroused the interest of many magicians in our wizarding world."

"Some people say that this is a strange virus. If it is explored clearly, it may play a great role in the war of civilization."

"Some people also say that if we can discover the secret, we can learn from it and strengthen the soul control of our own slave biological army."

"But I think these are secondary. Your main task is to win over the Decepticons and other robots to join our wizard civilization camp. Don't put the cart before the horse."

"If there is really any shocking secret on the planet Cybertron, the Gallente Federation has already started to deal with it. How can it be our turn to do anything?"

"Compared to the unrealistic fantasy of some true magicians who try to control all the robot legions of the Gallente Federation at once, I think it is safer to hold on to the Decepticons and other robots that are willing to surrender." Klopp He shook his head and said, this sentence also showed his character.

Thain couldn't help but ask at this time, "Am I the only one sent by our wizard civilization to carry out the infiltration mission behind enemy lines this time?"

"Level 5 and above creatures are too eye-catching, and it is difficult to completely avoid the Gallente Federation's blockade radar."

"The people sent on this mission are all level four creatures, and you are not the only one."

"However, due to various considerations, you will not set off at the same time, including the routes you take to sneak into the Gallente Federation. I will not tell you how many others there are and who they are."

"In short, regardless of the order, as long as you can successfully complete the mission and come back alive, the Wizards Alliance will give you the rewards you deserve."

"I heard from Mane that you asked if you could get a golden apple as a reward?"

"If you can successfully complete this task, I can decide to give you a golden apple, or a world-class secret treasure equivalent to a golden apple, as a reward." Knight Klopp said in surprise.

Using golden apples or world-class secret treasures as rewards is enough to show the risks of this infiltration mission and the opportunities that come with it.

Thain was not fascinated by the pie drawn by Knight Klopp. While digesting what Knight Klopp just mentioned, he looked at a blue light ball in his hand.

This light ball is an important mission prop for Thane's trip. Whether the Decepticons and other robots can completely escape the command and control of the Gallente Federation seems to have a deep connection with this light ball.

It allows level six robots to get rid of control instructions from the deepest source of the code.

There is no doubt that this blue ball of light must have been the work of a certain true spirit magician from the wizarding world!

Thane has the Mask of Formlessness as data support, and he cannot see through the nature of this light ball.

This seems to be a light of special laws, which contains many mystical and mechanical mysteries.

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