The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,334 Exchange Student Cooperation

After ending the communication with Rose, Thain tidied up the laboratory and then continued his research.

When Thain felt that not long had passed, he received news that the fourth-level Bone Phosphate Emperor had been captured and brought back alive.

The Wizards Alliance is very fair, including the fifth-level creature Notoze who captured the Bone Phosphate Emperor, which is also very interesting.

In the end, Thain and others spent less than two million magic coins to redeem the living Bone Phosphate Emperor.

This number is far lower than the value of a level four creature, let alone one alive.

Thain couldn't take care of it for the time being, so he notified Angele to receive it.

Thain has no interest in paying attention to what horrors Emperor Gu Phosphorus Yan will face when he returns to the tiger's den.

He only knew that he would get another ball of Bone Phosphorus Yan Emperor's original fire, and he would also get other body parts or high-grade materials from Bone Phosphorus Yan Emperor.

It was also when he received this news that Thain reconsidered the task that Knight Mane had asked him.

Regarding this supposedly high-risk, high-reward secret mission, Thain did not tell anyone else, nor did he seek the opinions of those around him.

You have to take your own path, including the specific development of the future, which is also Thain's own choice.

He couldn't act like a child and ask Lu Lianman if he should take over the task.

How should Lu Lianman respond?

On this day, Thain, who had finished an experiment at hand, did not continue to engage in endless research projects, but took a rare stroll in his holy tower.

The Holy Tower of Ashes is divided into three parts: the upper, middle and lower parts. Currently, the areas open to academy apprentices and registered magicians are only the surface part and part of the underground world.

As for the lowest part of the Holy Tower, up to now, it is mainly the place where Thain usually conducts experimental research.

As the dean of the Holy Tower, Meili also has the power to enter and exit all levels of the Holy Tower, and she can also have her own research room at the bottom of the Holy Tower.

But Meili is a plant magician, and she is not interested in the extremely hot and active fire element environment at the bottom of the Holy Tower.

Most of the time, Meili stayed in her residence or office area on the top floor of her holy tower.

It is another round of recruitment for the new season of Ashes Holy Tower, showing the lively atmosphere it deserves.

The just-concluded World War of Flame Insects not only made the registered magicians of the Holy Tower a lot of money, but also indirectly promoted the rise of the Holy Tower's overall popularity.

Nowadays, there are really not a few alien planes connected to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In addition to the White Sand World and the Yan Chong World, there are several affiliated alien planes obtained in the Yan Chong World. A stable transmission channel was also established in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Those low-level and micro-planes with relatively poor resources have limited appeal to fourth-level spellcasters like Thain.

However, many knights and magicians who have not experienced wars in other planes or have relatively little travel experience are very keen to explore these other worlds.

Rich in dimensional resources, the Holy Tower of Ashes has attracted a group of knights and magicians from outside the Land of Ashes.

Just like Thain traveled around the wizarding world back then, many first- and second-level knight magicians who started their travel journey would also use the Land of Ashes as their halfway point.

The total number of apprentices in the Holy Tower of Ashes has continued to increase steadily over the years.

In the name of the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane funded four medium-sized public magic academies and nine small public academies in the Abarut Empire.

Life at the public magic academy was actually not good.

Although these public schools can receive financial support from the Empire's financial department, the "Magic for All" policy implemented by the Magic Empire costs an astronomical number of magic coins every year. If it is evenly divided, how much magic can each public magic school receive? Coin funds?

Don't blame the public magic academies for being harsh on their graduated apprentices. There are various contracts similar to "sell-out contracts" emerging one after another.

It's really because training apprentices is a money-losing business. If the Wizards Alliance didn't invest a lot of resources into apprentice training every year, it is estimated that even many holy towers would have difficulty persisting.

Thane spent millions of magic coins in the Ebalut Empire. In return, in addition to establishing exchange student cooperation with those imperial public colleges every ten years, he finally got rid of The entanglement of the Inspection Department of the Aibarut Empire.

A large part of the apprentices in Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes are from the Ebalut Empire. Most of them are children who were kidnapped by black magicians and brought to the Land of Ashes.

Considering the long distance between the Land of Ashes and the Ebalut Empire, it may be difficult for these magic apprentices to return to their hometown throughout their lives unless they advance to the first level in the future.

The Holy Tower of Ashes has established long-term student exchange cooperation with many public schools in the Ebalut Empire, which indicates that these apprentices who have been away from home for a long time will have the opportunity to go home and visit.

Therefore, the competition for exchange student places every year is always fierce.

The little ones are all working hard!

It can be regarded as stimulating a healthy competitive environment.

——In fact, before this, the Holy Tower of Ashes relied on various academy rules to make the atmosphere of competition among apprentices here more intense than in other Holy Towers.

Many apprentices from other holy towers may not be able to adapt to the high-pressure learning environment of the Holy Tower of Ashes if they are new here.

Although the pressure of study is so great, as the master of the tower, Thain and the dean Meili are still able to gain a lot of popularity and love among the apprentices.

The harsh environment around the Ashes Holy Tower tells these apprentices that the world is not as beautiful as they imagined. The Ashes Holy Tower gives them a chance to learn, and various welfare policies have not been left behind. They should be grateful to the Holy Tower.

The one who went to the Ebalut Empire to discuss exchange student cooperation was personally led by Dean Meili.

In addition to the friendly and gentle character that Meili has always shown, not only the apprentices, but also most of the formal and above-level magicians in the Holy Tower have a good impression of the dean.

As for the public schools in the Ebalut Empire, they have received magic currency sponsorship ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and they can also establish a long-term cooperative relationship with a "well-known Holy Tower Academy" like the Holy Tower of Ashes. It is really impressive. There is no reason to refuse.

There is even cooperation with the Holy Tower of Ashes as a gimmick, and apprentices from public colleges have the opportunity to go to the Holy Tower to study. The development of those public schools in the empire is better than before!

Looking at the bustling environment of the Holy Tower with people coming and going, Thain lamented that his Holy Tower has developed really well in recent years.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I had done so many gray side jobs in the Land of Ashes and participated in several plane wars with huge rewards, which supported this situation.

Ordinary new Holy Tower Tower Masters, who can come up with so many resources like Thain?

Of course, what Thain did was not charity.

In addition to cultivating more outstanding apprentices and formal magicians for the wizarding civilization, he himself also gained great benefits in the process.

A plane war cannot be sustained by one level four creature alone. There are now more than a thousand registered magicians in Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes. In the future, there will be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even more!

These low-level magicians have not given up their studies and advancement, so how can Thain stop moving forward?

His heart suddenly became more enlightened, and Thain had already made up his mind about the secret mission mentioned by Knight Mane.

"I have started saving manuscripts. I will try my best to update the next three chapters together at noon~"

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